While some vacationers head to the beach to soak up the sun and chill with their friends, others just search a quiet spot for some rest and relaxation. Still, there are always others who are more down for some adventure. From swimming or boating to water sports, interacting with wildlife, taking the best selfie or simply photo-bombing strangers, you really can take your pick. Well these pictures prove that if you head to the beach with your camera, you never really know what will happen, or who you’ll meet or what surprises are in store. So let’s take a look at the wildest pics ever taken on the shore.
Best Photobomb Ever?
If you were ever to grade photo-bombs, this little pooch might have just graduated to expert level. They may even deserve a certificate. Perhaps they were just feeling a little left out of the girl’s selfies, or perhaps they’re secretly just a whizz at technology. Either way, this little pooch should win an award because of their expression alone. This photo is simply priceless!

Slow-Mo Uh-Oh
If you’ve ever tried to take a family photo shoot with small children, then you’ll know how tough it can be. Just trying to get everyone to face the same way and smile at the camera is already a struggle. This family were a little more ambitious and chose to hold and swing their children around for a photo by the ocean. We’re thinking they learned the hard way that children are wriggly and have no time for your picture-perfect photo-shoot. We just hope they managed to grab them in time because this photo is epic and we’re sure they’ll laugh about when they’re older!

Slow-Mo Uh-Oh
‘Hey, Is It Cool If I Hang Here Awhile?’
So here’s a visitor that you’d never expect to roll up to the door of your beach villa. But this is one cute seal pup and they would always be welcome to visit us any time! We wonder if they ended up inviting the pup in for tea? Or just let him hang at their villa for a while. We’re also wondering where this place is because we would love to hang out with this adorable little pup all day, every day!

The Pied Piper
While most beaches have a sign that clearly says “Don’t feed the SEAGULLS”, they probably didn’t mention “Don’t feed the RACCOONS”. Well, we would probably never expect to see a family of raccoons at the beach. So when these raccoons rocked up to the shore surprised this beachgoer, he probably thought they were cute and didn’t even think about catching any rabies from these wild creatures. He probably didn’t know what to feed them either, so he went with chips, and we’re sure they loved whatever free food they could get.

A Cat Is a Cat
We’re not sure if this is just a really big house cat or a really small jungle cat, but either way, this photo is awesome. The colors of his coat make also the cat look as fierce as a wild leopard, even if the kitty is still a little afraid to dip its toes into the water!

What a Beautiful Wedding!
We’re not sure how they got there, or who dressed them like that…but we can’t stop staring at this adorable penguin wedding. Look at their tiny in tuxedos and wedding attire. It just might be the most beautiful penguin wedding we’ve ever witnessed. Come to think of it, it just might be the only penguin wedding we’ve ever witnessed, and they look beautiful on the shore. We can only wonder how they celebrated!

We sure this lady had her eye on that doughnut all day. And finally, when took her delicious treat to the beach and took it out of her bag, she took her camera out to capture the moment. Well she just wanted to take the perfect Insta-picture of her doughnut. Little did she know that another wild creature also had their eye on her doughnut. And this seagull couldn’t just ask her for a bite, so they swooped right in and snatched her doughnut right from her hands. Just wow! You have to watch your food like a hawk these days!

Convenient Landing
Although this picture may look a little photo-shopped, surprisingly it’s not. The photo was actually taken at the beach next to Princess Juliana Airport in St. Maarten. The airport runway is actually so dangerously close to the beach that planes are continuously taking off and landing right above the tourist’s heads. Wow, talk about a close call!

That’s Probably Not the Best Method
There’s always that one guy. You know, the guy that thinks he’s invisible. Even if an engineer told him that there’s no way his speed boat will balance on top of his pick up truck, he just had to try it out for himself. He probably even did the vague calculation in his head. Still, with all the calculations in the world, there was no way that speed boat was going to make it home in one piece. Still, props to him for trying!

Conversational Sign
You might think these signs are a little confusing at first? Well, they did tell us that we can fly the kite and then told us we can’t. Maybe it’s got a secret meaning? Maybe it’s a secret dare? Or perhaps it’s just a witty conversation, with a hint of sarcasm. Either way, we’re pretty sure you can’t fly kites there. But they didn’t say anything about other games, so we’re sure you can still find something else mischievous to play!

Checkmate, Thieves!
Just when we thought we’d seen everything, this beachgoer has even out-smarted the beach thieves. They’ve also out-smarted us all! So just in case any thief was lurking around, thinking of stealing those $2 cute flip-flops, again, they really have thought of everything. They even locked them up with their $20 bike lock. Take that, potential beach thieves!

Nap Time?
Trying to get the perfect beach nap can actually be tough. If you’re trying to nap on the beach towel, you might just keep getting sandy. So you pay for a bed, and you just can’t get comfortable. Well this guy doesn’t have to deal with any of these beach-dilemmas. He just took his pull-out sofa bed to the beach and camped there. He could even just live there, rent-free forever. We’re pretty sure this guy is a genius. He also brings the concept of couch potato to the next level!

Aw, this is just the cutest! And we can only imagine how long this guy spends crafting the perfect flowers and plant mosaics in the sand for his beau. We just hope Angela was as impressed as us with his gorgeous proposal. We also hope she said yes immediately!

I Walk a Lonely Road…
Sometimes even pigs need a romantic walk on the beach too, or to just walk alone and gaze at the sunset. Maybe they just needed a break from the noisy farm, with endless oinks, no mud, no slop. Maybe they just needed time to contemplate their life!

Selfie Time!
Who knew that this turtle would be such a cool selfie partner! They actually seem a little bit fascinated by the camera, and are not even sensitive about which angle, lighting or filter to choose. We’re glad, because this is one of the most awesome turtle selfies we’ve ever seen.

Me Too, Buddy
When we finally get to the beach for our summer vacation, and the sun hits our face, we are all this baby elephant! In fact we all secretly wish we could channel our own inner child and roll around in the sand under sun, instead of trying to be adults and lie on the loungers!

Ok we all have different priorities at the beach. Some people go to tan, some to drink and some just get a little confused after a few bottles of wine. This guy is definitely an advert for sunscreen. So remember kids, apply sunscreen before drinking a whole bottle of wine. Or else you’ll be falling asleep with it on your chest while you slowly fry in the midday sun! At least it made a legendary imprint on his chest and a photo that will be the joke of every family gathering for the rest of his life!

The Worst Combination
While we all want to get the picture-perfect Instagram photo at the beach, some people really take ‘doing it for the gram’ to the next level. While this girl looks super cute, relaxing in her swim suit by the water with her laptop, we can only hope that her laptop was already broken. As we’re no experts on technology, but we’re pretty sure laptops can’t survive in water, and she might have lost all her work. At least, we hope she saved a back-up of her files!

The Worst Combination
Got A Headache
The beach can be an endless playground of fun and if you’re creative enough, you can create some awesome and imaginative shots. Well, these pranksters decided to go a step further and freak all their pals out by pretending to bury one head and hold the head of his friend. While this looks pretty creepy, we just hope he didn’t bury his head in the sand for too long before he came up for air.

Got A Headache
Splashing Around
We’re not quite sure if these guys get the concept of going to the beach. Usually, people go to the beach to take a dip in the ocean, which has plenty of space to splash around and play. Usually, people who don’t live by the ocean will have to just put a paddling pool in their back yard, and wait for the day that they can finally make it to the beach. So, we’re thinking that someone should tell these guys that they don’t actually have to take their tiny pool to the shore and all squash in together to enjoy the water. There’s a whole ocean waiting for them if they just took a second to look around!

Splashing Around
Pose For The Camera
If you’re thinking of going to the beach to enjoy a perfectly romantic day in the sun with your loved one, you’ll probably want to capture the moment. Still, you might also have to watch out, because you never know who else is waiting to capture their perfect moment too. So just as this couple wanted to get the best ‘couple goals’ photo, they ended up getting a little more than the bargained for. That’s because this guy also chose this as the perfect moment to lie down behind the couple and pose for his own hilarious photo-shoot! It does make an epic photo-bomb!

Monkeying Around
Be careful of bringing a bunch of bananas into the water, as you never know when a pack of monkeys will find you. If they’re feeling hungry, they might just stare at you, waiting for you to feed them their banana dinner. Well, they are adorable creatures, so who can blame them for monkeying around!

Don’t Have a Cow!
When you head to the beach for a relaxing day on the lounger in the sun, you never really know what creatures to watch out for. Just when we thought we’s seen everything, from a raccoon family and doughnut-stealing seagulls to sea lion pups or pigs, you might also find some random cows. These girls actually seem pretty friendly and maybe they just wanted to chill with that lady. Or perhaps they thought they were tanned enough wanted to share some of her shade.

Surfing The Waves
While most people go to their nearest surf shop to find the coolest wet suit to go surf the waves, this lady went to the next level of fancy dress. Maybe it was a fancy dress surf competition, or perhaps she just got tired of wearing the same black wet-suit every day. In any case, wearing a nun’s outfit is one legendary way to catch some waves. We’re guessing the guy behind her is dressed as Spiderman, so if she gets into any scrapes, we’re sure he can use his spider-powers to help her too.

They say in life that everything is down to perspective. And we’re so glad this super cool family managed to capture this awesomely creative photo. It really does look like the giant bucket is about to cover this tiny wife and child. It actually looks super cool and we wish we thought of it first!

Face Plant
We’re still staring at this photo, trying to work out how she landed this way. Is this the new age way to tan? Is it a new age yoga pose? Or is it a new age yoga fail? Well, either way, it looks a little awkward and a little painful. We’re sure it might give you some pretty awkward tan lines too, so would not really recommend as a relaxing way to hit the beach head-first.

Getting Comfortable
If you want to make your day on the beach a little more comfortable, there are a few essentials that you might want to bring. Sun lotion, snacks, water, a towel, a sun lounger or even an inflatable chair. But why stop there, when you can bring your actual fold-out sofa bed to the beach. You can just pretend you’re in your own beach living room.

Staying Cool
Some people find it hard to stay cool at the beach, so they might try a high-factor lotion, umbrella shades, take a dip in the water or grab some ice. We’re thinking this lady read somewhere on the internet that cucumber was great for cooling yourself down too. So while other people on the beach might have looked at her strangely, she didn’t care, as she was cool as a cucumber.

Fascinating Reading
Unbelievable coincidence or perfectly-timed pose? Well, either way, this photo was enough to make us laugh out loud. We wonder if she looked at the book cover before holding it up to her face like that. We also think she should carry it around with her everywhere she goes, as the photo opportunities are endless!

A Bit Of A Sting
When you book an exotic vacation with your pals, you might plan some exotic activities -, like a boat trip, snorkeling or checking out the local wildlife. Still, there are some things you can’t always plan for, especially in the ocean. So when these ladies posed for an awesome sea shot, they were probably all smiles. But we should probably know by now guys, always look behind you. Because you never know when you’re going to have a creepy encounter with a sea creature…like this stingray that was just waiting for his moment to photo-bomb them!

Beach Strength
While some people go to the beach to chill, others go to flex their muscles. We’re guessing these guys were just expecting to impress these girls with their muscle power. We’re sure they weren’t expecting that these were also waiting for the perfect moment to flex their own muscles and carry the guys on their shoulders. And we’re sure they all impressed the whole beach with their secret girl power strength.

The Beach Copycat
We’re sure this girl just wanted to pose for her next profile picture in her new super cute bikini. But remember guys, you should always check behind you, as you never know who is just waiting the whole day for their perfect moment to copy your sultry pose. We’re just wondering who posed better…
