Owner Was Surprised With What Happened While Her Black Labrador Was Giving Birth

Published on 09/02/2021

If you’ve owned pets, there would be the time when your beloved pal would finally have a family of their own, and of course, the whole family would be happy once it happens! However, what would happen if your pet dog’s delivery had an extraordinary happening? Well, in Leah Barrett’s case, she was taken aback! Her prized Labrador had become pregnant and was about to give birth to a litter of puppies. When the babies finally arrived, no one could explain — or forget — the unexpected delivery.

Owner Was Surprised With What Happened While Her Black Labrador Was Giving Birth

Owner Was Surprised With What Happened While Her Black Labrador Was Giving Birth

Left Speechless

Leah, on the other hand, wasn’t naive. She was an expert on dogs! Her black Labs were among the best in town, and they had competed in dog shows before. Even so, when pregnant Beau left her speechless, there was no competition on the calendar.

Left Speechless

Left Speechless

Destined For Greatness

Beau was destined for greatness from the start. Crufts, an elite competition honoring the best and brightest in purebred canine companions, had featured dogs from her lineage. It’s a competitive pageant and of course, just like in any competition, winning is a huge accomplishment.

Destined For Greatness

Destined For Greatness


Leah was ecstatic when Beau announced his pregnancy. She made a living as a breeder by bringing new puppies into the world. And it was even better if the litter turned out to be champions like their forefathers. Beau was going to give Leah a surprise, which she didn’t expect.



Waiting For The Babies

The pregnancy appeared to be fairly routine at first. There had been no complications, and Beau appeared to be in good health. Leah was looking forward to the arrival of the new Labs baby. All in all, it seems like everything was going accordingly.

Waiting For The Babies

Waiting For The Babies

In For A Surprise

While the veterinarian predicted Beau would have five or six puppies, Leah, a firm believer in her dogs, had even higher hopes. She estimated that there would be eight puppies in the litter. But neither she nor the veterinarian had any idea what was in store for them.

In For A Surprise

In For A Surprise

Faster Than Expected

Leah quickly realized the shocking nature of this pregnancy when Beau went into labor. The vet had told her that each pup’s delivery would take about an hour. That wasn’t the case at all! In fact, it barely even reached an hour!

Faster Than Expected

Faster Than Expected

A Lot Of Babies

Leah couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw seven tiny Labs emerge from Beau in less than 40 minutes. And she wasn’t finished yet. The puppies kept showing up, which surprised Leah as it exceeded her expectation of just 8 puppies.

A Lot Of Babies

A Lot Of Babies


Leah wondered when Beau would stop giving birth. Then she noticed something that made her heart stop: one of the puppies had gotten stuck in Beau’s birth canal! The Lab’s placenta, which had come loose during delivery, was blocking it. This had everyone worried.




Leah and her sister were terrified. They couldn’t bear the prospect of one of Beau’s children dying. But there was no time to summon a medical expert. They’d have to spring into action if the puppy was going to make it.



They Got The Baby

Leah and her sister finally got the stuck puppy out of the birth canal after 40 minutes of maneuvering. They couldn’t let out a sigh of relief, though. The next thing they saw terrified them even more.

They Got The Baby

They Got The Baby

It Wasn’t Breathing

The dog was not moving or breathing! And the women feared for a brief moment that it was too late to save her. They persisted, though. They had done their homework and knew how to remove fluid from the small pup’s lungs with suction equipment.

It Wasn’t Breathing

It Wasn’t Breathing

It Started Breathing Again

The newborn finally started breathing after a tense ten minutes that seemed like two hours! Leah and her sister were ecstatic, but they had plenty of reasons to rejoice. Beau, the new mother, had accomplished something extraordinary.

It Started Breathing Again

It Started Breathing Again

13 Puppies

Surprisingly, Beau had given birth to a whopping 13 puppies! Leah was overjoyed because a Labrador litter usually only has six to eight puppies. Beau had accomplished something truly deserving of a Crufts title. However, caring for so many newborns would be more difficult than expected.

13 Puppies

13 Puppies

Not Enough Teats

However, this presents a big problem that they had a hard time figuring out. Beau had thirteen children but only ten teats! As a result, Leah had to get up in the middle of the night to feed the runts and ensure that Beau’s children were happy, healthy, and well-cared for.

Not Enough Teats

Not Enough Teats

They Were All Unique

There were seven boys and six girls among the 13. And Leah gave each of them a name that reflected their distinct personalities. A few of the puppies stood out right away due to some cute quirks. Let’s find out what made them stand out.

They Were All Unique

They Were All Unique

Their Names

Stormy, the runt of the litter, was given a strong name to “boost him up.” Paloma Faith was the name given to a puppy who howled a lot. And what about the one who came so close to not making it? Hope was the name Leah gave her.

Their Names

Their Names

Not With Them For Long

The 13 siblings were a true testament to the unpredictable nature of our animal companions, as well as Leah and her sister’s bravery in rescuing the at-risk puppy. The litter, however, would not be staying with them for long.

Not With Them For Long

Not With Them For Long

Too Much To Manage

Even the most experienced dog owner can’t handle thirteen puppies, so 11 of the litter were sold to new and loving homes. The descendants of champions, on the other hand, were not cheap. After all, they were the offspring of a champion.

Too Much To Manage

Too Much To Manage

How Much She Sold Them For

Leah requested 950 euros per purebred puppy, which translates to about $1,222. This means she’d make over $13,000 if she sold all of the Kennel Club-registered dogs at that price. For a day’s work, it’s not bad!

How Much She Sold Them For

How Much She Sold Them For

Not Much Time To Relax

Leah, on the other hand, didn’t have much time to unwind. Soon after, she met a young woman who had had a rough time in life. News travels quickly in the dog world, and Leah learned about Kameroun Mares’ story through mutual friends. And she felt an instant connection with the fellow dog lover — so much so that when she learned of the tragic news, Leah began to cry.

Not Much Time To Relax

Not Much Time To Relax

An Animal Lover

Kameroun Mares is a 26-year-old southern California woman who enjoys being surrounded by animals. Although she appears to be smiling and happy in the photo below, Leah’s life had not always been so bright as you may think.

An Animal Lover

An Animal Lover

Diagnosed With Cancer

Kameroun was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a blood and bone marrow cancer that attacks white blood cells, in the early 2010s. As you might expect, dealing with the illness was difficult and had a significant impact on Kameroun.

Diagnosed With Cancer

Diagnosed With Cancer


As a result, Kameroun became depressed as she battled for survival day after day, but she wasn’t about to give up, so she started chemotherapy. Fortunately, even if she didn’t feel it, her body was responding well to the treatment plan.



What She Wanted To Do

As she finished her final rounds of chemotherapy, she began to wonder what she would do once her time in the hospital was limited. She needed something to anticipate and fantasize about. Adding a new companion to her life was the ideal solution.

What She Wanted To Do

What She Wanted To Do

She Wanted A Dog

Kameroun had hoped to adopt a dog, specifically a husky. When she returned to Florida, she believed the new family member would be the ideal companion, assisting her in gradually healing and remembering what really mattered.

She Wanted A Dog

She Wanted A Dog

Semper Fi

She gave him the name Semper Fidelis, which means “always faithful” in Latin, but she called him Semper for short. What better name could a creature known as the “man’s best friend” have? After all, they are very loyal to their fur-parents!

Semper Fi

Semper Fi

Basic Commands

She taught him basic commands such as “sit” and “lay down,” as well as more advanced commands such as “go home” and “Where is your home?” Semper was assisting Kameroun in her recovery from her injuries, but her joy was fleeting.

Basic Commands

Basic Commands

She Can’t Take Semper

Unfortunately, cancer had not yet finished with her. She was forced to return across the country. She wanted to take Semper with her, but she couldn’t for a variety of reasons. She had to decide what she was going to do next.

She Can’t Take Semper

She Can’t Take Semper

Leaving Semper Behind

Cancer treatment is difficult and having a support system is essential. Fortunately for Kameroun, her roommate in Florida offered to look after her beloved dog while she was gone. She agreed and boarded a plane, abandoning Semper.

Leaving Semper Behind

Leaving Semper Behind

Things Were Getting Worse

However, things were about to get even worse. Kameroun received an unexpected phone call. Her roommate informed her that Semper had gone missing and she had no idea where he was. Kameroun was heartbroken and worried sick about her cherished canine companion.

Things Were Getting Worse

Things Were Getting Worse

Looking For Semper

She rushed to the airport in a panic, intending to return home and begin the desperate search. She started looking for him all over the place. She looked for the dog at local shelters, vets, and the police station, but no one knew where it was.

Looking For Semper

Looking For Semper

Not Giving Up

Time had run out, and she had no choice but to resume her treatments, unsure if she’d ever find her canine companion. But if there was one thing Kameroun was, it was a fighter who wasn’t about to give up!

Not Giving Up

Not Giving Up

She Kept On Looking

She said, “For a year, I continued searching… posting up fliers via pet sites, calling 15 vet places around where I used to live over there about him, calling the humane societies about him, shelters. [I] posted info about him on Facebook, lost dog forums, and pages and groups.”

She Kept On Looking

She Kept On Looking

The Phone Never Rang

Sadly, even after making lots of posts and inquiries, the phone never rang. “Every day I waited for a phone call about someone finding him… His microchip is registered to me…yet I received nothing. I was worried sick about him, and missed him dearly,” she said.

The Phone Never Rang

The Phone Never Rang

Pet Detective

Then, just when she thought she’d given up all hope, she had an epiphany. It was an unusual situation, but she didn’t have any other options. She decided to enlist the assistance of a pet detective. Let’s see what this pet detective would do.

Pet Detective

Pet Detective

A Woman Named Ana Campos

She found Ana Campos, a private investigator specializing in missing persons in southern Florida while flipping through the yellow pages. Campos agreed to assist Kameroun in her search for her beloved pet, knowing that she was the only way for Kameroun and Semper to ever be reunited.

A Woman Named Ana Campos

A Woman Named Ana Campos

AKC Reunite Program

With new help came new ideas for how to get her son back home. Kameroun was encouraged by Campos to check her lifetime registration with the AKC Reunite program, which ensures that pets are properly registered to their owners.

AKC Reunite Program

AKC Reunite Program

A Shocking News

So, in May of 2017, Kameroun went to the Humane Society to check on Semper’s microchip registration. However, when she asked for a review of Semper’s chip, she received some shocking news, a news that would enrage her so much.

A Shocking News

A Shocking News

Someone Registered Herself

Surprisingly, a woman had registered her name on Semper’s chip a year before. Apparently, before registering a new owner, the microchip company failed to check his chip. This provided Campos with the information she needed to continue working on the case.

Someone Registered Herself

Someone Registered Herself

Semper Was Put On Sale

Campos made a shocking discovery at that point. Someone had advertised Semper for sale on Craigslist for $200. This is why he never showed up in shelters, vet clinics, or police stations, and why no one responded to Kameroun’s desperate cries for help.

Semper Was Put On Sale

Semper Was Put On Sale

It Was Kamroun’s Ex-Roommate

Kamroun’s ex-roommate was the one who put Semper on Craigslist and lied about what had happened to him, according to Campos. Even though she knew how badly Kameroun wanted Semper back, she had taken him from her and kept it a secret.

It Was Kamroun’s Ex Roommate

It Was Kamroun’s Ex Roommate

A Special Meeting

It was a heartbreaking discovery, but Campos was not about to give up. After explaining the story of the cancer patient and her beloved stolen dog, she made several phone calls and a special meeting was set up to reunite Kameroun and her beloved dog.

A Special Meeting

A Special Meeting


Kameroun arrived in a random parking lot, per her investigator’s instructions, perplexed. A car she’d never seen before pulled up alongside her, and when the door opened, she couldn’t believe who rushed out — it was her beloved dog, Semper! She had nothing to feel but happiness.




Semper and Kameroun returned to California after their emotional reunion, and she is now cancer-free! Even though their years apart were tragic, the fact that they were able to reunite is what restores faith in humanity. And faith was something that one North Carolina family desperately needed.



The Miller Family

The Miller family needed to figure out what they were going to do for Christmas as the holidays approached. This year’s decision would be difficult: their home in North Carolina had been destroyed. Leaving the family in a tough spot.

The Miller Family

The Miller Family

Hurricane Florence

In 2017, Hurricane Florence wreaked havoc on the East Coast, and the Millers’ home was destroyed by the swift waters and raging wind. Although their home had been rendered uninhabitable, they were determined to rebuild and start all over again.

Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence

Taking A Break

Jacob and Jamie Miller, who were going through a difficult time, desired a break from their situation. Family and friends stepped in to help them, offering to let them in their places, while their beloved German Shepherd puppy, Frank, stayed with Grandma in South Carolina.

Taking A Break

Taking A Break

Heading To Utah

As a result, they boarded a plane to Salt Lake City, Utah, to celebrate Christmas with their extended family. Perryn and Rayner, their two sons, wished their furry friend could join in the festivities. Let’s see what’s next for this family as they were separated from their puppy.

Heading To Utah

Heading To Utah

Feeling Ill

Perryn, the oldest son, complained of a persistent headache and intense pressure in his head shortly after arriving in Utah, just days before Christmas. Jacob and Jamie were worried about their son and rushed him to the hospital.

Feeling Ill

Feeling Ill

Missing Their Puppy

Doctors examined Perryn right away when he arrived to see what was wrong. Perryn, who was eight years old at the time, could only think about his puppy back home as he faced test after test.

Missing Their Puppy

Missing Their Puppy

The Cause Of His Headaches

Doctors were finally able to pinpoint the source of Perryn’s pain, after what seemed like an eternity. Nothing could have prepared the Millers for the news that was about to be delivered by the doctors. A news none of them would have expected.

The Cause Of His Headaches

The Cause Of His Headaches

Brain Tumor

Perryn had a tumor growing on his brain, according to doctors. He was diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma multiforme, a type of cancer that is particularly deadly in children. The family was devastated upon learning this tragic news.

Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor

Staying Strong

Hearing the words “aggressive,” “deadly,” and “cancer” in relation to their child breaks a parent’s heart faster than anything else. But, like every other disaster, the Millers had faced, they weren’t about to give up without a fight.

Staying Strong

Staying Strong


Perryn was rushed into emergency surgery after one last kiss from his parents. Jacob and Jamie promised that after the surgery, Perryn would be able to see Frank again right away. This made the terrified little boy feel excited and keep fighting.



A Successful Surgery

The surgery was completed after several hours and much relief; doctors successfully removed the tumor from Perryn’s brain. Sure, the young boy had won his battle, but he still had a long way to go in his recovery.

A Successful Surgery

A Successful Surgery

Staying In Utah

Major surgery like this necessitates a lengthy recovery period, followed by a series of chemotherapy or radiation treatments to ensure that no cancerous cells remain in the body. The Millers would be staying in Utah indefinitely as a result of this.

Staying In Utah

Staying In Utah

Something Missing

Even so, they were willing to go to any length to help their son, even if it meant taking an unpaid extended leave of absence from work and relocating with only a weekend bag. Even so, something was missing from their temporary residence.

Something Missing

Something Missing


Frank, their German Shepherd, was stranded in North Carolina. Grandma couldn’t handle him on her own because he was only 8 months old at the time. Perryn, on the other hand, was desperate to be with his best pal.



Overwhelming Costs

They looked into the cost of transporting Frank from North Carolina to Utah with Grandma’s help, but the $3,600 fee — on top of medical bills and relocation costs — was too much to bear. Things were looking grim for Perryn’s hopes of meeting his best buddy.

Overwhelming Costs

Overwhelming Costs

One More Favor

Grandma had one last thought: their community had been so generous in helping the Millers recover from Hurricane Florence, would it be too much to ask for another favor? After all, it’s for the sake of their recovering son and it would mean the world for them to make their son happy during his recovery.

One More Favor

One More Favor

A Post For Help

She put out a Facebook plea, asking if anyone had any ideas on how to get Frank back to Perryn and his family, which is about 2,300 miles away. Surprisingly, the post spread like wildfire across social media.

A Post For Help

A Post For Help

The Reynolds

The family’s story made its way to Wisconsin, where it was seen by Rob and Jennifer Reynolds. Jennifer, who is married to a former truck driver, was moved by the story and shared it with her husband.

The Reynolds

The Reynolds

Helping Right Away

Rob knew he had to volunteer his time and help this deserving family reunite with their beloved dog without hesitation. Frank, he believed, could “help [Perryn] recover.” This is why he felt compelled to help out in reuniting the boy and his pal.

Helping Right Away

Helping Right Away

A Long Trip

Rob got up before the sun at 4:30 a.m. and packed his Subaru Outback for the nearly 20-hour drive from his home in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, to North Carolina. This was only the start of the long journey ahead of him.

A Long Trip

A Long Trip

Picking Up Frank

Rob arrived in North Carolina on the morning of January 3rd to pick up the rambunctious puppy. The next leg of the journey would be long and exhausting, but Rob hoped that Frank would be able to help him get through the long trip.

Picking Up Frank

Picking Up Frank

An Amazing Travel Companion

Rob kept posting updates on Facebook about their 2,300-mile cross-country journey because the story had already gone viral. Frank turned out to be an excellent travel companion! Rob certainly felt entertained during their long trip!

An Amazing Travel Companion

An Amazing Travel Companion

A Perfect Companion

Rob said, “Frank and I got along very well,” he had a lot of fun being with Frank as he recalled their time by saying that Frank “would sleep or play with his toys. We’d stop and go for walks. If he wanted to use the bathroom, he’d bump my right arm. He was perfect.”

A Perfect Companion

A Perfect Companion

Enjoying The Trip

Rob even offered to drive Frank back to North Carolina if necessary because the trip was going so well. Rob hoped that wasn’t the case after 52 hours of driving… After all, who would want to drive another 52 hours right after driving for 52 hours?

Enjoying The Trip

Enjoying The Trip

They Arrived

Rob and Frank arrived in Salt Lake City on January 5, 2019. There was no one waiting outside the snowy house, but Frank sensed his family was close by, and the pooch dashed to the front door! Rob could tell just how excited Frank was!

They Arrived

They Arrived