Daughter Comes Home Crying From School, Dad Uses Drastic Measures To Find Out Why

Published on 02/17/2020

Tomas Valero found his child crying each day at school. Clearly, there was a problem. He was shocked by the truth, but it was not easy to find out what was going on. What did he do to get to the bottom of it?

Starting School

Kids often have it hard when they begin school. This is a big adjustment, and they need all the support they could get. Even if the teacher or classmates are nice, it can still be a challenge for the little ones.

Starting School

Starting School

A Tough Adjustment

It is already a challenge in itself, but it is even harder if they get a rude teacher. When Tomas saw that his child was having a tough time at school, he knew that he should find out what the problem is.

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A Tough Adjustment

She Was Scared

Of course, all parents want the best for their children. It was a given that he would be concerned after seeing his daughter in so much pain. When she was not acting like herself, Tomas was very worried.

She Was Scared

She Was Scared

She Became More Emotional

He noticed that she started behaving more emotionally after starting at her new school. At the start, he thought that his little angel was only nervous. However, the truth was far more concerning than that.

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She Became More Emotional

The Same Routine

Tomas started to get very worried when his baby girl started to cry and ask to stay at home on the regular. Every morning, it was always like this. He knew that this could not go on.

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The Same Routine

The Situation Worsened

Days would become months. Tomas saw that his child was no longer happy or excited at all. She would get scared as time passed by. His little angel often threw tantrums when it was time to go to school.

The Situation Worsened

The Situation Worsened


Tomas tried talking to his daughter, but she refused to tell him and his wife the real problem. At any rate, he knew that it was time to do something. It was hard for him to see his child like this.

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Her New School

His daughter was a kindergarten student at Pine Grove Elementary School. Before this, she was just a normal little girl who was sociable and creative. Things changed not long after she started at the school.

Her New School

Her New School

She Began To Change

When her child started attending a new school, she began to be more emotional. Tomas knew that the problem was related to that place. Could it be her classmates or teachers? Was it the school itself?

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She Began To Change

Did Well In School

Before this, his child was a great student. She received good marks as well as positive reports from her teacher. A few months after going to the new school, however, her grades started to go downhill.

Did Well In School

Did Well In School

Feeling So Powerless

On top of that, she started getting emotional before and after her class. What was happening? Tomas could not stand seeing her act like that. It was time for him to step up and help the apple of his eyes!

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Feeling So Powerless

The Concerned Father

Any parent should get worried when their child starts behaving odd behavior. Tomas found it hard to see his child that sad. She only shrank away when he talked to her about it. What was he going to do?

The Concerned Father

The Concerned Father

A Stable, Happy Life

He gave it some thought and knew that she was either being bullied. Could it be by her teacher or her classmates? Their family was stable, so there was no way that it had to do with their household.

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A Stable, Happy Life

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience is the most important thing when you are teaching. It might be hard to practice, but little kids need to be given more consideration. If you are an educator, you should always be patient with them.

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience Is A Virtue

Her Formative Years

His daughter was a young girl. She was in her formative years, so it was an important period of life for her. The things that will happen to her at such an age are going to affect her future, after all.

Her Formative Years

Her Formative Years

Preparation For The Future

Tomas, with his wife, had this in mind as they raised their three children. They made sure to be positive and encouraging. They wanted the kids to have a strong sense of self to prepare them for the future.

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Preparation For The Future

More Harm Than Good

It is obvious that a mean and rude person would not make a good teacher. Tomas and his spouse did not want someone like that for their little kid. They started to wonder if this was the problem here.

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More Harm Than Good

Creating A Plan

He was a resourceful man and decided to embark on a journey to figure out what was the issue here. He had a hard time talking to his daughter. After all, she was much too young. She was also very shy!

Creating A Plan

Creating A Plan

Time To Take Action

He was a father who would not just stand and watch his daughter get sadder as the days passed by. Enough was enough! It was time for him to figure out what was happening and make a stand.

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Time To Take Action

How Would He Do It?

He wanted to listen in without being present. If he asked this request from the school, the teacher would probably just act nice. Tomas needed to use his creativity to figure out what was really going on!

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How Would He Do It?

Hidden Hearing Device

In the end, he ‘listened in’ literally. He made a small hearing device that he hid in his child’s hair. This way, he could listen in and find out the truth. This would let him understand what was going on.

Hidden Hearing Device

Hidden Hearing Device

Drastic Measures

True, this was rather drastic. However, there was no other way for him to get to the bottom of things. It would also give him proof! He did not tell his daughter his plan so that she would not be distracted.

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Drastic Measures


Tomas waited for the school day to be over. He was smiling as he saw her sprint up the driveway. This father could not wait to listen. He only wanted his daughter to be as happy as she could possibly be!

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Astounding Results

He checked the recording the moment that she came home. Tomas was shocked by what he heard! This concerned dad felt livid after he listened to it. At long last, the truth has come out. What was the issue?

Astounding Results

Astounding Results

The Source Of The Problems

It sure sounded like the teacher was mean to the students. Tomas kept listening and finally realized the true source of his child’s problems. He was shocked, but he had to do something about this right away.

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The Source Of The Problems

Teacher Troubles

He saw that the teacher took advantage of her role as an educator. It was tough for Tomas to find out that this person would behave so callously when they were meant to look after the children!

Teacher Troubles

Teacher Troubles

What To Do?

He listened on and heard the teacher say offensive things. On top of that, she used a rather harsh tone to say them too. He was able to hear how often she yelled at the children for the smallest things.

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What To Do?

Sick To His Stomach

Tomas was shocked to hear a teacher act like that. Tomas raised this issue with the public school district. It was going to be more effective for him to talk to someone who can do something about this problem.

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Sick To His Stomach

Filing A Complaint

Tomas did not talk to the teacher. Instead, he chose to talk to the state school board. He picked a date, arranged a meeting, and narrated what he found out about the class his daughter was in.

Filing A Complaint

Filing A Complaint

Their Poor Response

Tomas clearly had a valid complaint. He also had evidence to back it all up. However, the school district did not help him. Of course, this concerned dad was disappointed to hear the result of the meeting.

Their Poor Response

Their Poor Response

No Action Taken

It must have been very upsetting to hear that they did not want to do something about this problem. They said that the teacher got disciplined for her behavior. This was not enough for Tomas, however.

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No Action Taken

Making His Point

He was not happy about the way the authorities handled the matter. The teacher was still teaching his daughter’s class! In the end, Tomas decided that he would take it upon himself to deal with it.

Making His Point

Making His Point

A Parent’s Duty

The school gave him the option to move his child to a different class. However, Tomas was also worried about the other kids in the class. He was ready to stand up for all the children in that class.

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A Parent’s Duty

For The Kids

It was upsetting that the school did not offer him support in this matter. This was going to affect the lives of the children! Tomas was not going to be happy as long as Duncan, the teacher, was there.

For The Kids

For The Kids

Signing A Petition

Word soon spread about this matter. Everyone found out about the way Duncan taught the children. The school did not support Tomas, but things changed for him when he launched a Change.org petition. He managed to get over 2,000 signatures asking for the dismissal of the teacher!

Signing A Petition

Signing A Petition

The Media Spotlight

It was a bigger surprise for him when the media started to follow the story. Local news channels heard about the Pine Grove story soon enough. They all admired Tomas for his determination to seek justice!

The Media Spotlight

The Media Spotlight

The Entire Country

The story also went on to sweep across the country. This meant that everyone heard about what the teacher did to the kids. Tomas might have not gotten her fired, but it gave him some hope for change.

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The Entire Country

Preventing Childhood Traumas

The saddest part about it was that her actions would have lasting effects on the children. Let us face it. Many people never really forget about or get over the trauma that they underwent at that age.

Preventing Childhood Traumas

Preventing Childhood Traumas

What Could Have Been

If Tomas failed to notice how his child was acting and acted upon his instincts, she could have been traumatized forever. No doubt, this was no laughing matter. After all, it also affected other children.

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What Could Have Been

Being A Mentor

Any parent will be familiar with the challenges of raising a kid. One first has to check their own behaviors and actions to do that. While it is not easy to do, this is very important if you want to be a role model.

Being A Mentor

Being A Mentor

The Best Parent Possible

Tomas soon learned that there were things that were simply out of his control. Even if this was the case, he was willing to go to hell and back to make sure that his daughter was going to be safe!

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The Best Parent Possible

A Teacher’s Responsibility

A teacher is responsible for imparting lessons outside of the curriculum. They also have to help children when it comes to things like the mind and imagination. A good teacher is one that inspires the students!

A Teacher’s Responsibility

A Teacher’s Responsibility

Her Father’s Efforts

It is not at all good if a teacher displays abusive behavior inside the classroom. If they spread fear among the students, it will have a negative effect on the child. Was Tomas able to solve the problem?

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Her Father’s Efforts

Holding Onto Hope

Duncan is still teaching at the school. We just hope that she was realized that it was not right for her to act like that. Tomas still hopes that the school will make the necessary changes in the near future.

Holding Onto Hope

Holding Onto Hope

Lives At Stake

To Tomas, it seemed like the school was putting the kids in danger by having this teacher around. He had to try and do something about this issue. After all, nothing would change if he did not give it a shot.

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Lives At Stake

Making Them Stronger

The whole ordeal was rough for Tomas and the rest of the family. Luckily, it only made them grow stronger and closer. We are glad to hear that this was the case for all of them!

Making Them Stronger

Making Them Stronger

A Better Dad

By now, his daughter is taking a class that is taught by a different teacher. Tomas also learned the importance of paying attention to the kids. Thanks to the ordeal, he became an even better dad.

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A Better Dad

Always There

Tomas is always going to be there for his children. He and his wife are both ready to stand up for them no matter what! If it were not for them, this little girl would still be suffering at the hands of her teacher.

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Always There

Good Parents

Tomas, together with his wife Laici, always makes sure to have the best interests of the kids in mind. Yes, they are truly amazing parents. The two of them always ensure that their kids are doing fine!

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Good Parents

Support System

If you want children to be good members of society, you should always do your best for their safety and wellbeing. A stable home life is going to be a conducive environment for raising a kid!

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Support System


The two parents in this story prepared for the birth of their child for a long time before she was finally born. They wanted to ensure that they were mentally and physically prepared for this challenge.

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Together Forever

Tomas had been in the army when he first met Laici. They had an instant connection and later chose to tie the knot with each other! They ended up getting married since he was about to be deployed.

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Together Forever

Hard Times

It is difficult to become a parent, but can you imagine being a dad while you are in the army? Tomas must have found it hard to be away from his family for such a long time.

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Hard Times

At Peace

Tomas always thought about his little angel. He wanted to be with her, but he was glad to know that his daughter had a great mom. Even so, it must have been hard for Laici to raise her all by herself.

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At Peace

Growing Up

However, he was about to return soon. The entire family had been looking forward to it! Aliya was a well-behaved girl and made her parents proud. This little angel was growing up before their eyes.

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Growing Up

So Lucky

She remained patient and quiet regardless of where they were. They would even forget that she was there since she was so quiet! She rarely cried and slept so easily. Laici and Tomas sure got lucky!

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So Lucky

Sorry Dad

We love how Aliya looks in this picture. That little bow is the cutest! She was distracted by her thumb and could not be less interested in her father’s mobile phone. Well, she likes to be held at the very least.

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Sorry Dad

Little Princess

This photo was snapped when Aliya was a little bit older. Her little sister is now in the picture as well! They had a day full of cookies and dress-up. That must have been a fun day! Aliya dressed like a princess.

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Little Princess

Funny Faces

Aliya made this funny face as her teeth grew in. Tomas wanted her to reenact this photo when she was older. He asked her to put on a similar outfit and that smile. This photo is seriously the cutest!

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Funny Faces

More Kids

When the girls were older, they decided that it was time for another addition to the family. Their boy was on the way! Tomas and Laici were great parents and wanted to have another baby.

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More Kids

3 Bundles Of Joy

And then there were three. Look at how much the three kids look alike. It is incredible that they look like the perfect mix of their parents. Aliya needs glasses like her mom does. We love the purple frame!

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3 Bundles Of Joy

Camera Queens

The girls like Snapchat, which also includes all the filters the app has to offer. Their mom likes to take selfies with them as well! She enjoys posting them online for all their friends and family to see.

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Camera Queens

All The Way Up

When Aliya was a little girl, she liked to sit on her father’s shoulders. This way, she got a great view of her surroundings. He had to hold her hands to ensure that she would not fall down.

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During a wedding of a relative, Laici, Aliya, and Tomas looked amazing together! We love that their outfits all matched. It looked like Aliya had been enjoying her new skill. We are talking about walking!

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Reading Is Fun

Tomas also enjoys reading to the kids. When Aliya was little, she was a huge fan of this tradition. She had binky in her mouth and her dad there to read out loud. It was easy to get her to go to sleep!

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Reading Is Fun

Always Smiling

It is Tomas’ goal to keep his children happy and healthy. For him, it is important that they are always happy. No matter how hard his day had been, Tomas is always ready to smile for the children.

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Always Smiling

Daddy’s Little Girls

The girls are daddy’s girls! They simply adore their father. Aliya seems to like being the big sister and showing her baby siblings the ropes. She always joins in on the fun when Tomas picks up the little girl.

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Daddy’s Little Girls

Christmas Time

The family spends the holidays together. Christmas is a special time for them. Aliya was once scared of Santa Claus, but she has since gotten over that fear. Even Santa was distracted by this spunky girl!

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Christmas Time

A Decade

It must feel like it has been so long since they welcomed Aliya into the world. No doubt, it is true that time flies. It has been more than a decade since Tomas and Laici first met their firstborn child.

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A Decade

Unconditional Support

Tomas hopes that he can guide the children through life. He is always there to give them unconditional love and support. Of course, the same goes for Laici. We are glad that they make such great partners!

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Unconditional Support

Always There

Tomas helped raise this young lady who will surely do a lot of great things in the future. This awesome dad has always been there for the kids. It is not surprising to hear that he stood up for Aliya back then!

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Always There

A Great Dad

Tomas could tell that there was an issue, so he did something about it. When he caught the teacher bullying his daughter, he wanted to do the best for his daughter. All dads should be more like him!

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A Great Dad