Veterinarian Immediately Calls The Cops After Seeing The Dog That This Family Adopted

Published on 01/06/2022

When the Anderson family acquires a new dog, they have no doubts about which one they want since they are instantly smitten by a puppy’s ocean blue eyes. However, they shouldn’t have been so eager because they weren’t adopting just any dog. They only discover out when their veterinarian calls the cops on them. Unknowingly, the poor family received far more than they bargained for…

Veterinarian Immediately Calls The Cops After Seeing The Dog That This Family Adopted

Veterinarian Immediately Calls The Cops After Seeing The Dog That This Family Adopted

What Was Happening?

Billy and Erica had no idea what to make of it. When the vet brought their dog away, he didn’t say anything to them. What exactly was going on? Could this have something to do with their strange behavior the night before? Or was it something else entirely?

What Was Happening?

What Was Happening?

The Cops Were Called

After ten minutes, the veterinarian returns to the waiting room. They don’t have their new puppy. The vet informed them that he had just phoned the cops and that they were on their way before they could even ask where he was. Billy and Erica couldn’t figure it out…

The Cops Were Called

The Cops Were Called


Little Tim was crying by the pint, yelling for his puppy to be returned. However, after the vet began to explain himself, everything became clear to the pair. How could they be so clueless about the whole situation? However, some background information is essential to fully comprehend this issue…



Meet The Andersons

The Andersons were a young Vermont-based family. Billy, Erica, and Tim, their four-year-old son, lived in a small town together. There had been a lot of sadness in the Anderson household recently. Despite the fact that the family had recently relocated to a new place and had no knowledge of the area. There was an additional reason for my melancholy.

Meet The Andersons

Meet The Andersons

A Pet Named Rio

Rio, the young family’s beloved pet who had been a part of the family for eleven years, had suddenly passed away. Rio had been a family member for a long time, not just a pet. Rio was Billy’s first friend when he ran away from home at the age of 16.

A Pet Named Rio

A Pet Named Rio

Breaking Free

Billy’s living conditions had not been ideal. His parents were verbally and emotionally abusive, always watching his every move to the point where he couldn’t make friends. Billy had many fantasies about a world beyond his parents’ control. So much so that when he finally got out, the first thing he did was go out and buy a puppy.

Breaking Free

Breaking Free

His Greatest Friend

Billy and Rio were best friends forever for the first two years. When the young guy was on his own, he struggled to find his footing, but having a devoted friend by his side helped. Rio was present at every significant event in Billy’s life. His first date with Erica and the birth of their newest family member, Tim, are among the highlights of his life.

His Greatest Friend

His Greatest Friend

They Were Sad

Rio was a wonderful part of their family, and he was especially attached to their small son, Tim, just as he had been to Billy. It was obvious that things had changed now that Rio had left. The family was clearly depressed, but they had a plan to get things back on track.

They Were Sad

They Were Sad

Another Dog

“Let’s get another dog!” Billy said. Although he wasn’t sure about his plan even as he said it. Erica shook her head, knowing that obtaining a new pet was far too soon. Rio had meant so much to her husband and Tim that she was astonished he had brought up the idea of replacing the dog so soon. There remained, however, a dog-shaped void in their lives that needed to be filled.

Another Dog

Another Dog

Prepared For A Change

Erica and Billy discussed it again a few times. Erica was afraid that Billy was rushing into things, and Billy was trying to persuade his wife that he was ready for the transition. Billy eventually won Erica over, and the two decided to acquire a puppy together. But the problems had only just begun.

Prepared For A Change

Prepared For A Change

Getting A Husky

The family’s first challenge was deciding what breed to get next; after voting, they decided on a husky, which would be simpler for Tim to acclimate to because Rio was also a husky. The family then went online in search of a licensed breeder since Tim was desperate for a dog.

Getting A Husky

Getting A Husky

Looking Online

The couple had little experience with breeding and believed that the internet would provide them with the most alternatives. They located two husky breeders after a long hunt. The couple planned a weekend trip and made appointments with both breeders. However, the family’s excursion turned out to be a little disappointing…

Looking Online

Looking Online

An Off-Vibe

From the start, the first breeder gave off the wrong feeling. Despite the fact that the pups were adorable, and Tim and Erica had a good time playing with them, Billy couldn’t shake the strange feeling he received when he arrived at the spot. First, it appeared that the canines were kept in unsanitary conditions, and second, the price appeared to be suspicious.

An Off-Vibe

An Off-Vibe

Sold Out

The second shop didn’t work out for the young family either. While one breeder appeared to be cleaner and take better care of its puppies, the couple was met with some disappointing news when they arrived. They’d sold the final two puppies on the internet. Erica and Billy were perplexed at this point.

Sold Out

Sold Out

Heading To An Animal Shelter

The entire family was depressed once more, disappointed that their entire trip had turned out to be a flop. Billy and Erica decide it’s best to return home and devise a fresh strategy. However, after fifteen minutes of driving, the pair came across an animal refuge. Is it destiny?

Heading To An Animal Shelter

Heading To An Animal Shelter

Checking Them Out

Erica was overjoyed. When she discovered the small shelter on the side of the road, she had begun to lose faith and was feeling a little disheartened. She pleads with Billy to come to a halt and probe in. She had a feeling they’d find what they were looking for. It couldn’t hurt to look into it, so the young family decided to do so.

Checking Them Out

Checking Them Out

Their Attention Was Caught

The young couple was visiting a nearby little town and didn’t expect to find much in the way of options. They were proven to be correct. The shelter employee indicated that they had just five dogs in their care, two of which were puppies. However, one dog, in particular, drew their attention right away…

Their Attention Was Caught

Their Attention Was Caught

It Was A Puppy!

It had to have been one of the puppies. And it was evident from tiny Tim’s exclamation that he shared his mother’s thoughts. The puppy appeared to be a husky, or at least one of its parents appeared to be a husky. The animal’s eyes, though, were the most remarkable feature.

It Was A Puppy!

It Was A Puppy!

It Was Looking At Them

They were bright blue eyes that neither of them had ever seen on a dog before. The dog was shy and kept its distance while smiling. It wasn’t like the other canines, who hopped and danced in the hopes of attracting attention. Instead, the small puppy kept a wary eye on the door.

It Was Looking At Them

It Was Looking At Them

No Info

The employee explained that the dog had only been left at their door the night before and was still getting used to the surroundings. More importantly, because the puppy was so new and had been left without identification, they knew little nothing about it other than it wasn’t chipped. The Andersons were interested in the puppy, but there was a snag.

No Info

No Info

Exception For The Family

The staffer, on the other hand, indicated that the shelter did not usually release animals without first confirming their identities. It was, however, a little town with an even smaller shelter that hadn’t seen adoption in months. Because of this, the employees agreed to make an exception for the young family. Would they, however, grow to regret their decision?

Exception For The Family

Exception For The Family

Signing Some Papers

The couple was ecstatic and dashed inside to complete the proper paperwork. It felt far too fateful to abandon the puppy. While Billy and Erica signed the documents, Tim played with their new family member, who was gradually becoming accustomed to the little boy’s overtures.

Signing Some Papers

Signing Some Papers


It took about an hour to sign and record all of the papers. Finally, the young family was on their way back to their home with their new pet. Tim, in particular, was ecstatic since he had made a new best buddy. Unfortunately, the family’s happiness would not last long…



An Unexpected Revelation

Soon, their newfound happiness would be snatched away by a shocking revelation. One of the requirements for being permitted to take the puppy home was a pledge to get the dog a comprehensive health checkup at the vet, something the shelter had not been able to provide. They had no idea what their visit would lead to…

An Unexpected Revelation

An Unexpected Revelation

A Puppy Named Blue

The family had the option of taking their new dog, named Blue by Tim, to the vet the same day, but they would have to hurry. As a result, they agreed to schedule an appointment for the following day. They wanted to show Blue about his new house first.

A Puppy Named Blue

A Puppy Named Blue

Getting Accustomed To The House

Blue appeared to be brimming with joy and energy when they arrived home. They watched as Blue meticulously examined every inch of his home before collapsing into a deep slumber on his dog bed. He had had a long day ahead of him.

Getting Accustomed To The House

Getting Accustomed To The House

Hidden From The Truth

The family had already fallen in love with their new addition to the family and were overjoyed when they were able to bring him home. They could spend hours watching this little angel slumber. But there was still a lot they didn’t know…

Hidden From The Truth

Hidden From The Truth

Hitting The Hay

The family soon followed suit and retired to their beds. They felt safe leaving Blue alone for the time being because he had appeared to be sound sleeping for an hour. They had an early appointment with the vet the next day, so this day had been full of excitement for them as well.

Hitting The Hay

Hitting The Hay

A Replacement?

The family was in better spirits than they had been in a long time. They believed they had found Rio’s perfect substitute, despite the fact that he could never be entirely replaced. But, unfortunately, their joy would not last as long as they had hoped. It’s not even close…

A Replacement?

A Replacement?

Awoken At Night

They were awoken by a loud howling from downstairs at 2 a.m. that night. Billy was taken aback by this and had to catch his breath for a moment. Billy made his way downstairs to check on Blue, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Awoken At Night

Awoken At Night

An Odd Behavior

When Billy came downstairs, Blue was no longer in his sleeping place. He walked over to Billy’s computer and sat down next to it. Billy was completely perplexed by this behavior. Rio, nor any other dog he’d ever heard of, had ever behaved this way to a computer…

An Odd Behavior

An Odd Behavior

Closing His Office Door

When Blue was lifted up and taken away from the PC, he stopped howling. Returning to his sleeping quarters. He didn’t put up a lot of resistance. Billy shut the door to his office and returned upstairs, too fatigued to deal with it right now. For the remainder of the night, he didn’t hear any more wailing.

Closing His Office Door

Closing His Office Door

Blue Wasn’t In His Bed

Blue was discovered lying against Billy’s office door the next day by his family. They had no idea how long he’d been there or why he was acting so strangely. Even when Blue couldn’t see it, it was clear that he was drawn to the PC. Is it possible that he sensed it?

Blue Wasn’t In His Bed

Blue Wasn’t In His Bed

Visiting The Vet

But the family didn’t have much time to come up with an explanation for their peculiar conduct because they had an hour-long appointment with their veterinarian. They prepared themselves and climbed into the automobile. For some reason, Blue remained exhausted…

Visiting The Vet

Visiting The Vet

Heading As A Family

The intention was to leave Tim at home because they’d be in the waiting room for quite some time, but Tim wouldn’t let Blue out of his sight, so the three of them went together. They would soon wish Billy had gone alone for this…

Heading As A Family

Heading As A Family

Very Busy

When they arrived at the vet, it was already really busy at such an early hour, so they were delayed and the family had to wait. As a result, the waiting area was rather packed, and Blue was attracting a lot of attention. Mostly due to his peculiar qualities.

Very Busy

Very Busy

All Eyes On Them

Nobody had ever seen a puppy with blue eyes like this before, so the family was bombarded with inquiries. They couldn’t answer any of them because they hadn’t done much research themselves yet. What was the significance of Blue’s vividly colored eyes?

All Eyes On Them

All Eyes On Them

Blue Eyes

They began surfing the internet for more information now that they had some time to kill while waiting for the vet. They weren’t able to find much, however. It turned out to be considerably rarer than they had anticipated.

Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes

Unable To Make Pigment

The only reasonable explanation they could come up with was quite dull. It may be produced by cells that are unable to produce pigment, which is a rare but plausible reason. When it came to their turn to be helped, the vet might be able to tell them more about it.

Unable To Make Pigment

Unable To Make Pigment

A Suspicious Receptionist

All of this activity had attracted the attention of the veterinarian’s receptionist. When she discovered out what was going on, she called the vet right away, and he told her to move the Jeffersons’ appointments up…

A Suspicious Receptionist

A Suspicious Receptionist

Moving Up The List

A few moments later, the vet himself entered the waiting room. Only only a few words, he informed the Andersons that it was their turn and that they should wait here. Billy was both astonished and relieved because he hadn’t expected them to be called for at least an hour. Why have they risen to the top of the list?

Moving Up The List

Moving Up The List

Blue Was Taken

Blue was picked up by the vet, who quickly examined the excited puppy before taking him into his office. Billy was perplexed because he had expected them to accompany him inside the office to keep Blue occupied while he conducted testing. That’s how he handled Rio at the time.

Blue Was Taken

Blue Was Taken

Entering The Office

The family awaited the arrival of the veterinarian, who arrived 10 minutes later. He didn’t have Blue with him, though. The vet ushers the family into another room before they can even ask any questions. He begins to explain the problem at this point…

Entering The Office

Entering The Office

The Cops Were Involved

He informs the family that he has informed the police and that Blue will be picked up shortly. This perplexed Billy and Erica, and Tim began to scream uncontrollably. He was yelling at the top of his lungs that he wanted his dog back…

The Cops Were Involved

The Cops Were Involved

A CEO’s Puppy

The vet indicated that a few days earlier there was a complaint about a missing dog belonging to a very wealthy anonymous tech CEO, and Blue precisely suited the description. The CEO was also offering a hefty reward for anyone who could locate his unique pet.

A CEO's Puppy

A CEO’s Puppy

Taking Measures

The vet continued to explain to the family that they were not in any danger, but that he wished he had phoned the cops first before alerting them because he knew their love for the dog might have already driven them to flee…

Taking Measures

Taking Measures

The CEO Came By

About 30 minutes later, the CEO and the police arrived and sat down with the family. He was able to show them that the puppy was his. He hadn’t chipped it yet since he hadn’t gotten around to it.

The CEO Came By

The CEO Came By

It Made Perfect Sense

Blue’s unexpected interest in computers made sense, given that he had spent so much time in the CEO’s office surrounded by them. He most likely recognized it and reacted to it because it was something he had seen before.

It Made Perfect Sense

It Made Perfect Sense

Returning Blue

To Tim’s disappointment, the family had no choice but to accept for the CEO to return his dog. He didn’t mind that the CEO was the puppy’s owner; Blue was still his dog to him. Fortunately, there was some good news as well…

Returning Blue

Returning Blue

A Reward

There was a reward linked with finding the puppy, as the vet said, and the CEO happily informed the family. He would also let them see North (Blue’s real name) whenever they wished! Both parties definitely got the best of both worlds!

A Reward

A Reward

A New Pup

A few weeks later, the family adopted another husky puppy. They spent the CEO’s money on a more expensive one that they knew had been raised correctly and thoroughly checked. They gradually grew to adore this new puppy in the same way that Blue had, and everyone was delighted!

A New Pup

A New Pup