40 Photos That Should’ve Been Checked Before Posting

Published on 12/28/2021

A solid rule of thumb when it comes to sharing anything on the internet is to never share anything that aggravates you, something you wouldn’t say in front of your grandmother, or any photo that appears to be… questionable. However, there are times when people do not give the photo that extra three seconds it needs to decide whether or not to post it, and we end up with these interesting images. The fact that these folks are out here stunting for social media makes us cringe deeply. So brace yourself and prepare your hand because you’re going to be facepalming a lot when you see what’s coming next.

My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie

This ‘bae caught me slippin’ scenario is almost too funny to be true. These people truly make our day with their lack of awareness. The girl here even outdid herself with the caption, which reads: “Lol bae caught me slippin. Love him. Goodnight from us.” We wonder how many takes she did to get that right “snoozing” image.

My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie

My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie

The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic

Being stuck in traffic truly sucks. You can wait motionless endlessly, or even worse, edging forward slightly every two seconds just to abruptly stop once again. What is worse than traffic though? Someone lying about being stuck in traffic. This girl was easily caught out when the sunglasses did her dirty! Focus on the road, love.

The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic

The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic

The Mattress That Was Great But Also Filled With Stuff

So, does “great condition” merely mean that the thing can still be identified as such, or are we talking about the piece’s overall quality? Because this bed isn’t performing so well, it’s evident that this Facebook user doesn’t understand what we’re witnessing. Is everything in your life going well? You’ll never sell something like that honey!

The Mattress That Was Great But Also Filled With Stuff

The Mattress That Was Great But Also Filled With Stuff

Rushmore Mount Chokemore

Vacations with the family can be challenging. Your mother always compels you to share a bed with your younger brother, who drools on your pillow, and you spend every day crammed into a tight room with the same group of people. There are times when you almost want to… just suffocate him in front of a famous American monument.

Rushmore Mount Chokemore

Rushmore Mount Chokemore

World Traveler Who Forgot His Backyard

When Instagram influencers become famous, it’s because they urge us to follow their lead and do similar things. This aspiring influencer simply wants to take us on a world tour, and he’s doing it all in front of the same fence in his own backyard, which is a first for me.

World Traveler Who Forgot His Backyard

World Traveler Who Forgot His Backyard

While We Were Taking Family Photos, Who Let The Dogs Out?

Getting everyone together for a family portrait is difficult. You’ll need to coordinate schedules, plan for the event, and make sure everyone is up and alert. It’s effectively the same problem as having herding cats or herding dogs go to the bathroom in the background of your shot.

While We Were Taking Family Photos, Who Let The Dogs Out

While We Were Taking Family Photos, Who Let The Dogs Out

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ In The Monochrome

He merely wanted to show us what a great cuddler he was by standing in front of us with his blanket. As a photographer, he even prepared the setting by matching his green blanket to his shirt and bedspread, as if he were a true pro. He could make a lot more money as a production designer if he just told Bae to cool the shots for a minute and then get up and move around.

Bae Caught Me Slippin' In The Monochrome

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ In The Monochrome

Stop It Now. Please Respect Tacos And Books.

We often wonder whether corporate marketing strategies are designed by genuine lizard people appearing as human beings in disguise because they are frequently so weird and devoid of any comprehension of social media culture. Like this Mexican restaurant commercial that tried to be a touch “different,” but ended up being thrown out of a library.

Stop It Now. Please Respect Tacos And Books.

Stop It Now. Please Respect Tacos And Books.

For Sale Couch And Chair Set

Sometimes on Facebook there are some great adverts. For example, here’s a great sofa ad for anyone who wants to make their visitors feel absolutely uncomfortable during their visit. Given that the couch and chair are not available separately, it’s no wonder that the complete package is only £10. There is an extra charge for this.

For Sale Couch And Chair Set

For Sale Couch And Chair Set

Omg Ronaldo, Please Calm Down, You’re Making A Fool Of Yourself

To say the least, this guy’s interaction with Cristiano Ronaldo was unpleasant. The world-famous soccer player was behaving in an absolutely cringe-worthy manner, like a total fanatic. To beg this poor man for a selfie, he most certainly had to move all of his honors, caps, and trophies out of the way. Sigh.

Omg Ronaldo, Please Calm Down, You're Making A Fool Of Yourself

Omg Ronaldo, Please Calm Down, You’re Making A Fool Of Yourself

This Leopard’s “Trigritude” Shook Me

If you don’t start utilizing the word “tigritude” in every business meeting from now on, you’ll be missing out on a fantastic opportunity to show others how confident you are. We admire this gentleman’s tigritude, but we must disappoint him by informing him that the animal in question is a leopard.

This Leopard's Trigritude Shook Me

This Leopard’s Trigritude Shook Me

#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending

Jane Goodall is probing into the subjects that the rest of us are reluctant to ask. What causes turtles to act too theatrical on the internet and choke on straws? They must have watched the video and then looked down at their Starbucks straw, knowing it was all fake news in their hearts. Thank you for sharing your scientific perspective and for using such a great hashtag!

#TurtlesAreDumb Let's Get It Trending

#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending

Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.

Oreo has successfully put the final nail in the coffin of our thinking that corporate marketers are all humanoid reptiles trying to understand people by stealing the taco post. Thank you for starting a trend that no one expected and for convincing me to switch to Mr Christie’s products.

Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.

Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ From Two Angles

This guy’s love really wanted him to practice his angles, so a handful of images were taken inside. In order to get the images, they even put on the full flash in the car at night, and he miraculously slept through it all. What a fantastic example of achieving relationship objectives.

Bae Caught Me Slippin' From Two Angles

Bae Caught Me Slippin’ From Two Angles

Tinder’s Most Powerful Weapons

Imagine surfing through Tinder and finding your hero in shining armor, who also happens to be a martial arts master. That sword is foaming at the mouth, so this superb swordsman, baseball player, and fire poker must have some steel lips.

Tinder's Most Powerful Weapons

Tinder’s Most Powerful Weapons

Nananananana Bat Joker

To be honest, this is a one-of-a-kind tattoo notion worth sharing. The only problem is the mindset that brought it about in the first place. Nothing is more irritating than dealing with someone who has a “tough guy” attitude while we’re all trying to get enough caffeine into our bodies to allow us to blink both eyes at the same time.

Nananananana Bat Joker

Nananananana Bat Joker

“Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture”

If you’re going to stage a photo of yourself to make it appear as if it was taken by someone else, you need to make sure you don’t leave any evidence behind. For example, ensure that there’s no mirror in the back…

Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture

Omg Babe, Stop Trying To Take My Picture

Omg She’s Dating A Celebrity, And I Don’t See Anything Wrong With This Photo

Because you only get one chance at life, live it to the utmost. So, if you have a celebrity crush on and want to date them, go ahead and download Photoshop because you need to be out here #living it up right now! This young lady and her well-known boyfriend offer us with the necessary impetus.

Omg She's Dating A Celebrity, And I Don't See Anything Wrong With This Photo.

Omg She’s Dating A Celebrity, And I Don’t See Anything Wrong With This Photo.

A Bodybuilder’s Mom The Loyal Fan

You must have someone on your side who supports you, no matter who you are. If you fall, it is their job to come and pick you up. You’ll need your mother to catch those rippling muscles for you if you want to send a mirror photo to a girl you met at Jambajuice.

A Bodybuilder's Mom The Loyal Fan

A Bodybuilder’s Mom The Loyal Fan

Bae Caught Her Slippin’ And Caught A Lecture

This girl is yearning for a new lover that will respect her personal space! Everyone gets tired of the paparazzi following them around and want to take a nap in peace now and then, right? He’ll have to learn some boundaries, which shouldn’t be too tough since they don’t exist.

Bae Caught Her Slippin' And Caught A Lecture

Bae Caught Her Slippin’ And Caught A Lecture

The Ex-Stepmom Email That Needed Verification

Writing emails when full of anger is something surely to be avoided. Perhaps we should include being super thirsty too, though. This stepmom should have definitely checked the recipient’s email address before sending this message because this is an odd way to reunite with your ex-husband’s son…

The Ex Stepmom Email That Needed Verification

The Ex Stepmom Email That Needed Verification

My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me

We’ve gone back to grade 12 biology to learn more about the relationship between cats and monkeys after being caught slippin’ by a cross-species bae. Because it possesses opposable thumbs, a large clever brain, and the ability to take a selfie with its owner, this cat is certainly the missing link we’ve been looking for.

My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me

My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me

The “Bae Caught Me Slippin'” Because A Classic’s A Classic

Let’s take another trip to the “bae caught me slipping” fad for those of you who have never heard of it. Couples basically caption their images “bae caught me slipping” in an attempt to fool the internet into thinking their significant other took the snapshot while they were sleeping. To be clear, it never works, and we always wind up with these amazing selfies.

The Bae Caught Me Slippin Because A Classic's A Classic

The Bae Caught Me Slippin Because A Classic’s A Classic

Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes

The double-check should have occurred when they originally agreed to post their personal relationship problems on the internet. If having meaningful conversations requires Facebook likes, then these two should get their lives in order before discussing them on a comment board.

Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes

Conceived Because Of Facebook Likes

Ladies, I Am Both A Good And Bad Cop

We all appreciate a good mystery, which is one of the things that draws us to this young man. In the blink of an eye, he can be the charming musician dude we met at Temple Bar one minute and a Chad bro the next. Furthermore, he isn’t merely changing hats to accomplish this goal.

Ladies, I Am Both A Good And Bad Cop

Ladies, I Am Both A Good And Bad Cop

Omg Bae, I’m Walking To School!

It’s not just that Bae is snatching individuals who aren’t paying attention, but he’s also racing through throngs of young kids with their cameras, attempting to go to school. Bae! Consider the consequences of your actions! It is impossible to overestimate the importance of education and sleep.

Omg Bae I'm Walking To School!

Omg Bae I’m Walking To School!

She Should Remove The Justin Bieber Poster Next Time She Tries Hard

Remember when we were all young and naive and used Facebook to share the very worst crap we knew how to create? Do we want to take close-up images of our eyes? Please accept my request. A second glance was not given to the snapshot by this young lady who appeared to be hardcore with her cigarette and her Justin Bieber poster, but her older and wiser self most certainly is.

She Should Remove The Justin Beiber Poster Next Time She Tries Hard

She Should Remove The Justin Beiber Poster Next Time She Tries Hard

In A Dystopia, Candied Pickles Exist.

I’m sorry if you were simply trying to have a normal afternoon, surrounded by normal people and eating normal food. You might want to think again after one internet psychopath decided to skip the “should I post this?” debate and immediately posted their candied pickle. Maybe I shouldn’t even have to apologize, you need to witness firsthand what humanity is like before passing judgment.

In A Dystopia, Candied Pickles Exist.

In A Dystopia, Candied Pickles Exist.

Dad, Stop It!

It’s easy to believe that your parents are doing everything they can to make you appear awful in front of your peers while you’re in middle school. This theory was proven to be correct in this particular girl’s situation.

Dad, Stop It!

Dad, Stop It!

The Birth Of Christ, I Attend

This mother posted a picture of her family’s nativity scene to social media during the holiday season. Her children, on the other hand, had Yoda in place of the third wise man, something she was absolutely oblivious of.

The Birth Of Christ, I Attend

The Birth Of Christ, I Attend

What’s Up With That Dog?

Ma’am, Your dog is leaning against the window there, and I need you to put down your phone and pay attention to what he’s doing. What exactly is he doing when he stands up? What exactly is it that he desires? Great pose though.

What's Up With That Dog

What’s Up With That Dog

Goodbye, Baby’s Neurons!

It isn’t something that a parent rushes to admit, but every parent has knocked their child’s head at some point (on accident of course). Sometimes we can’t avoid it, but sometimes we certainly can. The man in the back might look back on this situation and have some regrets…

Goodbye, Baby's Neurons!

Goodbye, Baby’s Neurons!

It’s Not As Cute As You Thought

This girl had kept this photo on her refrigerator for around six years because it was one of her first (and most embarrassing) images with her boyfriend. It was only then that she realized she was in the company of a third person.

It's Not As Cute As You Thought

It’s Not As Cute As You Thought

He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool

Pets are good in a variety of ways: they make you feel appreciated, they’re fun to play with, and they want to cuddle. Their lack of interest in your images, on the other hand, is one of their less commendable traits.

He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool

He Took Butt Pics Before They Were Cool


When you’re out on the water with your girls, sometimes all you want to do is get a cute shot. Then you take one that implies that the man in the background is riding on your shoulders involuntarily.



Why, Though?

I understand the temptation to brag to your friends on social media about a brand new haircut, and I understand why. It might be a good idea, though, to avoid having your naked companion take the photo in front of a mirror. Some of your friend’s might get more than they bargained for…

Why, Though

Why, Though

You Can Photoshop The Truth Away If You Want To

Influencers are increasingly using photoshop to enhance their Instagram photographs, and it’s almost become normal procedure. While other people might have double-checked the warped pier before sharing it online, this person did not, exposing herself as a scam to the entire world.

You Can Photoshop The Truth Away If You Want To.

You Can Photoshop The Truth Away If You Want To.

Not Your Average Zoo Trip

Taking your child to the zoo is a great trip. Not only is it educational, but they always seem to enjoy seeing the animals! We think this parent wasn’t trying to capture nature at it’s finest in the background, but inadvertently this is exactly what she did…

Not Your Average Zoo Trip

Not Your Average Zoo Trip

Being A Dog Lacks Dignity

In this scenario, you can’t hold it against the dog. He has a restricted amount of options when it comes to where he can use the restroom. You’re the one that approached him in his yard and put him in the view of the camera!

Being A Dog Lacks Dignity

Being A Dog Lacks Dignity

What If She Knows?

“Your roommate in the background is so funny,” someone says, and she replies, “I don’t have a roommate…” Maybe it was just a perfectly timed bathroom selfie.

What If She Knows

What If She Knows

Time For A Tripod

If you want to pursue a career as a fitness influencer, you might consider investing in a tripod. Alternatively, before shooting any additional photos, try using the self-timer option on your camera.

Time For A Tripod

Time For A Tripod

There Aren’t Any Bats In The Cave

It’s tough to determine what this young girl was trying to achieve with this shot because half of her face is concealed by her phone. The one thing we know for sure is that she didn’t like her reflection in the makeup mirror.

There Aren't Any Bats In The Cave

There Aren’t Any Bats In The Cave

An Impromptu Reveal

It appears that this is karmic vengeance. If you’re going to brag on Facebook about how you found out the gender of your baby while everyone else was waiting, make sure it’s not on the ultrasound screen.

An Impromptu Reveal

An Impromptu Reveal

It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself

The fact that they chose to read and photograph their mail while driving at 40 kilometers per hour may be the basis for their license suspension. It’s probably for the best that this person isn’t on the road anymore.

It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself

It Seems Like You Brought This On Yourself

Is The Person In The Back All Right?

We’re not sure what the goal of capturing this picture was to begin with. It did, however, point out that someone in the background might need a little additional help from an adult in order to focus in class.

Is The Person In The Back All Right

Is The Person In The Back All Right

“Let Me Help You Adjust That”

We get the idea that we’re intruding on a private moment between this Spurs fan and the athlete in front of him. Maybe he’s just helping him out by tucking his loose tag into the back of his shirt.

Let Me Help You Adjust That

Let Me Help You Adjust That

Fore Men Down In The Background

Either they were attempting to avoid a stray ball that had been tossed in their direction by accident, or the man driving the cart had drank one or many too many drinks. In any case, they’re about to be shot again.

Fore Men Down In The Background

Fore Men Down In The Background

The Lighting Was Too Good To Wait

Keep in mind that if the bathroom lighting is perfect for taking selfies, the illumination in the mirror is likely to be just as good. As a result, everyone became aware of the true nature of the situation.

The Lighting Was Too Good To Wait

The Lighting Was Too Good To Wait