Times have changed. There is a reason why that expression is so common. For instance, kids spend a lot of time on their phones these days, but 50 years ago, that was not the case. Every generation grows up with different trends. Before there was Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X, there were the Baby Boomers. Born between the mid-1940s up to the mid-1960s, Boomers grew up at a time when handwritten letters delivered by post were the main way to communicate with friends and loved ones. Hard to imagine, right? Well, let us look back at the “normal” things the youth did in the 1950s and 1960s. There are some things here that many people nowadays would raise their eyebrows at.

“Normal” Things Boomers Experienced When They Were Kids
Poor Car Safety
Today, it is second nature to strap in. Our arms reach for the seat belt right away, and without a moment’s thought, we buckle in. As a matter of fact, you could consider us pretty well trained in terms of car safety. However, things were different back then. Kids would be on the back seat, and there wouldn’t be any protective means. Instead, infants got a ride on their mom’s lap. We don’t know which is worse.

Poor Car Safety
Practically No Childproofing
Kids nowadays have it pretty cushy. Many things are in places like childproof medicine bottle caps or specific kinds of latches that prevent children, especially babies, from getting hurt. However, this wasn’t always the case. 50 years ago, a baby could play with goods around the house if they wanted to. There were electrical sockets to play with to their heart’s content. This toughened up the kids back then a little bit, we suppose.

Practically No Childproofing
Gender Specific Toys
In the mid-20th Century, toys were defined by genders. Everything red or blue, which could move fast, fight, or shoot stuff, was for boys, and pink and soft stuff was for girls. So naturally, things wouldn’t have been pleasant if you were a boy who liked to play with dolls. Nowadays, there are still hang-ups in terms of which goes to who. However, there are certainly plenty of toys which are for all kids.

Gender-Specific Toys
Showers From The Fire Hydrant
The activity was so popular in large cities and urban areas that it became something like an official policy during the summertime that fire hydrants would be opened for blasting sweaty children after they play in the streets. But, of course, if it weren’t the city officials, then parents or a sibling would definitely do it. It was their way of giving all the neighborhood kids a spritz of water for cooling down. It sounds like fun, but it wasn’t always the best quality water, as you may have guessed.

Showers From The Fire Hydrant
Going To School On Foot
These days, unless you live in an incredibly safe area, you probably won’t let your first grader walk to school. Needless to say, it was different back then. It was normal to allow kids to run free. Generally, the older sibling or an older kid in the neighborhood would accompany the younger kids to school. You could say it was like a ‘boomer carpool’ – without the car part.

Going To School On Foot
Dynamics Of Family Communication
Back then, the kids ran with the kids, while the adults with the adults. Parents definitely cared for their children deeply, but deep discussions and conversations about feelings weren’t exactly for the public domain. Needless to say, there is now a culture of parents discussing things with their children, with some having too many arguments. However, it seems like we have yet to strike a balance when it comes to family communication.

Dynamics Of Family Communication
Drinking-Water From A Garden Hose
Bottled water only became a thing a few decades later. At that time, drinking from the tap is pretty common, and during the summer, kids had no shame in drinking from the garden hose after running around. No one really thought that the water from a garden hose was unregulated, potentially unsafe. Everyone thought that drinking it was totally normal, and the hose was a summertime fixture, with kids having fun with the sprinklers.

Drinking-Water From A Garden Hose
There Were Many Latchkey Kids
The ’60s was a time when mothers started entering the workplace. This may be normal now, but various systems have been put in place to accommodate children with busy parents. Back then, there weren’t a lot of these systems. Kids staying outside all day were pretty common, and so staying at home without an adult in the house was not something out of the ordinary for many. After school, kids would come home to an empty house. They would prepare themselves dinner, but sometimes an older sibling was there to take up the slack.

There Were Many Latchkey Kids
Spanking Was Common
Kids who misbehaved knew what was coming if they were found out. So out came the hand, and occasionally, the belt. Fortunately, most times, the kids weren’t in their parents’ sight, but there was serious discipline whenever the kids and their parents were together. Today, there would be serious eyebrow-raising if the physical punishment that went on in those days happened now. In some cases, a call to child services might even occur. But, thankfully, things have changed!

Spanking Was Common
Lead On Everything
Strangely, lead paint was used a lot since it had been published as early as 1904 that lead in large quantities is highly poisonous for both workmen and the inhabitants of a home. Can you imagine everyone breathing all the lead-in, and not just kids? Thankfully, regulations have been put in place. These days, it is illegal if the amount of lead is more than 0.06% concentration.

Lead On Everything
Kids Outside Without Adult Supervision
Since there were no phones, computers, iPods, or video games, kids had to go to the world outside to have fun. And they did that… all… the…time. When a kid was allowed to play outside with their friends, parents would only see them again at dinner time. It didn’t seem like safety was a concern. Of course, parents cared about their kids, but people back then thought that neighborhoods were safe. Also, kids were mostly in groups or together with older siblings, which is why it seemed completely normal.

Kids Outside Without Adult Supervision
The Community Was Involved In Parenting
Today, it’s all about ‘hands-on’ parenting. It’s unacceptable to tell someone how to raise their children. However, in the 1960s, parents from the neighborhood or community had no issue disciplining another’s child if necessary. It wasn’t uncommon to see other children’s parents giving a child who had made some mischief a good yelling. Sometimes they even spanked the little mischief-maker. If that happened today, there would be lawsuits left and right.

The Community Was Involved In Parenting
Suspect Chemistry Sets
Kids testing out scientific experiments is a great idea, but if these experiments can cause super hazardous explosions, we don’t think they are a good idea. These Gilbert Chemistry Sets contained terribly flammable chemicals, including ammonium nitrate, a chemical used with potassium permanganate to make homemade bombs. Not so smart. But then again, the world was different during that time. Perhaps the makers of those old chemistry sets were so focused on the learning aspect of using the sets.

Suspect Chemistry Sets
No Helmets While Cycling
Many parents definitely didn’t drive their children around in the 1960s. Kids either had to cycle or walk, and the popular choice was cycling for sure. Practically every kid learned how to ride a bike. Suppose they fell and hurt themselves, too bad. Even if they fell and hit their heads, they just sucked it up too. Using helmets became popular much later. As a matter of fact, kids that time thought wearing a helmet was for dorks.

No Helmets While Cycling
Getting Drafted Into The Military
One of the key things about the 1960s was the military draft, which saw young men 18 years old and above getting sent to fight the world’s toughest wars. Nowadays, Americans aged 19 to 26 still need to make sure that they are registered with the Selective Service System. However, the draft doesn’t exist like how it used to. Unfortunately, we’re pretty sure a lot of people hope it remains that way.

Getting Drafted Into The Military
Cars That Explode
The art of car making took quite a while to master. Sadly, even well into the 1970s, some cars would just explode. This happened even to popular family cars, which often had children in them! The Ford Pinto was a prime example. These cars could explode because of the badly designed fuel tank. Compared to this, not using a seat belt is definitely minor if you ask us.

Cars That Explode
Playing At The Beach
Even at large public places, such as the beach, the safety concerns were still similar. Whole families that journeyed to the beach didn’t really oversee their kids. The lifeguards had to do that. They were more like babysitters. With the whole philosophy of ‘kids run free,’ children were left to play on the beaches even after their parents went home. However, this depended on how far away the family lived, of course! Parents definitely weren’t monsters.

Playing At The Beach
Trampolines Without Safety Nets
This may seem like a complete hazard today, but back then, parents didn’t seem to be fazed by this that much. You can probably imagine how many injuries there were. If a trampoline were in the neighborhood, kids would quickly zoom over, only to come home wailing and to limp from all the bruises. Many kids would suffer from bumped heads, various sprains, and broken arms. Did it stop them? Never.

Trampolines Without Safety Nets
Visiting A Friend On Their Own
Today, playdates can be a burden in parenting. The planning and scheduling involved in getting our children socialized can be a bit of a headache. However, decades ago, a kid just simply told their mom that they were going to a friend’s house, and that was that. They went there on their own and often stayed there the entire day, sometimes even having dinner. No cellphones, no internet. Back then, there were times when parents didn’t know where their children were.

Visiting A Friend On Their Own
Not Allowing Boys To Cry
When little children fall and get hurt, they sometimes can’t stop themselves from crying, even little boys. A few decades ago, it was unfortunately common for little boys to be encouraged to become big strong men who don’t cry! Thankfully, that is not the case now. Things have changed, and we now understand that little boys and even big, strong men cry. Furthermore, we now know there is nothing wrong with men showing their emotions.

Not Allowing Boys To Cry
Many young Americans just waited at the side of the road for cross-country traveling or long distances and held out their thumbs to get a ride. This was especially common for all the free-spirited hippies that were likely heading for California so they could live in peace. Some young kids would hitchhike when running away from their parents! Nowadays, that might be quite scary, but somehow, there wasn’t a lot of fear for weirdos and creeps during that time. We wonder what happened.

Bloody Seal Of Friendship
Before Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram, kids may have made fewer connections, but the bonds were certainly tighter. In some cases… perhaps a bit too tight. Doing secret handshakes or exchanging cute bracelets wasn’t enough for best friends to seal their friendships. Kids honored ancient oaths and became “blood” brothers or sisters. Pretty gruesome, if you ask us. Not only was there the obvious ‘ouch’ factor in all of that, but it was also great for exchanging bacteria and diseases.

Bloody Seal Of Friendship
Spinning The Merry-Go-Round Really Fast
While a playground is a child’s paradise, it was a place filled with a lot of screaming, some bloodied knees, and a few bumps on the head. The kid wasn’t always at fault, though. Sometimes parents would encourage their kids to play a bit too hard. For example, spinning the merry-go-round super-fast with their little ones on it could be fun, but it could also be harmful. The children might get terribly nauseous or accidentally flung off.

Spinning The Merry-Go-Round Really Fast
Sending A Young Child To The Store
Back then, if you sent your young child with a note to the store, you could teach them some responsibility. However, if you did this today, you would potentially put your child in danger. Sadly, the world has changed and isn’t as safe anymore. Sending kids to do the shopping is definitely less popular these days, but who knows, perhaps the situation will change one day! The world can change again, you know.

Sending A Young Child To The Store
Not Putting On Sunscreen
Before sunscreen, baby oil with iodine was used to prevent burns. However, there weren’t fears about the ozone layer having holes in it either, so it seemed like the sun was everybody’s friend. After a lot of sunburns and peeling shoulders, we finally understood that it could get quite dangerous. At least the parents tried to protect their children with what they had. On the other hand, moms and dads would lather up suntan oil and go roast in the sun. Today, many people still do that, but at least it is regarded as something quite unwise.

Not Putting On Sunscreen
Daughters Not Allowed To Date
If there is one thing that is as old as time itself, it is overprotective dads. They are certainly still alive and well these days, though, like, with everything, things were a bit more extreme in the 1960s. Grumpy dads would notoriously chase off their daughters’ dates, sometimes with a hunting rifle in hand. When it came to their sons, however, the boys were only encouraged. Easing up on our girls took quite a several years.

Daughters Not Allowed To Date
Chasing Trucks That Had Toxic Fumes
No one ever really thought of poisonous pesticides back then. In fact, kids in the neighborhood used to run after trucks as though it was a game. They had no idea that these trucks were spraying poison and other chemicals to kill mosquitoes and pests. This seems a bit too crazy, and we just hope that parents figured this out very quickly. Inhaling toxic fumes are never okay.

Chasing Trucks That Had Toxic Fumes
Kids Using The Stove And Oven
Since kids were left on their own in the house for hours while their parents were away at work, they needed to make their own dinners. If there were no simple microwavable dinners available, kids were forced to light up their stove or oven by themselves. Sometimes they succeeded, but at other times they didn’t. We are pretty sure the local fire departments were alert and always ready for action.

Kids Using The Stove And Oven
Everyone Was Smoking
Those days, in practically every piece of media, be it on TV, film, magazine ads, billboards, not to mention, on the street, everyone had a cigarette on their lips. Even ads that featured babies could be seen together with a smoking father and mother at the dinner table. As for the older kids, smoking cigarettes was a sign that you are now a grown-up. Just ask anybody from that generation. They were probably sent to the store at the corner to buy some smokes for their parents.

Everyone Was Smoking
Swirlies Were Not Uncommon
The bullying culture is one more thing that has evolved, not that kids have become kinder. Everyone knows that kids can be quite cruel. However, their methods have definitely changed over the years. Back then, it wasn’t uncommon for bullies to take a smaller kid and dunk his head in the toilet. Thankfully, that’s rare these days, though it still happens. It would’ve been better if swirlies were left in the past.

Swirlies Were Not Uncommon
Having Fun In The Streets
Those kids who lived in an area where no parks were nearby, or their backyard was too small for games like hockey, stickball, Marco Polo, and hide-and-seek, the streets were the only choice. It was also common for kids to play with marbles and aimed them at maintenance hole covers. Little girls would also use chalk to draw hop-scotch diagrams on the streets. Miraculously, kids didn’t get hurt from oncoming cars.

Having Fun In The Streets
Bubblegum Was Very Popular
Blowing bubblegum bubbles was really popular then, and bubble-blowing competitions were even a thing. This was seen as quite sneaky since bubblegum was actually not allowed in class back then. However, there were always brave souls who would smuggle some bubblegum in. With all that sugar that was swirling around their mouths, many children had cavities. So teachers and parents began clamping down harder on the treats. Aside from the kids, the adults also wanted to avoid visits to the dentists.

Bubblegum Was Very Popular
Sugary Cereals Were Common
Back then, people considered cereals like Trix or Cap’n Crunch as a decent breakfast. Generally, unsweetened corn-flakes still had a tablespoon of sugar. The sugary treats were made of corn, oat or wheat, and fed to young kids. You can probably imagine how bad the results were. Let’s just say there were a lot of painful bellies and toothaches. Needless to say, the sugar was causing a lot of harm to these kids. Today, there are still many sugary bowls of cereal, but there are healthier options as well.

Sugary Cereals Were Common
Pregnant Women Who Smoked And Drank
Those who were in their mother’s womb in the 1950s or 1960s may have already consumed a lot of toxins even as a baby. For example, pregnant mothers and new moms were often seen smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of wine. Of course, these days, we know that is super harmful, particularly to a young baby, but we can’t exactly blame them, can we? Back then, people simply didn’t know any better.

Pregnant Women Who Smoked And Drank
Crude Skateboards
Skateboards have definitely come a long way. Aside from the killer skateboard art and graphics available today, the skateboard’s design is carefully crafted. In the ’60s, a skateboard was basically a piece of plywood that had some wheels slapped on. All that you could do is just go forward. It was pretty much impossible to do skateboard tricks with them. Fast forward several decades later, a modern skateboard lets you do a ton of tricks.

Crude Skateboards
Dangerous Toys
Over the years, toys have evolved, but there was a time when all that kids had to play with were scattered stones outside. Fortunately, in the 1960s, there wasn’t a shortage of toys, but the types of available toys caused plenty of damage. For example, the tire swing caused untold stories of whiplash. Kids also played jarts, which were massive darts for the yard. Then, there were cap guns and BB guns, which caused some horrifying injuries. Thankfully, plenty of safety measures have been introduced. But, unfortunately, playing with toy guns has also been pretty discouraged.

Dangerous Toys
Girls Were Not Allowed To Get Rough
In case you haven’t noticed, little girls also like to run wild. However, if you were a boomer and a girl, you were likely stuffed in dresses and handed Easy Bake Ovens, little dolls, and strollers to play with. That wasn’t for everyone. Today, we see many little girls who climb trees and play with toy guns and trucks. Little girls are now encouraged to explore and do things that young baby boomer girls could not do.

Girls Were Not Allowed To Get Rough
Napping By The Rear Window
Since there weren’t any electronics to keep everybody entertained, families resorted to games and songs during long road trips. But, of course, this would get a bit tiresome after a while, and the kids would take a rest. So, where did they do this? The kids would nap in the nook above the back seat. You know the area right by the rear window of the car? This is just too much.

Napping By The Rear Window
Girls Damaged Their Hair When Styling It
Girls used painful hair rollers, peroxide, which would dry out hair, burn the scalp, and even actual irons, which you used for clothes on their precious hair. Sometimes, hair styling for women resembled medieval torture methods. You could say that “beauty is pain” was a common phrase back then. Luckily, advances have been made in the area of hairstyling. Women do not have to suffer anymore to have gorgeous hair.

Girls Damaged Their Hair When Styling It
Pox Parties Were Common
Before there were vaccines, kids needed to be exposed to some infectious diseases. Although most commonly, the ’parties’ were held for Measles and Chicken Pox, sometimes Rubella and Mumps were also thrown in there for good measure. Everyone thought it was inevitable and did what they could just to ‘get it over with.’ Thankfully, kids recovered quickly and went on to develop immunity. We have vaccines now, at least. They have definitely helped a lot.

Pox Parties Were Common
Nuns Disciplined Students
Generally, Catholic schools had quite harsh rules. If you step out of line, you could get spanked. Talk in class, and you could get smacked with a ruler on the palm of your hand. Kids also got pulled by the ear before they were sent to the principal’s office. After that, you could be told to get on your knees, and quite often, the punishment would get worse. But, of course, things are much different in today’s schools. Punishment is not the same- even in Catholic schools.

Nuns Disciplined Students
Hanging Out At The Candy Store
There was a time when candy stores for children were like bars for adults. With lollipops in hand, kids would hop on and queue at the counters. Back then, candies were so cheap that kids could binge on egg cream and sugar-loaded sodas for a nickel. It was common for kids to sneak in brown paper bags with gummy bears, candy canes, bubblegum, and much, much more. Moms would sometimes catch their children doing this, of course. However, the kids could run around back then!

Hanging Out At The Candy Store
Unsafe Cribs
We now know that babies should not sleep on their bellies, but back then, they also slept in unsafe cribs aside from babies doing that. The slats on the cribs were too far apart, and sometimes the baby’s head could get stuck! On some occasions, the little one’s fingers would get stuck as well. A series of tragedies had to happen for the manufactures to pick up on these clues finally. Soon after that, plenty of new regulations, which are now normal, got introduced.

Unsafe Cribs
Mercurochrome Use Was Common
Clear antiseptic creams and liquids like Neosporin and Hydrogen Peroxide were not common back then. If you cut your finger or grazed your knee playing outside, adults used Mercurochrome to save the day. It was a scary-looking liquid that had a dark red color and sort of resembled blood. It wasn’t pretty, and putting it on a bloody finger didn’t do it any favors. However, it was the standard antiseptic back then. It’s so bad it’s not even produced anymore.

Mercurochrome Use Was Common
Molten Plastic Was Abundant
We already mentioned dangerous toys, but there is nothing that compares to this nightmare from the 1960s. Perhaps aptly named the ‘Creepy Crawler,’ this toy taught kids how not to burn their handoff. We wonder how this game was fun when it literally involved melting plastic and metal. However, the bigger question is how the creator of this game thought making this game was a good idea.

Molten Plastic Was Abundant
Crazy Lines At Gas Stations
In 1973 and again in 1979, the U.S. suffered from quite a rough oil crisis. The shortage sent people into a panic which resulted in crazy lines at the gas stations. The situation got so bad gas stations began using color-coded fans to indicate if they had gas or not (green meant yes and red meant no). As a result, there were times when American families felt they only had gas for one last trip.

Crazy Lines At Gas Stations
Roller Skates Disco Parties
Back then, teenagers and folks in their twenties were all about these things. They rolled across the room as they listened to the BeeGees or other funky disco music popular at that time. It’s hard enough approaching people at parties, so we wonder how those guys did it on skates. The first impressions they made must have been pretty awkward. But then again, everybody was doing it, so perhaps no one thought it was strange.

Roller Skates Disco Parties
The Struggle In Using The Telephone
Back then, most houses only had one telephone. Perhaps some of the super-rich had two lines. However, for the average family, it was common to have phone fights. People needed to exercise great patience for that telephone. The brothers and sisters would regularly battle this stuff out the most. Also, there was little privacy since these phones were often in the common area of a house. Thankfully, we now have cell phones.

The Struggle In Using The Telephone
Annoying Your Siblings On Road Trips
Nowadays, when the family gets into the car for a cross-country road trip, everybody has devices to distract themselves, but back then, you only had the person sitting next to you. Most people thought that the only way to survive boredom was to annoy their siblings as much as they could. Many times, this resulted in annoying the parents and all the fighting that happened at the back.

Annoying Your Siblings On Road Trips
Cartoons On Saturday
The world didn’t use to be geared for kids’ entertainment. However, these days, you will feel the hype that surrounds Frozen or Dora the Explorer everywhere you go. Back then, there was just one day of the week dedicated to kids, and that was Saturday. So children would get up early, rush to the TV, and tune in to the Saturday morning cartoons. Today, cartoons are on TV 24/7.

Cartoons On Saturday
The Watergate Hearings Rocked The Nation
Everyone was glued to their televisions and radios because of the Watergate hearings, even those who didn’t really keep up with politics. Many people thought that the end of democracy was near. When Nixon eventually left the White House and got into that helicopter, the entire nation was completely mesmerized by what they saw. The event has become one of the most unforgettable moments of the 1970s.

The Watergate Hearings Rocked The Nation
Pre-Star Wars Era
Can you imagine living in the years before the Star Wars mania? Everyone went about their day without any idea what would hit them just a few years later. Soon, muffled scary breaths and lightsabers were all that people would talk about. So naturally, we wonder what they were referencing. But then again, perhaps they didn’t spend a lot of time referencing anything, and they were busy doing something else.

Pre-Star Wars Era
Speaking To Strangers
Back then, the world was way more innocent, and people were certainly less concerned about stranger danger. Communities were closer, and a sense of familiarity was more common among neighborhoods. These days, even just the thought of their child getting approached by a stranger will send chills down a parent’s spine. We may enjoy many modern conveniences now, but there are also new dangers that we, unfortunately, have to deal with now.

Speaking To Strangers
More Freedom In Fashion Choices
The good news is that clothing was finally becoming less homogeneous, and both men and women could embrace similar fashion during the 70s. What’s unfortunate is that those items included tube socks and short shorts, which for some reason, people thought back then was a good look. While they could have definitely done a bit better, at least they thought that they looked hip. Anyway, every decade always has questionable fashion trends.

More Freedom In Fashion Choices
Charlie’s Angels Was A Hit
There was Team Jaclyn Smith, Team Kate Jackson, and of course, Team Farah Fawcett. However, it seemed like Fawcett stole the hearts of a lot of fans. Nevertheless, each Angel had her own quirks that people favored. If there is one thing that is certain about all of this, these crime-fighting gals were featured on many teens’ bedroom walls. You probably know someone who did this.

Charlie’s Angels Was A Hit
Treacherous Playgrounds
These days, playgrounds are a bit cushier. They now feature softer grounds for falls and rounded edges to avoid the odd accident now and then. Those days, children were no strangers to wobbly merry-go-rounds and even rusty nails. It certainly made them a bit tougher, may be able to bear military conditions. If they got cut, there was mercurochrome to save the day. Amazing, isn’t it?

Treacherous Playgrounds
Vaccine Scars
That two-pronged needle used to protect people from getting that vicious smallpox left behind quite the mark. During the 70s, kids were safer from diseases, but they also had scars. The kids did wear their scars proudly, though. After all, a staple gun was used in giving the shot. Kids acted like they had gone to war and came home with a battle scar. There was a sense of camaraderie.

Vaccine Scars
Ditto Machines Were Popular Among Students
If you don’t remember ditto machines or mimeographs as they are also called, you are definitely not a boomer. When boomers were still in school, these machines were top-rated in classrooms because they duplicated printing devices that students used for doing their homework. Those who have used the device will probably never forget how it left purple ink blots on their hands, not to mention it had quite the smell!

Ditto Machines Were Popular Among Students
Using Silly Putty To Preserve Newspaper Comics
With the use of non-transferable ink these days, doing this would be impossible. However, back then, kids felt overjoyed when they discovered that they could actually replicate newspaper comics. They could enjoy reading their favorite comics again and again anywhere at any time. What they did was simply roll over the putty on the comic section of the newspaper and then collect endless copies of Doonesbury or Garfield comic strips.

Using Silly Putty To Preserve Newspaper Comics
Watership Down Scared Kids
Even by today’s standards, this animated film is pretty gory. It may not be Tarrantino, but Watership Down still traumatized a good number of viewers. Kids in the ’70s watched in horror sweet bunnies getting brutally killed by various kinds of cruel and vicious elements. Years later, the film was adapted into something far more mellow, and this time, it was shown as a TV series. Kids today will probably never fully know how terrible General Woundwort actually was.

Watership Down Scared Kids
The Bowl Cut Became Popular
You know that when a mother puts a bowl over her child’s head and proceeds to give the young one a good ol’ trim, that kid will get a truly iconic hairstyle – beautiful bowl-shaped hair which frames the face in an oh-so-stylish way. Hairdressers got nothing on mothers like this, and apparently, man people back then thought the same thing. So many kids rocked the bow cut. Their mothers probably got inspired by Dorothy Hamill and Pete Rose.

The Bowl Cut Became Popular
The Opening Of A Kid Mecca
In 1971, the American public saw the magic of Disney World for the first time. The Orlando haven basically reached mythical status within the first few months that it opened. But, of course, it has since maintained that status. Kids who were lucky enough to experience Disneyland’s wonders reminisce about Space Mountain. The others would beg their parents for a trip to the kid mecca down south. Needless to say, many succeeded in their plea.

The Opening Of A Kid Mecca
Horror Stories About The Pop Rocks And Soda Combo
Horror stories of eating pop rocks and drinking soda at the same time spread like wildfire. Legend has it that a kid, despite the many warnings from family and friends, boldly decided to consume a mixture of pop rocks and coke and died. According to stories, there was so much carbon dioxide intake that the kid’s stomach exploded. Somehow that story worked in keeping kids from consuming the combo. But, of course, the adults knew how absurd the story sounded.

Horror Stories About The Pop Rocks And Soda Combo
Having To Deal With The TV Antennae
Before there were massive satellite dishes and the rise of digital streaming, it was all about the bunny-eared antennae. As a result, it was not uncommon for the picture to be distorted. Snowy speckles would be hissing at you as you struggle to find a decent picture of your favorite TV show. Often a kid would have to stand in place as the rest sat back and enjoyed the show. We bet many boomers now look back at this experience fondly.

Having To Deal With The TV Antennae
Photo Booths Were Popular
Back then, capturing moments with your pals while out and about was not really common. There were cameras, of course, and even polaroids. However, the fun group picture was best taken while everyone is stacked up inside a tiny photo booth. After you and your crazy friends piled in, the booth would snap up a few shots. The resulting photos would often be hilarious, but they would always be treasured.

Photo Booths Were Popular
American Pie Was A Hit Among Teens
Don Mclean’s 1971 track was huge among the “woke” teens back then. Kids debated over whether the song was really about a jester who stole a crown. Was Jack Bob Dylan, or was he Mick Jagger? Or was it all really about the death of Buddy Holly? There was so much conjecture but so little information. Also, the internet did not exist in those days. Verifying something took way more time and effort.

American Pie Was A Hit Among Teens
Pet Rocks Were A Hit
You might be wondering what the state of toys was in the 1970s that made children turn to some googly-eyed rocks for entertainment. Nevertheless, the craze did happen, and kids went crazy for these things. Before anyone knew it, children were stringing along pet rocks everywhere that they went. What’s more, this wasn’t some kind of quirky underground group. These were regular kids who simply decided that a pet rock was fun to have.

Pet Rocks Were A Hit
Recording Songs From The Radio On Tape
How about vintage music piracy? If you didn’t have enough money for the hottest and latest album, what you could do was tape tunes off the radio. However, preparation was crucial and, you needed to set up your portable cassette tape beside the radio, with your finger positioned on the record button. Then, you would wait… and wait. Everything was worth it, though. Back then, kids would record an entire top 40 charts onto their cassette tape, and they didn’t even step foot inside a record store.

Recording Songs From The Radio On Tape
TV Test Patterns
Unlike today, no non-stop broadcast was on every single channel back then. At 2 or 3 am, TV stations would bid goodnight, and everyone would go to bed. Then, the test pattern, usually the American flag or sometimes the native American symbol, would play. Electrical engineers used it as a guide to producing a decent image. The broadcast would only come back on at around 6 am.

TV Test Patterns
Shaking Polaroid Photos Vigorously
Like the 2003 OutKast hit reminded us, we “gotta shake it like a polaroid picture.” This is a reference to the way folks used to air dry a freshly snapped Polaroid photo. They believed that the vigorous air motion sped up the development. Unfortunately for those people back then, the Polaroid website stated in 2004 that this way of “shaking or waving has no effect.” So, sorry to burst your bubble.

Shaking Polaroid Photos Vigorously
Widespread Fear Of Water
come, it traumatized sea-lovers, and the movie’s chilling theme music would play in people’s heads the moment that they dipped their toes in the water. Aquaphobia became a global issue. People continually searched the oceans for a dubious shark fin that might be peering through the waters. Thankfully, people’s memories started to fade a few years later, and they felt comfortable in the waters again.

Widespread Fear Of Water
The Oscar Mayer Melody On Repeat
You’re definitely too young if you have no idea what the Oscar Mayer melody is. Anybody who heard this catchy jingle would never be totally freed of it. While the ad was simple, just a cute kid trying to catch fish as he eats a sandwich, his words ended up burning in the minds of everyone throughout the ’70s. Over the years, there have been several catchy ads but nothing quite like this one.

The Oscar Mayer Melody On Repeat
Using A Typewriter For Everything
Just imagine how horrible it must have been to meticulously type out a long, involved letter to a loved one, a news report, or a novel, only to realize at the end that there was a typo. Out went the page, and you would have to start all over again with a fresh blank paper. The terror of the typewriter, we must say. Thankfully, we now have the delete key and spell-check, of course.

Using A Typewriter For Everything
Non-helmet-wearing Bikers
Back then, the streets were filled with helmet-less bikers. Hordes of tough counter-culture gangs included these brave (or just plain silly) bikers. Some of them were discharged soldiers, and there were wandering freedom seekers as well. However, one thing was common among them. They lived life on the fringes of society and their terms. If you wore a helmet back then, you were a “sissy” or simply a coward.

Non-helmet-wearing Bikers
Soda Tabs Cutting Up Everyone
Pulling the tab on a soda can would create a small wedge-shaped opening at the top. People would just throw the tab to the ground, and someone would inevitably step on it and cause an injury. It became an epidemic all over the country. In a New York Times report in 1976, it was reported that most injuries at the beach “were due to cuts inflicted by discarded pop tabs.” People that time definitely needed that tetanus shot.

Soda Tabs Cutting Up Everyone
The Afro Was A Popular Look
The bigger, the better. The look of choice back then, the afro, was super trendy. You were in luck if you had thicker or curly hair. Both men and women walked around town, sporting the best and wildest afro that their hair could muster. You can compare it to today’s man bun or undercut. You were basically a nobody if you had no thick and puffy afro.

The Afro Was A Popular Look
Barbie Dolls Were At The Top
The Barbie doll was introduced to the world in the ‘60s, and it became a sensation instantly. By the year 1965, the sales of the dolls reached $100,000,000. Creator Ruth Handler saw her daughter playing with some paper dolls and got inspired to make the Barbie doll named after the creator’s beloved daughter. Thus, the phenomenon was created and brought joy to millions of young girls (and boys) worldwide.

Barbie Dolls Were At The Top
Bell-Bottoms Were All The Rage
If you think about hippies, these pants probably come to mind. Surprisingly, they originated from Navy uniforms. Bell-bottoms were famously worn by folks, such as Sonny and Cher and the legendary Elvis Presley. The ‘60s and ‘70s became the era of these pants. Young boomers would wear their bellbottoms with beautiful leather or suede boots. Your level of cool if you wore such an ensemble would be through the roof.

Bell-Bottoms Were All The Rage
Mail Two Times A Day
This might be a vague memory for the older boomers, but a memory nonetheless! The USPS reports that mail carriers would deliver packages and mail up to two times a day to residential homes until about 1950. It’s kind of crazy that today, we can get hundreds of emails in a day. But, of course, if you had told someone in the ‘50s about this fact, they would probably think that you are crazy.

Mail Two Times A Day
Swanson TV Dinners Became A Hit
These technically still exist, but they are no longer a family fixture, unlike in the day. Did you know that the first Swanson TV dinners were created due to a surplus of turkey? Needless to say, the meat, sweet potato, and mash combo became a hit with new working moms. Gathering around their chunky color TVs, families would eat the instant meal, which became a staple of many working and middle-class American families.

Swanson TV Dinners Became A Hit
Howdy Doody Doll Became A Favorite
The beloved puppet show called Puppet Playhouse TV Show made its debut in 1947. By 1950, it had become a household name, which meanings all the boomer kids tuned in to the show whenever they got a chance. Eventually, the character Howdy Doody, who was a fan favorite, got his own show. A world of merchandise later came because of this popularity. If you were a child at that time, you must have felt like you had to get the doll at some point.

Howdy Doody Doll Became A Favorite
The Beatles Was Everywhere
If you have been living under a rock, The Beatles was a British pop-rock group that became a massive hit among everyone, especially children and teens. Some fans got so crazed about the group they would pass out while they watched the band perform. Beatlemania took the world by storm, and the group attracted hysteria anywhere they went. Not even Justin Bieber reached these heights. Today, The Beatles are still gaining new fans.

The Beatles Was Everywhere
Go-go Boots Took The World By Storm
In 1956, Andre Courreges, the legendary French designer, introduced go-go boots to the world. From the moment the footwear hit the shelves, they became the envy of all women. Along with bandanas and mini skirts, Go-go boots, also called Courrèges, became one of the trendiest fashion items in the market. They may not be as popular today, but we can still see these boots now and then.

Go-go Boots Took The World By Storm
Lava Lamps Became Big
We may have seen a lava lamp mini-revival in the 1990s, but the lava lamps’ big moment came in the 1960s when they were invented. The colorful goops that glow in the dark fascinated many. Can you blame them? The things decorated trendy clubs, lounges, and bars, with some psychedelic background music, of course. The ultimate night out for boomers back in their day. These days, you can still see some lava lamps here and there.

Lava Lamps Became Big
The Rise Of The Mini Miniskirts
Compared to the conservative 1950s, the 1960s were quite the opposite, a real revolt against the decade before it. But, then, the 1960s were so colorful and “groovy,” and some daring new fashions, like the miniskirt. In the latter part of the decade, short dresses peaked in popularity, especially with the Women’s Liberation Movement getting traction. Back then, those skirts were all about “showing it all,” though they seem pretty tame these days.

The Rise Of The Mini Miniskirts
The Invention Of The Smiley Face
A staple today, the smiley face is in logos, toys, emojis, stickers, and many other things. Practically everyone recognizes the smiling yellow face today. You would think that the person behind it must have taken home a six-figure profit, but sadly that wasn’t what happened. The creator was Harvey Ross Ball, who worked for an ad agency. In 1963, he was paid $45 for his drawing. It was supposed to be something that would comfort employees. It’s been a hit ever since.

The Invention Of The Smiley Face
Tie-Dye T-Shirts Were Trendy
These days, many children’s birthday parties include tie-dying t-shirts as one of the activities. A few decades ago, the young teenaged hippies hung around in those signature tie-dye t-shirts and their faded jeans. The more colorful the shirt was, the better. Remember the peace, love, and happiness philosophy? You can still see those t-shirts, proving the hippie generation’s undying legacy. You might not have one, but you likely know someone who does.

Tie-Dye T-Shirts Were Trend
The Turtleneck Sweater Became A Thing
The turtleneck sweater became popular in the late 1960s, with the year 1967 being dubbed “The Year of the Turtle.” Many high-profile celebs sported them, including Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Sammy Davis Jr., and of course, the legend herself, Marilyn Monroe. There are plenty of iconic Monroe photos, and one of them shows the star’s unforgettable turtleneck look. It seems like this trend hasn’t died down, and you can still see people donning the turtleneck sweater to this day.

The Turtleneck Sweater Became A Thing
Gatherings At The Soda Fountain Bars
Today’s kids are quite sophisticated. They sip on ice coffees while they scroll through Instagram. However, back in the 1950s and 1960s, kids went to their local diner and queued at the soda fountain bar. All you have to do is put a jukebox in a room with a checkered tile dancefloor. Teens would come and have a total party. They would jitterbug the day away. The sodas were also a pull, of course.

Gatherings At The Soda Fountain Bars
Poodle Skirts Were Popular
You can see many millennials wearing avocado-themed tops, accessories, or pants, but in the ’50s, the poodle was really sensational, hence the popular poodle skirt. The long, colorful skirt went past the knees (no miniskirts just yet), and there was a sweet poodle design on it. Struggling singer and actress Juli Lynne Charlot had to make a skirt for a Christmas party. With everything being so last-minute, she made a suede skirt and added some festive appliqué to it. Surprisingly, it became a total hit, and people approached Charlot to add poodles since many women were all about poodles. The iconic look was then born.

Poodle Skirts Were Popular
The Sock Hops Trend
Kids didn’t discover twerking until 60 years later. If you hopped in a time machine and went back in time, you would catch boomer kids twisting and jitterbugging, rattling, and rolling at the school dances in their socks. Kids would take off their shoes and dance on the gym floor (to protect the floors.) However, you don’t need a time machine to see kids doing this. Just watch American Bandstand, the famous TV dance show.

The Sock Hops Trend
The Rise Of The Bullet Bra
The ‘50s were really the start of quite an exciting new era. You have to remember that the free love era wasn’t far ahead. Maybe we should thank the conical bra for that? The cone-shaped brassiere, known as the bullet or torpedo bra, did get eyes popping, even when they were under thick turtleneck sweaters. However, a more natural silhouette later came into fashion, and the more comfortable soft cup bras became more popular.

The Rise Of The Bullet Bra
Mutton Chops Were A Thing
Together with the roundest ‘fro, mutton chops or bushy long sideburns were a thing among many young boomer men. Folks like James Dean and Elvis Presley sported glorious sideburns. Add a leather jacket, pop your collar, wear faded jeans, and you would be the hottest guy in school. So now you know why those photos of young boomers usually have at least one guy trying to rock mutton chops. It was a thing.

Mutton Chops Were A Thing
Drive-In Theaters Were Popular
The first-ever drive-in theater was technically opened in 1933. However, it only took off in the 1950s, probably due to the war in between. When the theaters did become popular, they were filled to the brim, especially teenagers. You must have seen Grease, right? Also, drive-ins were great for blossoming young love. Of course, the film-watching experience was great as well! You can say a drive-in was the place to be for hanging out.

Drive-In Theaters Were Popular
Coonskin Caps Were Common
This crazy hat that David Crockett wore is not common these days, but this ‘50s fad was viral among rambunctious young boys who wanted to be Crockett from the Disney miniseries, which aired in 1954 to 1955. The Disney show really drove coonskin sales up. The sales even reached $100,000,000. All a little boy needed was a coonskin hat and a play rifle. Oh, the power that Disney holds.

Coonskin Caps Were Common
Candy Cigarettes
Today, smoking cigarettes is mostly frowned upon because of our modern knowledge of its negative effects on our health. However, back when boomers were kids, it wasn’t uncommon for a group of six-year-old friends to have candy cigarettes together. In terms of the candy, they were actually disgusting, with flavor and texture similar to chalk. But, despite this, it wasn’t about the flavor but more of aesthetics and feel.

Candy Cigarettes
The Civil Rights Act Gets Signed
Some boomers may have been really young in 1964 and don’t remember President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act. Still, it was definitely a landmark move that made discrimination based on national origin, color, race, or religion illegal. Of course, boomers had nothing to do with the signing of the act itself or its passage, but they were certainly feeling its effects in a world that was rapidly changing.

The Civil Rights Act Gets Signed
Jell-O Mania
We know that there are just some things that shouldn’t ever come in gelatin form, but boomers were still experimenting with Jell-O. A cookbook from that time would likely have some weird recipe of fish, vegetable, or ham gelatin mold in it! Our palates have thankfully evolved, and cookbooks that have ham and gelatin crossovers are few in circulation. However, if for some reason you are a fan of these crossovers, then, by all means, make them.

Jell-O Mania
Long before Google and other kinds of instant searches were invented, it was a bit trickier to look up a phone number and took more time – especially if a phonebook wasn’t at hand. Most businesses and families kept one phonebook with local numbers on hand for those times they needed to contact a person whose number they didn’t have. For example, you were looking for the name John Smith in the phonebook. It could take all day to go through all the entries with that name before you find the right one!

Tuning In To I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy aired for most of the 1950s. The hit sitcom charmed audiences with a silly housewife’s antics and her comedic husband. Its regular seasons were broadcast between 1951 and 1957, but after the show ended, its legacy continued into 1960. There were 13 different one-hour specials aired, including The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show. Nowadays, the series can be streamed on different platforms, such as Hulu. However, when boomers were young, waiting for new episodes each week was a thing.

Tuning In To I Love Lucy
Waiting For The Milkman
Today, many grocery stores offer their own delivery services for milk products (with many being plant-based, like almond, soy, oat, and coconut). When boomers were younger, the milkman delivered their milk, who would come by to drop off their supply. He would then pick up the empty glass bottles that the customers left out. In the 1960s, around a third of milk was still delivered. Nowadays, with grocery delivery and online shopping becoming more popular, that percentage has likely gone up again!

Waiting For The Milkman
Collecting S&H Green Stamps
When “snail mail” was a popular way of communication, stamps were quite a big deal. Collecting S&H Green Stamps was a favorite pastime of a boomer kid. They would get redeem them and get a comic book or a new toy truck or something else. The possibilities were endless! From the 1930s up until the late 1980s, the stamps were trendy throughout the U.S. The company Sperry & Hutchinson distributed the stamps as a part of their rewards program.

Collecting S&H Green Stamps
Being A Fan Of Paul Newman
Hollywood’s Golden Age produced many film stars, but one of the hottest was definitely Paul Newman. Kids today may only know him as the guy on the side of salad dressing bottles. However, anyone who’s seen his movies knows why he was a big hit in the 1950s and beyond. Many of his biggest films were released around the 1960s and 1970s, including the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke, where he played Luke Jackson.

Being A Fan Of Paul Newman
Shopping At A Five-and-Dime
In 1879, a failed American department store chain called Woolworth created five-and-dime stores. The company was top-rated back then, until Amazon and Walmart, and other mega-stores came around. Still, many people look back and miss shopping at the neighborhood five-and-dime. A few may still be open here and there, and if you’re lucky, you may find one. However, the majority have not survived and have been closed.

Shopping At A Five-and-Dime
Landmark Civil Rights Decision
You be too young to remember, but there was a time when interracial marriages were banned. It may be shocking to someone living in 2021, but at that time, unfortunately, it was the reality. Finally, in 1967, Richard and Mildred Loving decided they had had enough of the ban and took their case to the Supreme Court. Loving v. Virginia, the case’s landmark civil rights decision is now celebrated every June 12th or Loving Day.

Landmark Civil Rights Decision
Evel Knievel On Wide World of Sports
In 1967, the legendary stuntman Evel Knievel made his first jump on ABC‘s Wide World of Sports. The infamous entertainer then went on to appear on the program a few more times. Finally, in 1975, Knievel jumped 14 Greyhound buses at Kings Island amusement park in Ohio. Five of the seven times he appeared on the show are included in the top 20 moments of the program of all time.

Evel Knievel On Wide World of Sports
Bonanza On TV
One of the first TV programs that came on color TV was Bonanza, a big deal. At first, color TV sets were understandably not so common. However, kids who didn’t have a color TV set at home usually had friends who had one! Finally, in 1959, the show was broadcast for the first time. It became the longest-running western series on NBC and the second-longest-running western in U.S. television history, spanning over 430 episodes into 1973. This means a lot of boomers grew up watching the series!

Bonanza On TV
Speaking With The Operator
It’s hard to believe that a human used to be at the other end of the phone line to help you find a telephone number you were looking for and connect you with the number. If you wanted to get in touch with the operator, you would have to press “0”, though the number varied occasionally. But, of course, there might still be some people who press “0” at times, old habits and all.

Speaking With The Operator
Cigarettes On Billboards
Before people knew how bad smoking was for them, it was viewed as “cool.” If you weren’t doing it, you were the odd one. Now, it’s the opposite. Modern society sort of shuns smokers. However, when boomers were younger, tobacco was everywhere – in magazines, newspapers, on TV, in films, and on billboards. Today, there would be outrage if a tobacco billboard was spotted along the side of the road! In 1997, the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement totally banned the outdoor advertising of cigarettes.

Cigarettes On Billboards
Cursive Writing
Taking notes by hand, especially in cursive, is probably something kids today can’t even imagine. Also, writing in cursive isn’t taught in many schools anymore, with everything going digital. However, when boomers were still in school, they had no phones or laptops to help them take notes. Instead, they had a pencil and notebook. They might have had a tired wrist when the day ended, but many of them probably thought it was all worth it.

Cursive Writing
Smoking On-board
These days, you can only dream of stepping foot onto an airplane carrying the wrong kind of nail file. What’s more, you can forget about smoking. However, things were not as strict in the past as the industry was still working out its kinks. In the 1980s, authorities started banning smoking on airplanes, and by 1990, smoking was completely barred from all flights. However, you might have noticed that there are still ashtrays in the restrooms on planes as required by law – even if smoking is banned.

Smoking On-board
It may be hard to believe, but people had to read thick, physical books whenever they wanted to find out more about something once upon a time. Today, you can access information with only a few clicks away and from practically anywhere in the world. However, before there was Google, volumes of encyclopedias were the go-tos for information. Nowadays, carrying around a ton of information is much lighter, that’s for sure!

Bike Rotors With Baseball Cards
As kids made their way home for dinner, whooshing through the neighborhood, you could practically hear the noise that baseball cards clipped to bike rotors made. Just the thought of it probably brings back a lot of memories for many people. Collecting baseball cards was a popular hobby, though it also had its ups and downs. While the hobby remained popular in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, things weren’t the same.

Bike Rotors With Baseball Cards