Before the Dive
Speaking of humorous images shot at the most inconvenient time conceivable while participating in water athletics, we have this one right here to share with you. The fact that they are making those looks suggests to us that this photo was taken just before they dove into the sea or something similar to that. We imagine there was gasping for oxygen in that room. The bizarre stances, on the other hand, are something that must have resulted from catching the sportsmen in motion. Make a point of watching every single stance a human makes as they move around, and you’ll be astonished at how many bizarre things you wind up witnessing.

Before The Dive
How Even…?
Wrestling is a bizarre sport in which unusual things happen. However, we are unsure of how a situation such as this could arise in the future. Was this a purely coincidental occurrence? Is this something that was done on purpose for some absolutely irrational reason? Both possibilities appear to be absurd to us. Regardless of the circumstances, you can find both humor and bewilderment in the situation. Whatever these athletes are up to, whether it’s on purpose or not, should at the very least raise a few questions.

How Even…
Doing it Backwards
There are few things that may make you appear as ridiculous as holding a sign the incorrect way. Everyone notices it, everyone notices that you are completely clueless to the fact that you are holding it incorrectly, and you end up looking really ridiculous as a result. In fact, we would argue that the obliviousness of a person in such photographs is the most embarrassing aspect of the entire situation. The fact that they are not even aware that everyone is laughing at them, or that they are completely bewildered as to why everyone is laughing, is adorable.

Doing It Backwards
Hang on Tight
Gymnasts and acrobats may be on par with figure skaters in terms of grace under pressure, yet they make mistakes, just like everyone else on the field. They may make it look easy, but rarely is it genuinely as simple as it appears! It’s true that even the finest gymnasts fall off the balance beam from time to time; it’s only that only a small percentage of them manage to stay on after they go off, which appears to be quite amusing to us laymen.

Hang On Tight
An Appropriate Reaction
Something like this is going to happen someday in a game where the majority of the action is centered around throwing legs and kicking balls. We’re all aware of the bizarre proclivity of soccer players to fabricate injuries, but when something like this occurs, it’s likely that it wasn’t a hoax in the first place. We’re quite sure this was an accident, and we understand that we shouldn’t be laughing at men who are suffering from something like this, but we have to admit that the image is pretty amusing in its simplicity. We just can’t seem to stop ourselves from doing it.

An Appropriate Reaction
Ball to Ball Contact
One of the most vital pieces of equipment in any and all sports is the one that is responsible for keeping a male player’s most prized possessions protected. Why? Of course, there are a variety of reasons behind this. When a ball is sent into the air, it is impossible to predict where it will land. Even the finest pitcher makes mistakes from time to time, and in these cases, it is far preferable to be equipped with the equipment meant to mitigate these blunders! We manage to extract a reasonably amusing image from the situation one way or another.

Ball To Ball Contact
Accidents Happen
This picture is an example of something that appears to be hilarious solely because it appears to be something completely different. We’re going to assume that no one had any intention of punching this poor baseball guy in the face. At the very least, it would be insane if a fan decided to punch a player in the face for no apparent reason. Most likely, this was just an unfortunate mistake that resulted in this player being hit in the face, but either way, it was a very amusing thing for everyone to witness.

Accidents Happen
Right in the Face
Although track running is not a sport that many people consider to be particularly dangerous, accidents do occur on a regular basis. Unfortunately for the athletes, some of those mishaps turn out to be quite amusing as a result. Of course, this is advantageous for us. After all, we end up with this funny photo of an unknown athlete slamming into a hurdle face first, which we can all laugh at. We feel sorry for them, yet we can’t help but chuckle at their expense. At the very least, athletes can erase their embarrassment by improving their performance the next time around.

Right In The Face
Even the best athletes, despite their excellent hand-eye coordination, can drop the ball from time to time. And when that occurs, the ball has a good chance of hitting you in the face. And if it occurs, the athlete is likely to make a pretty amusing expression. No one wants to laugh at someone who has been hit in the face by a volleyball, but keep in mind that pain is always amusing as long as it doesn’t happen to you or your friends.

Dunked On
Basketball involves a great deal of dunking, though the majority of it is physical in nature. Despite this, most of it can be interpreted as allegorical. Things like these are of the metaphorical sort, and we don’t think we need to go into too much detail to explain what we mean by that. We believe that basketball is the sport with the greatest chance of this type of incident occurring because of the amount of jumping that occurs during the game. A really terrible hazard that goes along with the region.

Dunked On
Flat Out
When you consider all of the jumping and running around that athletes have to do, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they get knocked down every now and then. In most cases, such humiliating slips and falls result in some very amusing situations that we can all laugh at. We don’t have a lot of space to laugh, though, because those athletes are frequently performing feats that we could never hope to achieve. Nonetheless, it is acceptable to chuckle at such antics as long as you maintain a respectful attitude toward their ability at the same time.

Flat Out
The Pile Up
Cycling is also rife with humiliating mishaps, which are all too often. In truth, such occurrences can be extremely humiliating, because the majority of them are the result of a single individual’s error. Consider what it would be like to be the cyclist who was involved in the crash that resulted in the pileup you see above! That’s the price one pays for being a step or two ahead of the pack and then making a mistake. If you’re at the back and make this error, no one will realize you’re there. When things go wrong for athletes who are in the spotlight, they are humiliated to a greater extent.

The Pile Up
The Epitome of Grace
Figure skaters are considered to be the most graceful athletes in the world when compared to the majority of other sports. If anything, when they make a dumb error, it makes it much more humiliating. Unfortunately, even professional figure skaters are subjected to these types of situations from time to time. The cause of this incident is unclear; it’s possible that the figure skater just lost control and couldn’t stop themselves. Whatever the case, we’re sure they had a difficult time getting over it.

The Epitome Of Grace
New Moves
Figure skaters are considered to be the most graceful athletes in the world when compared to the majority of other sports. If anything, when they make a dumb error, it makes it much more humiliating. Unfortunately, even professional figure skaters are subjected to these types of situations from time to time. The cause of this incident is unclear; it’s possible that the figure skater just lost control and couldn’t stop themselves. Whatever the case, we’re sure they had a difficult time getting over it.

New Moves
Get Out of the Way!
Falling down when jogging on the track is never a good thing, but the location of your fall can have a significant impact on how severe it is. It’s similar to the cycling analogy we discussed earlier: falling in the rear isn’t so bad, but falling in the lead is a recipe for disaster! This poor track runner seems to have flopped directly in front of a throng of runners behind her, which seems like a dangerous position. Also, it’s kind of hilarious, but it’s not good. We can only hope that all of those athletes were able to leap over her or that she rolled out of the way rather fast.

Get Out Of The Way!
Someone Call an Ambulance!
You know, there’s something a little disconcerting about the notion that individuals can find amusement in the misery of other people. When you see something that appears to be really dangerous, you chuckle instead of becoming concerned. Although this is acceptable provided that the person you’re laughing at is in fact okay, right? Despite the fact that this athlete appeared to have flopped on the ice, he was in fact perfectly healthy and well after the incident. So we can all laugh at her tremendous misfortune because we’re all evil people, and that’s okay with us. Hooray!

Someone Call An Ambulance!
What Even Happened Here?
To be completely honest, we have no idea what is going on in this picture. According to what we’ve heard, it’s just one of those situations where you happen to snap a picture of someone at an inconvenient time. You’d be astonished at how many ridiculous expressions individuals unintentionally make while going about their daily lives. In fact, many people create really amusing looks when they are exerting significant effort, which means that many athletes also make amusing faces during competition. Even they can have a good laugh at things like these, don’t they?

What Even Happened Here
Not How To Play the Game
Despite the exceptional agility of professional sportsmen, the ball will occasionally find its way into areas that were not intended. And, on occasion, those unintentional poses result in photographs that are really amusing to look at. Having said that, the guy on the left doesn’t appear to be in a good mood. On top of that, he appears to be directing that basketball directly at a really sensitive area, so it’s no surprise that he’s upset. Well, his misery serves as our source of amusement, and that’s all that matters.

Not How To Play The Game
Isn’t it amazing that something like this doesn’t happen more often considering how much this guy has to crouch during a baseball game? The real question is whether or not they would truly pause a match merely to allow him to change his clothes. Or would they be able to find someone to take his place? Any athlete in this position would be embarrassed in any situation, but it would be worse because everyone’s attention is already focused on him, and it’s not like anyone could have missed him!!

Boom, Headshot!
The most unpleasant aspect of this photograph is that it clearly shows that this unfortunate individual attempted to kick the ball. We’re just not sure if he kicked it completely into his own face or if he accidentally kicked it into himself. Perhaps the intrigue adds to the comedy’s overall effect. It’s amazing how far the nose can bend without actually breaking or damaging anything, to digress a little. The fact that that guy’s face looks like that in this photograph is a mystery, but he will most likely be alright in the end.

Boom, Headshot!
The “Oh Crap” Reaction
With regard to baseballs hitting people in the face, it’s amazing how quick the human reaction time is: even when a baseball is flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, athletes have enough time to create ridiculous faces like this. Unfortunately, there is usually not enough time to get out of the way before things get out of hand. Despite the fact that getting hit in the face by a baseball at high speed is quite painful, we feel a little awful about laughing at this joke. After all, insensitivity is a critical component in getting a laugh out of certain situations.

The “Oh Crap” Reaction
Ninjas at Play
Despite the fact that no one is in danger, this is one of the few photographs we have that is truly amusing. In truth, we’re not sure what triggered the creation of this highly bizarre and amusing image. Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Is it expected that you perform sick ninja kicks in this sport? Or are they simply letting their imaginations run wild because they can? In one way or another, these two athletes were caught in a photograph doing something quite bizarre.

Ninjas At Play
Give Me That Ball!
Sports in which competitors are likely to come into physical touch with one another always result in some bizarre and amusing photographs being taken. The majority of them are unintentional, however, there are a significant number of athletes who engage in physical contact with other players on purpose. Having said that, we’re a little perplexed as to what the point of pinching your opponent’s face in the middle of a game would be. Perhaps he is simply dissatisfied with the fact that he does not have the ball, but is this the most effective method of obtaining it? Is there a legal method to do it?

Give Me That Ball!
Probably Not The Desired Result
When athletes go about their business, there is always a specific end result in mind. However, it’s anyone’s guess whether or not that final outcome will truly occur, or whether you’ll be engulfed in a blaze of sad but funny glory instead. You’re probably able to guess which one this is. After all, we assume he had struck his head on the bar and are hoping for the best for him. Whatever the case, it’s possible that he didn’t actually hit it in a horrible way and that this image is simply deceiving. It’s amusing, but it’s also deceiving.

Probably Not The Desired Result
Cleaning the Ice
Typically, in figure skating, it is the male who lifts the female, simply because of their physical strength, which makes it a less difficult possibility for them. Of course, this does not imply that things always go in this manner. This does happen from time to time. We truly believe that this photograph was taken during a fancy move and that no calamity occurred as a result of this photograph. Nonetheless, it appears as though the woman is pilingriving this unfortunate gentleman into the ice, or that she is attempting to wipe it with his hair. And, you know, that’s a really amusing concept to have.

Cleaning The Ice
Hit Them With Your Best Look
When you are intensely engaged in your sport, it might be easy to lose control of your facial expressions. This tennis player was so preoccupied with hitting the ball that she failed to notice that her strain and stress were clearly visible on her face while she competed. Her gritted teeth and wrinkled brows were on full display as she attempted to strike the ball with as much force as possible. While this may not be her most attractive appearance, we’re confident that her athletic ability was of greater significance to her followers.

Hit Them With Your Best Look
Do You Smell That?
Developing a less-than-pleasant body odor can occur after engaging in strenuous physical activity for an extended period of time, whether it be sports or another extreme activity. Despite the fact that sweat is commonly blamed for body odor, it is actually bacteria on our skin that is responsible for the stink. The acids contained in perspiration are broken down by bacteria, which results in the production of a strong and often unpleasant stench. It appears like this basketball player is asking the other player to check that his deodorant is still effective in this photograph.

Do You Smell That
There’s always the possibility that an opponent or even a teammate will mistake you for the ball when you’re a professional soccer player. Taking advantage of the correct timing, this photograph portrays a soccer player facing the fury of his opponent. In this photograph, it appears as though the player attempting to bump the ball with his chest was able to capture the action while the other player attempted to kick the ball simultaneously. We feel sorry for the player in the dark blue shirt, regardless of the outcome. This appears to be quite uncomfortable!

Rough Rugby Players
Typically, when most people think of pantsing or depantsing, they envision a school bully or a silly prank gone horribly wrong. This rugby player made the decision to take this old-school move from the schoolyard to the rugby field. As a result, what happened? A comical photo of a rugby player who is on the verge of ripping his shorts off. Despite the fact that we aren’t experts on the rules of rugby, we believe that tugging someone’s shorts down is inappropriate. Perhaps these players will consider wearing two pairs of shorts to future games in order to conserve energy.

Rough Rugby Players
Simone Biles may be the most decorated female gymnast in the history of the United States, but she’s also capable of capturing some less-than-flattering images of herself. A gymnastics move known as the twisting Yurchenko vault is depicted in this shot, which shows Biles twirling in the air. When the gymnast performs her gravity-defying maneuver, it appears as though she has been launched from a cannon. While the risky technique had the crowd and judges on the edge of their seats, it appears like Biles was just as terrified as everyone else.

Snoozing Instead of Splashing
In many circles, water polo is considered to be one of the most challenging sports on the planet. Players must keep themselves afloat while attempting to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goal as often as possible. Players can become physically weary after participating in this physically demanding game, as demonstrated by the player in the photo. He appears to be ready to hit the hay, not the ball, as the saying goes. We can’t say that we blame him after all of that floundering!

Snoozing Instead Of Splashing
Famous Wedgies
Rafael Nadal, a professional tennis player from Spain, is well-known for his excellent serving abilities on the court. He is, however, well-known for another on-court activity: selecting his wedgies (also known as wedgie picking). Nadal is known to constantly alter his underwear and shorts in between games, regardless of who’s watching. The tennis player’s wedgie plucking even prompted GQ magazine to inquire as to why he must alter his grip so regularly. “I am unable to change,” Nadal responded.

Famous Wedgies
Peculiar Ping-Pong Faces
Despite the fact that many people perceive ping-pong or table tennis to be a nice recreational activity, it is actually a competitive sport. In reality, table tennis was formally recognized as an Olympic sport in 1988 by the International Olympic Committee. When played in a competitive setting, ping-pong is a fast-paced sport that needs the player to keep his or her attention on both the ball and the movements of the opponent. It is most likely this intense level of concentration that resulted in this amusing expression on the face of a competitive ping-pong player.

Peculiar Ping Pong Faces
Heavy Lifting
Most people are startled to learn that North Korea is home to some of the world’s most gifted Olympic weightlifters, who compete in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Rim Jong-sim is a South Korean athlete who has achieved considerable success. During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, she won the gold medal in the women’s 69-kilogram weight category, which she brought home with her. Given the fact that Jong-sim was holding approximately 152 pounds above her head, it’s no surprise that she produced this amusing expression. She even noticed that her hair was standing up because of the sheer force of raising this enormous weight!

Heavy Lifting
New Party Tricks
Hockey players aren’t exactly recognized for having beautiful smiles, and this is especially true of their opponents. The use of a mouth guard or other kind of facial protection is optional for some players, but many simply accept that broken or lost teeth are an unavoidable aspect of the game. Rogue pucks, collisions with aggressive players, and ill-fated exchanges with hockey sticks are all too regular occurrences in this sport, and tooth injuries is no exception. Fortunately, this hockey player has transformed his injuries into a unique and entertaining party act for his friends.

New Party Tricks
Move it or Lose It!
Some games, such as basketball, are not for those who are easily intimidated. During these intense games, it is possible for participants to get physically aggressive with one another. Allisha Gray, an American basketball player competing in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, had no qualms about pushing her Japanese opponent out of the way during this especially intense contest. While some may consider Gray’s actions to be aggressive, they were important in the United States capturing the victory in the basketball game versus Japan.

Move It Or Lose It!
Shall We Dance?
While wrestlers are known for their toughness, this photograph demonstrates that they can also have a more sensitive side to their personalities. The majority of wrestling matches begin with the two contestants facing each other while they are still on their feet. When the referee blows his whistle and says “wrestle,” the two wrestlers fall to the ground and begin their match on the mat. This brilliantly timed photograph captures these two wrestlers, who appear to be preparing to dance the waltz rather than engage in a brutal full-contact sport, in the act of wrestling.

Shall We Dance
Blinded by the Dress
Choosing the appropriate outfit for an Olympic event can be a challenging task. Even after you’ve chosen the perfect clothing, your decision in fashion may result in an unanticipated fashion crisis. She believed that wearing this emerald gown would dazzle the judges and complement her graceful glides on ice would be a winning combination. Unfortunately, during one of their performances, the flowing fabric of her dress ended up concealing her partner’s face, which was unfortunate. Lucky for them, ice dancers Alexander Gazsi and his partner Nelli Zhiganshina haven’t let this dress mishap deter them from continuing their profession.

Blinded By The Dress
Sealed With a Kiss
Although rugby can be a brutal and full-contact sport, that doesn’t rule out the possibility of rugby players displaying a little tenderness every now and again. Two female rugby players were attempting to make a play for the ball when their faces clashed, resulting in the image you see here. Rugby may have originated in England, but the sport has gained widespread popularity throughout the world. While this picture may be amusing, we trust that the two players in it are not in any trouble.

Sealed With A Kiss
Hazards of Being a Ball Girl
While the majority of professional tennis players are household names, their success is frequently attributed to the efforts of other, less well-known players on the court. Ball girls, also known as ball people, are those who assist tennis players by quickly collecting and distributing tennis balls to them. Despite the fact that these unsung heroes are well-trained and prepared for any situation, nothing could have prepared this ball lady for the shock of having a tennis player fall on her. Watch the video above to find out more. In 2009, this young ball lady was taken completely by surprise when French tennis great, Michael Llodra, fell on her while playing a practice match.

Hazards Of Being A Ball Girl
Making Faces
While no one enjoys a bitter loser, no one enjoys an ungrateful or boastful winner any more than they do. This photo was taken of Argentinian soccer player Carlos Tevez, as he seemingly taunted the opposition team or gloated about scoring. Because of this gesture, he was labeled “the pied piper” by one Italian news outlet for his actions. Whereas the pied piper may have attracted rodents with his pipe, Tevez’s talent has resulted in several prizes and awards for him.

Making Faces
That’s Going to Leave a Mark
During a soccer game, there’s a lot going on, and it’s easy to lose track of the ball, even if it’s right in front of your face. To score a goal for his team, this soccer player attempted to kick the ball past the opposing team’s goalkeeper. Unfortunately, he misjudged the distance between the ball and the goalkeeper’s face. To make matters worse, the soccer player was wearing cleats that were lined with jagged shards of metal, which added to the discomfort of the rapid kick to the face.

That’s Going To Leave A Mark
Don’t Lose Your Head
Gymnasts compete in rhythmic gymnastics, which is a unique sport in which they use props such as hoops, balls, ribbons, and other items to improve their performance. Their routines, which are set to music, blend gymnastics with dance. Gymnasts’ routines may incorporate leaping, contortion, and perfectly timed dancing maneuvers, among other elements. A ball is a common prop used by rhythmic gymnasts, such as this Bulgarian gymnast, Silviya Miteva, who is shown here with one. Miteva’s adaptability, combined with the photographic talents of this photographer, gives the impression that her head has been replaced with a silver ball.

Don’t Lose Your Head
Stretched to the Limit
Professional football is a physically demanding sport, and it can be as demanding on your clothing. It’s difficult for professional football players to maintain their uniforms looking their best when they’re surrounded by grass and perspiration stains. This athlete, Detroit Lions running back Ameer Abdullah, had the limitations of his shirt tested during a game when an opponent grabbed hold of his shirt while he was rushing. We’re sure the garment was discarded after the game, but the extraordinary stretchiness of the fabric is something to be commended.

Stretched To The Limit
The Ball Goes in the Net, Not You
Participating in the Olympic Games is a dream come true for every athlete. While it can be exciting to compete in front of a large portion of the world, it can also be embarrassing when everyone is watching. When Karol Bielecki, a Polish Olympic handball player, accidently fell into the goalie’s net during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he understood that having so many people watching him wasn’t a good thing. We’re sure he didn’t enjoy the fact that his mistake was exposed to the entire world.

The Ball Goes In The Net, Not You
Athletic Maneuvers
Tennis isn’t the first sport that comes to mind when people think of sportsmen performing amazing jumps and rolls and other stunts. However, there are occasions when you must throw your weight around in order to stay in the game. The problem is that you have to stick the landing, which obviously didn’t happen here. As you can probably guess, this is not the best technique to stick a roll and get back on your feet. This appears to be really harmful to your neck, even if it did get us to chuckle a little.

Athletic Maneuvers
The Worst Moment of Them All
The humor in this situation is actually more horrifying than humorous, but if you don’t mind a little dark humor at the expense of another person’s pants, you’ll find it amusing. He will undoubtedly survive this ordeal, but, strangely enough, this type of incident occurs far more frequently than you might expect. That thinking only serves to make motocross appear even more terrifying, yet we understand that some people are simply thrill-seekers.

The Worst Moment Of Them All
Moments Before Disaster
This type of photo is prevalent in a large number of amusing photographs. Things are going quite well, and a photograph is snapped just as they are about to go horribly wrong. And, before anyone wonders, yes, this is a legitimate sporting endeavor with dogs. What’s more, we can all relate to the duality that exists between everything going well and looming disaster, which makes this shot so amusing. We have to wonder, though, what exactly she asked that dog to do in order for it to behave in this manner. Or does it simply have a poor sense of direction?

Moments Before Disaster
The One Flop
Because athletes are always compared to other athletes, one of the reasons they might feel embarrassed so quickly is because they are continuously compared to other athletes And if those other athletes don’t make a mistake when you do, you’ll appear even more ridiculous. It’s only acceptable if everyone makes the same mistake! In this case, unfortunately for this track runner, being the only athlete to suffer such a humiliating defeat does not bode well for her reputation at the time. Furthermore, the fact that there is no way to recover and catch up for a win in such a situation is not beneficial.

The One Flop
Not so Synchronized
As we’ve previously stated, it’s no secret that the clumsiness of graceful athletes is more amusing than any other thing. Synchronized swimming is a natural fit for this category because it is, by its very nature, supposed to be extremely graceful. This artwork is more amusing than it is graceful, and that is saying something. Ever accidentally halted an animated movie or television show in the middle of a transition frame, resulting in a completely crazy screenshot that no one was ever supposed to see? Isn’t this a little bit like that, as well?

Not So Synchronized
Single Ladies Watch Out
Is this a soccer match? Or is this a new sport called ‘catch the bouquet’? We really can’t know for sure… These men are all ready to compete to catch the bouquet, obviously desperate to get married! There is something quite refreshing with their strong desire here! We wonder who caught it…

Single Ladies Watch Out
Prayers Do Come True
It’s not often that you see a goalkeeper praying for the ball to come to them. After all, their job is to stop the ball entering the net at all costs, so if the ball is nowhere near them, odds are they won’t need to make a save. This goalkeeper seems to be praying for the ball to come, and looks on in delight as his wish comes true!

Prayers Do Come True
Location Confusion
Come on girl, this isn’t the beach! This woman looks on in glee as she runs through the field, pursued by a guard who is looking to tackle her. Why would she even be at a sports stadium in a bikini? Perhaps her boyfriend told her they were going to the beach as a ruse to get her to go to a game with him. Sneaky.

Location Confusion
A Close Relationship
If you’re a sports fan, there’s a good chance that you appreciate the special bond that a person shares with their sports team. It’s an unbreakable bond. We win together, lose together, cry together, celebrate together. It’s something like no other. So this person must have explained this to his heavily pregnant wife as he went on to the game that day. We wonder how that conversation would have looked…

A Close Relationship
He Forgot His Profession
Basketballers just love their jobs. Imagine being in great physical shape, while being paid to run up and down a court all day. You demand the ball from your teammates, you get into space so your teammates can find you. The tactical analysis is immense. So you can imagine this man’s coaches will have been confused to see him so terrified to be receiving the ball. It doesn’t bode well for his future in basketball…

He Forgot His Profession
Stumble, Tumble
These women are determined. They all want to be successful in this race, and are pushing themselves to the limit. However, it seems that they are all a little too close. What happened? An untied shoe? Balance? Whatever the case, one went tumbling and the rest came stumbling. Racers 73, 74 and 75 are now in prime position to go on and win.

Stumble, Tumble
Towel Rail
Is this a human reenactment of the towel rail? Yes. But perhaps this wasn’t the primary intention. These women are showcasing their extreme flexibility. While it might be mightily impressive, we can’t help but think that the choice of a white leotard was perhaps the wrong one, because they truly do assemble just like a towel on a rail.

Towel Rail
Renaissance Art
Wow, this could be showcased in a grand church in 1600s Florence couldn’t it? Was this a Da Vinci masterpiece? Well in reality, these athletic men were caught in the air at the same time to create an awesome image. We bet they couldn’t reenact this if they tried.

Renaissance Art
I Got You, Bro
There is nothing truly refreshing then watching a bro look out for his fellow bro. These bros are showing that they will go to the end of the Earth to protect each other. Playing a soccer match? That doesn’t even compare to the importance of carrying your bro to make sure he is safe.

I Got You, Bro
This man has tried out a new technique on the court. Basketballers all have their own special techniques, this man’s is indeed special. He has elected to soar like a monkey through the air to get an advantage on his opponents. Honestly, perhaps it works- his opponents look far too confused to do anything other than stand there in bemusement.

Monkey Ball
They Forgot Where They Were
Often you can be so caught up in a moment, that you can truly forget where you are. This seems to have been the case for these soccer players. Despite the fact that they are on a field, mid-game, they are so in love that they couldn’t help but share a moment of passion in front of everyone. Maybe save it for later and see the game out, lads.

They Forgot Where They Were
Tight Marking
We know that in soccer you sometimes have to mark your man very closely, but we think this Manchester City player is taking those instructions a little too far. This seems like a scene out of a very different situation. Even the blue man’s team mate can’t quite believe it, choosing to look away awkwardly with a confused look on his face.

Tight Marking
The Waltz
These two have secretly been taking dancing lessons for months. They prefer more classic dances, like the waltz. Despite their secret dancing hobby, they are actually full time soccer players. However, sometimes old habits die hard and the two forgot that they were mid-game when they burst into dance! It sure is impressive though.

The Waltz
Wrong Balls
We’re sure that the tennis player in question here had good reason to do this. Maybe he was losing and the ball boy wasn’t grabbing the balls quick enough. Alternatively, maybe the tennis player forgot to wear his contact lenses and genuinely went for the ball. Whatever the case, he went for the ball and ended up getting a different type, still balls though- so we will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Deep Search
What is it with the players from the Manchester teams? They seem to often forget where they are, or what in fact they’re doing. The captain of the blue side seems to be looking deep for something. Perhaps he misplaced his car keys, his wallet? We don’t think you’re going to find anything good in there, Carlos.

Deep Search