40+ People Who Had A Special Relationship With Misfortune

Published on 06/10/2022

Just Like Old Times

This person realized, to their amusement, that the framed picture of them as a youngster in their family home was actually a framed picture of a stranger. This poor person had grown up believing they were staring at a photograph of their own happy face swimming in a pool on vacation. In truth, their parents bought a frame and used the stock image that came with it for a decade. We’re curious: does this image even resemble them?

Just Like Old Times

Just Like Old Times

That’s Just Smashing

We truly sympathize with this person, who had the worst luck on the day their new glass-top stove was fitted. This person was probably looking forward to cooking something on their new gadget when the cupboard above fell on top of it. As with falling crockery, this collapsed cabinet resulted in shattered glass, a broken stove, and a slew of toxic particulates. Hopefully, this person acquired insurance along with their new gadget — they will undoubtedly require it.

That’s Just Smashing

That’s Just Smashing

Flight, With Feet Included

We truly sympathize with this person, who had the worst luck on the day their new glass-top stove was fitted. This person was probably looking forward to cooking something on their new gadget when the cupboard above fell on top of it. As with falling crockery, this collapsed cabinet resulted in shattered glass, a broken stove, and a slew of toxic particulates. Hopefully, this person acquired insurance along with their new gadget — they will undoubtedly require it.

Flight, With Feet Included

Flight, With Feet Included

Looking Spick And Span

We admit to laughing at this photograph of someone’s tiles after a failed power wash. While power washers are useful for cleaning a variety of paving stones, bricks, and concrete, they can also inflict major damage, as evidenced by this image. This type of damage appears to occur when someone uses the incorrect nozzle or pressure, sprays in the same spot for an extended period of time, or holds the wand too near to the surface. Whatever happened, that’s a lot of bad luck.

Looking Spick And Span

Looking Spick And Span

This Is Too Much For Me

The following image depicts someone having a really horrible day. This person, who was already angry, was passing through their residence when their pocket became stuck on a door handle. This doesn’t have to be a big deal, but it always is when you’re in a foul attitude. Hard luck has a way of compounding itself, so it appears when you’re already having a bad time. Things like this are just the icing on the cake.

I Can’t Handle This

This Is Too Much For Me

No Knife, No Melon

We have to give it to this person – breaking a knife is not an easy task. This is especially true given the type of knife used and the location of the break. That must have been one tough, rotten watermelon! This gentleman was chopping their way through this big melon when their knife split in half. Plus, by the time they arrived inside, the fruit had gone rotten. This unfortunate individual should be happy they did not damage themselves in the process.

No Knife, No Melon

No Knife, No Melon

Tire Today, Gone Tomorrow

We can’t imagine how inconvenient it must be to walk outdoors and discover that all of your tires have been stolen. Having one tire taken would be unfortunate, but having all four stolen is absurd. Tires aren’t inexpensive, so this guy will be out of pocket as well as without wheels. This run of poor luck isn’t the best way to begin the day. We’re not sure we’ll be able to get through this horrible morning and make it to work.

Tire Today, Gone Tomorrow

Tire Today, Gone Tomorrow

All for One, One for All

Despite the fact that students study for hours each day, schools continue to assign homework. What’s the deal with that? This person assumed they would have some free time because their teacher stated that they just needed to perform one exercise for homework. Unfortunately, when they sat down and opened the book, that one exercise appeared to be much more. These arithmetic questions are alphabetized and progress all the way up to ‘z’ before beginning again!

All For One, One For All

All For One, One For All

Please Take This As A Warning

The top layer of the protective seal pulled off as this person attempted to open their bottle of honey in the morning, but the base remained intact. This kind of ill luck, like getting hooked on a door handle, can really affect you if you’re already cranky, fatigued, or angry. This person took the unpleasant experience as a warning and opted to go back to bed. They could easily open it with a knife, but that’s not the point.

Take This As A Warning

Please Take This As A Warning

When The Mailman Messes Up

There are numerous ways to have terrible luck while dealing with the mail. Your dog could chew up your credit card bill as it passes through the letterbox, your neighbor could steal all the goods, or your mailman could leave your mail out in the rain till it deteriorates. Great! When they discovered their mail fully soaked in rain, this person was able to see the good side. As they point out, they didn’t have to pay for shipping.

When The Mailman Messes Up

When The Mailman Messes Up

Never Work With Children

When we look at this sight, our hearts truly hurt. The segmented box on the left is where this person arranged hundreds of microscopic colored beads into their own separate groups. Consider how eye-catching that must have been! Unfortunately, this person’s child opened the package upside down, resulting in the mess on the right. This is unavoidable while working with children, but it doesn’t make it any less upsetting.

Never Work With Children

Never Work With Children

Wrap it Up, Properly!

Burrito connoisseurs understand that wrapping the Mexican meal is an integral element of the eating experience. Expert burrito wrappers understand that when it comes time to roll, you must be firm and determined and that ingredients must be shifted around so that no single flavor dominates each bite. As you gradually pull off portions of foil or paper, the finished dish should be easy to chew and access. Unfortunately for this person, their burrito is a total disaster.

Wrap It Up, Properly

Wrap It Up, Properly

So I Was Wrong

This photo is one of our favorites on the list since it depicts someone who has a special affinity with bad luck. While most items on this list are easier to resolve, such as opening a bottle or purchasing a new knife, this one is a little more involved. However, this simply adds to the comedy. The photographer assured his wife that there was no need to measure the doorframe because all doors are the same size. Obviously, this is not the case.

So I Was Wrong

So I Was Wrong

Laundry Explosions With Extra Fluff

It’s difficult to determine which goods can be washed and which will explode, leaving sticky, colorful fluff everywhere. This person must have decided to just go for it, but it appears that they should have done some research beforehand. These blue and green pillows were not machine-washable, as evidenced by the photo. What is certain is that they will continue circling the laundry machine for quite some time. Perhaps hand washing next time?

Laundry Explosions With Extra Fluff

Laundry Explosions With Extra Fluff

Time For Takeout

Similarly to doing laundry, it is not always obvious which cooking products can be used where without risk of exploding. We’d imagine that this person’s husband placed this glass-covered dish in the oven and it couldn’t take the heat. As a result, it fractured, leaving deadly glass fragments in this carefully prepared supper. Good luck, buddy! We’re guessing these two switched to takeout following this encounter. After dealing with an exploding pot, who could be bothered to cook again?

Time For Takeout

Time For Takeout

Written All Over His Face

When a pet decides to help themselves to anything, it truly is a case of bad luck. When this occurs, there is nothing you can do to reverse the situation, no matter how much you wish you had placed the object somewhere out of reach. This person created a detailed gingerbread house to celebrate the new year, only to return from dinner to find it ruined. This cute pup was simply too intrigued not to try the creation — and he appears to have enjoyed it.

Written All Over His Face

Written All Over His Face

Baked To Perfection

From one culinary disaster to the next, this person’s brother dropped their iPhone into a cake and then baked it. It’s bad luck enough to lose your phone, but it’s far worse to drop it in the cake batter. But how about baking it in the oven? This man is on a roll! We’d love to witness this individual cut into their freshly prepared cake only to come into something unexpected. Hopefully, Apple’s insurance plans include phone baking!

Baked To Perfection

Baked To Perfection

Smile For The Camera

We’re not sure what’s going on in this photo, but we’re amused that this person took the time to grin for the camera. What else is there to do when you’re standing on a dock and your automobile is wedged between that area and a boat? You could do the same. Perhaps this woman neglected to apply her brakes, causing her vehicle to slowly drift ahead until it became entangled in a nearby yacht. Overall, it was a very regular circumstance.

Smile For The Camera

Smile For The Camera

Hey, What’s In Here?

When animals find themselves in a poor circumstance, it is usually bad luck for both them and you. They may need surgery, to have their stomach pumped, or to take medication. You’ll have to pay vet fees, nurse your pet, and feel bad about not being able to avoid the accident. This adorable pooch must have become intrigued and inserted his lovely head into this glass vase. Despite the fact that the situation was unlucky for everyone concerned, it did result in this wonderful photo.

Hey, What’s In Here

Hey, What’s In Here

I’m In Need Of A Locksmith

When horrible things happen, it usually takes a split second for it to sink in and you realize you’re doomed. It’s the crunch you hear when you fall on your ankle after accidently rolling into someone’s automobile. It’s the moment when you realize, “That really just happened!” One of those instances is when a key snaps off within a lock. You don’t want it to have happened, and you wish it hadn’t, but the “click” verifies that it has.

I Need A Locksmith

I’m In Need Of A Locksmith

Waiting On Wet Paint

When it comes to vintage comedy, “wet paint” signs are a must-have. We’ve seen slapstick comedians, cartoon Disney characters, and chuckling pranksters either remove or place a “wet paint” sign where it doesn’t belong. Wet Paint is a bizarre thought, especially given how messy and irreversible it is. The lady in this photo appears to have overlooked the two rather visible “wet paint” signs in front of this bench. While this would be hilarious on television, it is simply bad luck in real life.

Waiting On Wet Paint

Waiting On Wet Paint

Vending Machine Violations

To be honest, several persons on this list made questionable judgments that resulted in poor luck tragedies. Obviously, the persons who drove their automobile into a swimming pool had something to do with the problem, and those who power-washed their paving stones improperly should have done more investigation. The individual who snapped this photograph, on the other hand, was merely a victim of the vending machine. We’ve all been there, but this photo depicts a very desperate situation.

Vending Machine Violations

Vending Machine Violations

Drawing On Denim

While this person did make a mistake — physically and metaphorically — we like to imagine them idly destroying their jeans while staring out the window. This daydreamer though they were only tracing designs on their leg, instead ripped the cap off their pen and scribbled ink all over the place. While this individual could simply throw their jeans away, they might also choose to own their bad luck and doodle all over the other leg as well.

Drawing On Denim

Drawing On Denim

Bad Luck Bird

Our bad luck bird may be the worst of all the items on this list. Consider the following scenario: you’re sitting at your computer, working on something you’ve been putting off. A bird flies into the room nearly as quickly as you can detect it. The next thing you know, there’s white bird feces all over your laptop, and the bird dies suddenly. You sit in the same position, but this time there are excrement and a body in front of you. That’s a string of terrible luck.

Bad Luck Bird

Bad Luck Bird

Why Are You Doing This?

Our next unfortunate kitty has discovered himself floating on a yoga mat in the middle of a swimming pool. Cats, as is well known, dislike getting wet, thus this is a nightmare scenario for a feline. Cats, it appears, loathe water for a variety of reasons. For starters, their coats are fluffier and less waterproof than dogs’, so being wet makes them cold and heavy. Second, their heavy fur makes them less agile, making them feel even more vulnerable. Aww!

Why Are You Doing This

Why Are You Doing This

Stuck Behind The Shutters

Many parents warn their children that if they fail to leave a store on time, they may be “locked in.” As a child, this appears to be rather thrilling, especially when you assume you’ll be able to peruse the store, eat the food, and overall have a good time. As this image shows, these expectations are distant from reality. This little one ended up on the opposite side of the shutter inside Shoe Zone, a bargain shoe retailer. It appears that it is time to contact security.

Stuck Behind The Shutters

Stuck Behind The Shutters

Eaten By The Escalator

Everyone has probably wondered what would happen if they were stuck in or on an escalator at some point. We’re taught to hang on to the edges, keep our arms and legs on the steps, and escape carefully after we’ve reached the top or bottom. However, this image is all we need to continue being terrified of escalator accidents. This individual leaped out of their sneaker before it was chewed up, but it may have gotten them first…

Eaten By The Escalator

Eaten By The Escalator

I’m Not Moo-ving

It’s one thing to go out to your vehicle and discover that the tires have been stolen. It’s another to learn that your motor has somehow rolled off a pier and got stranded on a boat. For some reason — we can’t quite figure out why – we think seeing a cow laying on your car is worse. Clearly, unless you’re a cow whisperer, there’s not much you can do to get rid of a massive grazing mammal in your neighborhood. Consider the dent!

I’m Not Moo Ving

I’m Not Moo Ving

Rubber Duckie’s Demise

Have you ever wondered what a rubber duck would look like if it melted? So, there you have it. This person placed a cute green rubber duckie on their dashboard and then returned to see an unappealing dark green glob. This cheery little duck melted into a glob of jelly, perhaps after sitting in direct sunshine for too long, with only its features remaining to remind us of its former shape. It’s been a while, but this film reminded us a lot of the 1997 sci-fi comedy Flubber.

Rubber Duckie’s Demise

Rubber Duckie’s Demise

You Asked For It

We feel sorry for the persons involved in the majority of the instances on this list. They’ve suffered in some way, even if they may have contributed little to the circumstance. But when it comes to this person, we have no pity. The driver of this vehicle chose to park in the middle of two parking spaces — directly on the line. At least twelve coaches parked around the automobile, shutting them in, to teach him a lesson.

You Asked For It

You Asked For It

It’s a pleasure To Meet You

We’re a little infatuated with this bird – just look at that face! We watched the dramatic death of a little garden bird on someone’s laptop earlier in this list. This scenario takes things to the next level, involving whichever magnificent bird of prey is depicted here. This fascinating individual smashed two panes of glass and proceeded to cover this individual’s bedroom in glass and bird crap. The bird smiled cheekily as he was led out from the premises, not forgetting his etiquette.

Lovely To Meet You

It’s a pleasure To Meet You

Hanging by a Thread

When you think of special weapons and tactics — or SWAT — squad, you think of flashy actions, quick maneuvering, and high-quality operations. That’s not the vibe these guys are giving off as they try to entice an agent who is dangling from the side of a building on a rope with his pants down. Someone took this photo while peeking out their window and was astonished to see what was going on. Get your act together, boys!

Hanging By A Thread

Hanging By A Thread

The Neighbors Screwed It Up

Living in an apartment has its own set of challenges, and dealing with neighbors may be a lottery. While some people end up living close to their children’s future godparents, others find themselves in nightmare situations having to deal with impossible scenarios. The photographer lives in a basement flat and was shocked to see that their neighbor had installed a chandelier light fixture wrongly. Who wouldn’t want to avoid jagged nails every day?

The Neighbors Screwed It Up

The Neighbors Screwed It Up

Not Going Anywhere

We can’t begin to comprehend what’s going on in this image. Someone appears to have parked their car and then left it for an extended period of time. Or perhaps this auto owner lives in an exceedingly cold climate where entire vehicles can freeze in the time it takes to get a cup of coffee. This is terrible luck, and we hope this guy has lots of anti-freeze on hand. They will require it!

Not Going Anywhere

Not Going Anywhere

Do Not Turn Off

Is there anything more annoying than computer updates? They appear out of nowhere and force their way down your throat until you accept them. You click “remind later” or “remind me tomorrow” for as long as you can, but they finally catch up with you. This guy must have been putting off updating their computer for quite some time because it is already at 20760 percent. We recommend shutting it off, placing it in a drawer, and saving up for a replacement.

Do Not Turn Off

Do Not Turn Off

Up In Flames

Dryer fires are relatively common. According to the nonprofit group The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), they cause 92 percent of fires each year. Of course, there is a great risk of injury and property loss when there is a fire. As this guy dryly remarks (pardon the pun), this load of clothes appears to be relatively dry already. This is definitely terrible luck for the individual concerned — they wasted time and money doing the washing, and now all of their clothing is ruined!

Up In Flames

Up In Flames

Enjoy The View

Flying for the first time is an exhilarating experience. You should seat near the window and look out the window when the plane takes off for the best first ride. You should be able to glance down through the clouds and see everything below you shrinking and shrinking. Before you touch down, you should be able to see a bird’s eye perspective of your location, looking out at the land and lights. Unfortunately, this family experienced a run of terrible luck.

Enjoy The View

Enjoy The View

Just Missed Out

It was undoubtedly terrible luck for whoever shot this photo, as they just missed out on a leaflet that could have saved their life. Maybe the leaflet had the winning lottery numbers or instructions on how to live a happy life without ever having to work. Perhaps the brochure had ancient truths about the nature of existence, or it contained a recipe for curing all of the world’s ills. What if the booklet was a genie waiting in a plastic case to grant wishes? We’ll never find out…

Just Missed Out

Just Missed Out

Let’s Take A Poll

The placement of a school locker can have a significant impact on your daily life. You want it to be convenient so you don’t have to walk miles between classes to get your books. You’d like it to be close to your pals so you can talk to them while getting your coat. Furthermore, having a locker with an interior room is often desirable. When this person opened theirs, they discovered a lovely rusty pole inside.

Let’s Take A Poll

Let’s Take A Poll

Do I Have Tan Lines?

Finally, we conclude our bad luck trip with this amusing photograph of someone’s sun-damaged pins. This person spent a bright day outside in ripped jeans, and the result was some really bad tan lines. There’s an entire set of photographs online where people guess whether they’re looking at someone’s legs or frankfurters. We hate to say it, but all we can think of when we see this is grilled hotdogs. Have better luck the next time!

Do I Have Tan Lines

Do I Have Tan Lines

Work’s Dress Code

It’s a relatively standard policy for a corporation to have a dress code for its personnel. Anything from full black to business casual appears to be typical, but having to wear this caterpillar outfit is harsh. Not only is it unsightly and unflattering, but we’re sure it’s not easy to breathe in that contraption. We see you, we feel for you, and we hope you get a huge increase as a result of this!

Work’s Dress Code

Work’s Dress Code

Just Look, Don’t Touch

If this shower appears too good to be true, it probably is. While it must be incredibly divine to shower with such a view ahead of you, it is much more dangerous to put foot in it. Showering on such a large rock may easily land you in the hospital. We would feel cursed if we were given a bathroom like this on vacation because we can see but not touch.

Just Look, Don’t Touch

Just Look, Don’t Touch

Way To Ruin The Day

Consider the following scenario: you wake up early on a lovely summer day and decide to seize the day by riding your old bicycle. You try to take your phone out while on your adventure to take a selfie for social media. You attempt to balance holding the phone and the handlebars, and your phone becomes entangled in your bike chain as a result. Unfortunately, it was the reality for this Snapchatter. Without a doubt, a horrible lucky day!

Way To Ruin The Day

Way To Ruin The Day

A Nap a Day

This guy has it all, combining two of our favorite things in the world in one image: pizza and a midday sleep. Unfortunately, he dropped the ball by attempting to nap on the metro. As a result, he lost his favorite pizza pieces and became the victim of this Snapchatter’s joke. Consider the positives: at the very least, his misfortune made him a viral phenomenon, right?

A Nap A Day

A Nap A Day

Bad Luck Jeans

If there’s one pair of jeans that always gets people in trouble, it’s the tattered ones with holes in the knees. You may wonder why. To begin with, if you wear a pair, you can practically ensure that someone will make the stupid joke about how you bought them for half the price because there’s cloth missing. Second, have a look at this image. That has to be one of the most unlucky leg tans ever.

Bad Luck Jeans

Bad Luck Jeans

A Hairy Situation

Losing your hair on public transportation is one of the risks, but it should not be one of them. We feel terrible for the lady whose hair was torn out on this bus ride. Let’s hope this unnamed individual has more than enough hair to compensate for the loss. We’d enjoy the ‘hairy’ pun more if we didn’t feel so horrible.

A Hairy Situation

A Hairy Situation

Toilet Theft

Breakups are never easy, and it frequently feels like you’re losing a piece of yourself, but in this case, this girl also had a physical loss – her toilet. Yes, you heard us accurately. When she and her boyfriend decided to end their relationship, he chose to be spiteful by pulling his belongings out of their shared space. Because of this move, this relationship is officially over, got it?

Toilet Theft

Toilet Theft

The Doggy Diet

Breakups are never easy, and it frequently feels like you’re losing a piece of yourself, but in this case, this girl also had a physical loss – her toilet. Yes, you heard us accurately. When she and her boyfriend decided to end their relationship, he chose to be spiteful by pulling his belongings out of their shared space. Because of this move, this relationship is officially over, got it?

The Doggy Diet

The Doggy Diet

This Almost Looks Like Art

While having hail damage done to your car’s roof may be a tremendous inconvenience, we must confess that it looks like a work of beauty. Everything about it is unique, from the lamp shape to the texture of the glass shatter. We may even picture seeing this type of adornment in a major museum. So, even if the car owner thought he was having the worst day ever, he should remember that there is always a silver lining out there. It’s not always about finding the beauty in the unusual and embracing the unexpected.

This Almost Looks Like Art

This Almost Looks Like Art

Who’s The Fairest?

When this guy told his wife that he was creating a new mattress for “his queen,” she assumed he was talking about her. It turns out that this couple had two queens, and unfortunately for the lady, her husband was more fascinated with their feline. We’d give her hubby the silent treatment until he repents in the form of new jewelry if we were her.

Who's The Fairest

Who’s The Fairest

Can I Have Some?

Seagulls are notorious for their thievery, and they are experts at stealing ice cream, pinching French fries, and generally teasing beachgoers. Surprisingly, seagulls do this for a flattering reason. Seagulls, it appears, are “observant birds” who prefer to eat food that has already been touched by people. The birds regard us as quality control; if it’s safe for us, it’s presumably safe for them as well. While this small boy has experienced some bad luck, he should be grateful that the bird believes in him.

Can I Have Some

Can I Have Some

Having A Hair-Mare

Many people are asking for top-quality dye jobs and skillful styling in the age of Instagram. Unfortunately, many users on Instagram modify their photos, making their professional work appear far more professional when it’s shared to the grid. As you can see from the Snapchat on the right, this person went in search of the hair on the left and came out with undyed roots and a greasy crown. Better luck the next time you need to choose a hairdresser!

Having A Hair Mare

Having A Hair Mare

Come A Little Closer

Laptops are pricey, especially when they are MacBooks. As a result, these people had to kick themselves when they realized they’d accidentally burned a hole in their laptop with a candle. This crisped-up laptop, complete with a sooty stain, doesn’t exactly look its finest. When it comes to candles, this type of ill luck is common. Choose a flame-free variant instead to avoid burning your possessions.

Come A Little Closer

Come A Little Closer

Bad Luck, Or Bad Driving?

Clearly, it’s very usual to suffer terrible luck when it comes to driving. Cars are magnets for all kinds of tragedies, whether they’re rolling ahead, colliding into something, or getting the glass smashed with a baseball. Someone has managed to sink their car in a swimming pool in this case. Perhaps there is some terrible luck at work here, but we have to ask if this guy is simply a bad driver.

Bad Luck, Or Bad Driving

Bad Luck, Or Bad Driving

Will This Wash Out?

Take a look at the terrible calamity that has transpired in this picture if you think wet paint is humorous. For some inexplicable reason, whoever shot this photograph decided to transfer a tin of white paint without first ensuring that the lid was secure. They didn’t put it in a bag or a box; they just tossed it on top of a car seat. We’re sorry, but this person deserves what happened to them.

Will This Wash Out

Will This Wash Out