There is truly nothing more magical than seeing the excitement on your children’s faces when they realize Santa Claus and his reindeer will be visiting their house in the morning. There are plenty of ways to get your kids in the jolly Christmas mood and excited to wake up to their presents under the tree, and we’ve come up with some fun and exciting ideas to mix things up for them this year.

Fun Ways To Let The Kids Prep For Santa’s Arrival
Let Them Bake His Cookies
One of the best parts about kids waking up on Christmas morning is seeing them run to Santa’s cookie plate and noticing there have been bites taken from them! Of course, you know how good those cookies tasted, but your kids will think that Santa devoured their cookies in the middle of the night. A fun way to get them ready for this is to let them either help you bake the cookies or let them try to bake them on their own- depending on their age, of course. They will have a ton of fun and feel like they are the ones who left Santa a gift.
Leave A Trail Of “Snow” With Footprints
Whether Santa climbed in through your fireplace or he snuck in the front door, it’s super exciting for kids to wake up in the morning and see (fake) snow tracks with Santa’s footprints left behind in them, with the tracks starting where Santa entered and leading right to the Christmas tree where he left your kids’ gifts. They will think Santa really walked right through their living room to deliver their gifts!
Let The Kids Call Santa
Did you know there is not only a phone number that will allow kids to speak to Santa, but there’s also an app that you can purchase for $1.99 where Santa will deliver a message to your kids; whether it is a message to a naughty or nice kid is your decision! Allowing the kids to “speak to Santa” is an incredible and magical way to keep them believing in the Jolly Mr. Claus for as long as possible. Their faces will light up when they think they’re speaking to Santa himself!