Woman Teaches Greedy Pastor A Lesson After He Demands She Include The Church In Her Will

Published on 01/18/2021

Different Emotions

A chorus of emotions filled the room. Some people were smiling, while others were gasping. There was some cheering as well as tears. Two figures were seated towards the front, impatiently waiting for their turn. As the verdict was being read aloud, the inpatient figures’ faces started to turn red with rage. The other people in the room could not stop themselves from laughing at the spectacle. Where was this room? Why was it filled with people and different emotions? Who were the impatient figures? Keep reading to get answers to these questions and find out more about this story.

Different Emotions

Different Emotions

A Kind Granny

Daniella and her grandmother go to different churches. However, Daniella loved helping her grandma out in any way that she could, so she would help cook for her grandmother’s church or even help organize events. The older woman always looked at Daniella fondly and treated her granddaughter with kindness. However, two people exploited her kind nature. They thought that they could get away with such a nasty trick.

A Kind Granny

A Kind Granny

A Member For Decades

A devout worshipper, Grandmother Edith had attended the same church for almost five decades. She went to an Evangelical church in a suburb that was located in the South’s bible belt. She made sure to do her part for her church by putting in her share of hours. She was in the nursery every Sunday and would organize events and cook breakfasts and dinners. Even on Sunday nights, she taught children for the Youth Bible Study.

A Member For Decades

A Member For Decades

Gave Her Time And Money

Edith would also give a portion of her pension to the church every month. A really generous person, she wanted to help the church in any way that she could. Daniella even recalled Edith driving to town from their retreat to get some evangelical equipment, which her pastor had forgotten. It wasn’t until the next morning that Edith got back to the retreat. She didn’t even get a simple thank you.

Gave Her Time And Money

Gave Her Time And Money

Always Positive

This annoyed Daniella greatly. Pastor James, Pastor McConnel’s advisor, had no idea that every time he slipped up, it was Edith who picked up the slack. Daniella could tell that her grandmother didn’t really mind that much, though. Edith was always positive and would tell her granddaughter that Jesus would be the one who would repay her generosity. Nevertheless, Daniella felt bad that her grandma was getting this kind of treatment.

Always Positive

Always Positive

Reaching Out

Unfortunately, Edith had an accident. At her age, she could do little else other than lie in bed. She also had a lot of health issues slowly appearing. Edith became more reclusive because of these things, and Daniella could only watch the changes unfold in her grandmother. Edith had been confined to the inside of her home for ten years, and it had been a long time since she last went to her local church. However, she still tried her best to reach out to people. Sadly, her offers were rudely rejected. And Daniella saw all of this.

Reaching Out

Reaching Out

Life Slipping Away

Edith’s body may have been slowly deteriorating, but her mind was still powerful. She had always trained herself mentally every day and never drank alcohol. Although her family tried their best to stay close to her, they could tell that Edith was really sad about not being able to worship at church. When the older woman went into hospice, she felt like her life was almost at its end. This was probably why she was adamant about arranging her own funeral service. During this time, the pastor’s real side showed.

Life Slipping Away

Life Slipping Away

Not Her First Choice

Daniella clenched her fists when her grandmother’s pastor, James, said he couldn’t help her and would rather send his subordinate. He told her this after he made her wait for several days. The one who came over was Pastor McConnel. Obviously, he wasn’t her first choice because of her prior experience with him. Speeding over the courtesies, he went straight to what Edith wanted at her service, and then, he brought up a particular topic – her will. There was a glint in his eyes.

Not Her First Choice

Not Her First Choice


There had been a lot of speculations about the amount of money Edith had saved in her lifetime. Apparently, the church also heard about this. Pastor McConnel said something that made Daniella shake with anger. However, before she could speak her mind, her grandfather stepped in with rage in his eyes. This is what the pastor said: “Lay up your treasure in Heaven by remembering your church in your will.”



Inappropriate Topic

Edith’s husband told Pastor McConnel that it was inappropriate to talk about money during that time. Taking a step back and rethinking his approach, the pastor then smiled at Edith and talked about the service. However, he didn’t stop trying to slip the topic of money into their conversation. It was quite apparent that that’s what the pastor was really interested in. Then, something happened that had Daniella shaking with range once more.

Inappropriate Topic

Inappropriate Topic

Bawling Her Eyes Out

Her grandma cried. Throughout the years, the family had grown to appreciate that Edith wasn’t a “Steel Magnolia” but was more like “Titanium Coated With Diamond, Wrapped In Kevlar.” Although she shed tears for other people, she never did so for herself. However, at that time, the frail woman was crying her eyes out. This is why Daniella’s grandfather, a Korean War combat veteran and former Marine Sergeant, forcibly removed the pastor. Six months later, they saw the conversation’s final results … and Edith’s incredible payback.

Bawling Her Eyes Out

Bawling Her Eyes Out

The Funeral

When Grandma Edith passed, the family was heartbroken. However, there were a lot of happy stories and laughter shared at the funeral. The pastors had not been invited upon request, but they were told to come to the will’s reading. The two were asked to sit at the front of the room, where the entire family could see them. Little did they know Grandma still had a couple of surprises up her sleeve.

The Funeral

The Funeral

Abuzz With Excitement

“The Reading of the Will” became something like a tradition to Daniella’s family, an excuse for everybody to get together for a “family reunion.” It took place in a conference room located at the lawyer’s office. The room was packed to the rafters. There were great aunts, great uncles, aunts, uncles, and several of the grandchildren. However, the two pastors were given special seats that faced the room, abuzz with excitement. There had been rumors that a few “surprises” were in the will.

Abuzz With Excitement

Abuzz With Excitement

Her Generosity

When the will was read, it became clear that Edith’s generosity remained well past her passing. Everybody received mementos as well as significant gifts of money. Then the turn of the church came. The pastors were looking ravenous as they thought about their share of Edith’s estate. After all, the older woman was a long-time member of their church. The lawyer took out a letter that the grandmother had drafted especially for them.

Her Generosity

Her Generosity

The Letter

Grandma Edith’s letter read, “For the past 10 years, NOT ONE person has ever called me, come to visit me, or sent me a note to tell me that they cared about me. Not one minister, not one deacon, not one of the church women, not one of the church members who I worked with for all of those years, loved dearly and thought were my friends.” She added, “I worked very hard for you when you needed me, for many, many years. But when I needed you and your church, you all pretended that I didn’t exist.” Near the back, Daniella was trying her best to contain her giggles.

The Letter

The Letter

Strike One

The letter then exposed all the poor behavior and greed from the pastors. Edith described how the two had only shown interest when they were trying to take her money. Edith’s letter continued, “I realized that I had allowed my church to break my heart for one last time. But that was the last time. The VERY last time.” However, this was not the end of the letter because the next part was the payback.

Strike One

Strike One

The Will Had Been Prepared

20 Percent Of Her Estate
The lawyer continued reading the letter. “Pastor McConnel did not know it when he visited me, but Grandpa and I had already prepared my will, long before his visit, which did include a double tithe – twenty percent – of my ENTIRE ESTATE, for what was now my former church. But I felt bad that we had not personally remembered such nice people as Pastor James and Pastor McConnel. So I changed my will to include them by name. While I was at it, I changed the amount of money that I left to the church.”

The Will Had Been Prepared

The Will Had Been Prepared

Second Strike

“I’ve included money to reflect the love they and the church haven’t given me over the last ten years,” the lawyer continued. Both the church and pastors received one cent each. As the pastors sat conspicuously in front of the whole family, the two looked like “someone had injected a gallon of novocaine into their jaws,” according to Daniella. The family tried hard to contain their smiles. However, there was one more strike. Grandma Edith wasn’t finished.

Second Strike

Second Strike

One Last Bequest

The lawyer continued, “There is one last bequest,” pausing for dramatic effect. By then, all the eyes in the room were fixed on the pastors, who were doing their best to compose themselves after Grandma Edith served them a brutal comeuppance from the grave. Suppressing their laughter, Daniella and her family knew that this was just Grandma Edith’s way of setting up the two greedy pastors for a one-two punch.

One Last Bequest

One Last Bequest

The Lesson

Daniella almost fell out of her chair upon hearing the enormous amount that her grandmother initially planned to leave the church. She listened in awe when the lawyer named another congregation. That was the moment when the eyes of the pastors widened. From looking incredulous, the pastors’ face changed to a look of pure horror. Clearly, Grandma Edith was teaching these two pastors a lesson that they will never forget.

The Lesson

The Lesson


It had slipped a couple of times that the pastors were the opposite despite preaching tolerance. Their flock remained mostly Caucasian for really questionable reasons. For years, both Grandma Edith and Grandpa battled against it and even considered leaving the church because of it. However, they reasoned that the best thing they could do was to stay and teach tolerance by example and their words. In the end, Edith made sure to teach one final lesson, which had the whole family nodding in agreement.



Reddit Post

Danielle wrote a post on Reddit which read: “Their faces displayed the same expressions of shock, dread, and horror that they would have if the lawyer had said, ‘This bequest goes to The Demonic Baby Eaters to buy extra large rotisserie barbecue grills and tons of charcoal.’” Daniella explained, “Too many white Southerners, this was one of the most personally insulting things you could do to them. It simultaneously labeled them as racists, condemned their bigotry, and crushed their delusions of white superiority.”

Reddit Post

Reddit Post

A Lesson Of Tolerance

The amount that Grandma Edith had left the other congregation was the same as what her former church would have received if the pastors had just shown kindness. Apparently, the old couple had been sharing their money with the place that they felt deserved it. After finding out the letter’s content for them, the pastors left the room in a hurry. As for Edith’s strength, it remained a story that the family told for years.

A Lesson Of Tolerance

A Lesson Of Tolerance

Going Viral

Daniella’s story got big on the ProRevenge thread on Reddit. The post has gotten more than 1,600 comments to date. However, there was one interesting question: “What was the pastors’ reaction after that?!” As a response, Daniella wrote, “We had all been swallowing our uproarious laughter since the “one cent” bequests had been read…. the whole meeting quickly devolved into utter chaos. If I remember correctly, (the pastors) left in a huff, which was made comically more difficult by the fact that they had to push past over a dozen of Grandma’s heirs, between and the room’s only door, who now knew what scumballs they were.”

Going Viral

Going Viral

What Happened Next

Daniella added, “If I remember correctly, I heard through the family grapevine that some lawyer, representing (the pastors and church) did call my uncle and threaten to dispute the will.” She continued, “My uncle’s response was, ‘If you do that, everything that happened in that meeting will become a matter of public record. Are you sure you want that in the local newspapers and on TV?’ That’s the last my uncle ever heard about it from them.”

What Happened Next

What Happened Next

Delightful Discovery

Julie Lisi was brought back to the year 1978 in the early part of August 2018. Julie comes from a nostalgic background, gathered and handed down heirloom after heirloom, and deeply loved the notion of family items and generational giving. Little did Lisa realize that she might come across an item of enormous value to her on a normal day at an ordinary Goodwill shop.

Delightful Discovery

Delightful Discovery

A Step Back In Time

Let’s fly back to Willoughby, Ohio, in the year 1978. Lisa and her family have just relocated to a picturesque new suburban house. The Lisi family led a life that was straightforward and normal. Christopher, their son, was a massive outdoor fan—he played outside as much as he could, and he went into sports as well. Team sports became a central aspect of the upbringing Christopher and he played in the local baseball league. The sport was one of his favorite hobbies in the afternoon and he wasn’t a poor competitor either…

A Step Back In Time

A Step Back In Time

Start Of The Season

The start of the season was coming around and Christopher was excited to display his skills. He was excited to see his mates join him on the pitch. It was clear in one of the league’s games as the game continued that the team of Christopher was going for the victory, Christopher was displaying his ability and already managed to tally up several home runs. His team kept their advantage while the game went on, and at the end of the ninth inning, they had prevailed!

Start Of The Season

Start Of The Season

The Mitt That Never Made It

Christopher was overwhelmed with enthusiasm, passion, and he just felt a part of the city and the team—just going. For them to have conquered and made a change in their league placing, this game was a significant one. Christopher and his colleagues were so pleased that he left a mitt behind on the pitch unintentionally. In celebration, juice and orange bits were passed around and Christopher was too involved to care even about his glove. He was already in such a cloud that he actually left it behind until the festivities had come to an end.

The Mitt That Never Made It

The Mitt That Never Made It

A Devastation

He scampered into his suitcase as Christopher got home, flipping it absolutely upside down. His winning glove was located nowhere. He concluded that on the pitch he had lost his cap. He got on his bicycle and went right back to the pitch as he hurried past his scrimmaged things. He was looking around the field far and wide, but his lost mitt was gone.

A Devastation

A Devastation

Decades Later

40 years later and still a vague recollection seems to be 1978. He recalls the day with their baby, Christopher, as though it were yesterday, and he can sense the victory, the defeat, and all in between since that day. He, of course, reflects on the celebratory elements of being with his teammates, winning the prize, as well as the orange bits and energy drinks. At the age of 52, though, Christopher remembers and recalls that he misplaced his best asset, his glove. Little did he suspect, the glove would quickly carry his life back…

Decades Later

Decades Later

The Thrift Store

Julie was doing a couple of thrift store shopping on the other side of the country as she did daily. Julie liked to wander through the islands to collect lost treasures from the thrift store, while she spent hours browsing and digging around the store, the nearby Goodwill was something of a passion for her. Julie thought she’d think about the Goodwill sports section—mix things up a little. Julie was never in this segment and when she stared through all the things, something captured her eye in a moment…

The Thrift Store

The Thrift Store

What Should Be Done?

Julie was always a compassionate and generous lady. She always promoted peace and loved dedicating herself in every manner she could to others in need. At Goodwill, she purchased all products and also gave contributions. From selling second-hand goods to charities, goodwill shops often donate their profits. However, for the odd knick and knack, as well as some enjoyable and genuine pieces, these shops have become local attractions. For thrift store buyers and couples, goodwill has become almost the grandma of thrift shops and an event of note.

What Should Be Done?

What Should Be Done?

Bottom Shelf Of Wonders

Anything on a lower shelf captured her greatest interest when Julie wondered and analyzed the isles. Typically, the racks at Goodwill are cluttered, clustered, and very complicated to sort through, but what she found caught her by surprise. She did not trust that in a shop where items are frequently concealed and overlooked. It all came rushing back to her when she stared at the piece, the exact day in 1978 when Christopher had lost his precious mitt. She then studied the item and she really wasn’t completely positive yet. Might it be?

Bottom Shelf Of Wonders

Bottom Shelf Of Wonders

An Astonishing Find

What are the chances, generations later while on the other side of the world, of discovering a misplaced mitt in a thrift store? In earnest. Losing anything generally implies that it’s lost for good, never to be noticed and discarded again. For Lisi, the glove had been MIA for 40 entire years, and there was no hope of having it again. On this random day, though, which was only a regular day for Julie’s fate, she had a scheme of her own for Lisi’s…

An Astonishing Find

An Astonishing Find

Christopher’s Missing Mitt

Julie picked from the rack this odd and recognizable item, she didn’t really realize why she was picking up this thing. Very frankly, it was not something that fascinated her and in no way stuck out. She studied the item a little, flipping it over, and, to her horror, there was a black marker on it. She was more than a thousand miles from Ohio and her baby, but she just realized she had noticed something wrong with him.

Christopher’s Missing Mitt

Christopher’s Missing Mitt

Blast From The Past

Julie knew at that moment just what she had magically found. In Willoughby, Ohio, she looked as though she had suddenly teleported straight back to 1978. Julie recalled how devastated her son was, how she realized the experience had stuck with him for years, and how he had always valued the mitt. Suddenly, at such an unlikely moment, she came across the precious glove in the most unexpected spot. How could it have probably gone there?

Blast From The Past

Blast From The Past

Fate’s Way

Like she should have been, Julie was absolutely surprised. Odds are fewer than one in a million for anything like this to happen, and she just couldn’t believe it. Neither will we. She had no idea where to put herself or what to do because she was stuck with a chance. The glove had meant so much to her son, and she realized that when she confronted him with the astonishing discovery, he would be even more surprised than her. Over this, Christopher will be willing to overcome the mystery of his lost glove.

Fate’s Way

Fate’s Way

Assistance At Its Finest

A well-known and common shop worker, Sue Rounds, was soon confronted by Julie. Rounds was a nice face and a hard worker at the store-she decided to know if Julie needed some support as she stood there watching the mitt for quite a while. Sue Rounds asked Julie if she could get some support and she answered, “The glove!”

Assistance At Its Finest

Assistance At Its Finest

An Unheard Of Scenario

Sue Rounds was quite surprised and amazed by Julie’s reaction. To clarify what she was referring to, she asked Julie. Julie told Rounds the tale that occurred all those decades ago, concerning Christopher and the mitt. The surprise was mutual when she had told Rounds the tale. Sue Rounds had never come across such a tale in all her time, and she was fully conscious that the possibility of anything like this occurring was almost unlikely.

An Unheard Of Scenario

An Unheard Of Scenario

The Big Purchase

Julie realized this was big, never mind the emotions, but the revelation itself was just one of the most exciting discoveries she had created, but unheard of was the tale as a whole. She was powerless to help but internalize how slim the chances of potentially discovering this glove are. For that cause, the odds were not in her favor or any of her family members, especially in locating the mitt so far from its original place of loss. It wasn’t really a query that she had to buy a mitt for her baby, but she had a lot of questions…

The Big Purchase

The Big Purchase

Donations To Goodwill

Julie was a goodwill donator, but she was completely confident that since the day it was missing, she has never donated the glove or ever seen it. Julie wanted to wonder how the glove came to the Goodwill and assumed that the shop kept some form of database of who donated the items. She’d certainly have to think about that one, but she was mostly in a state of shock and disbelief right now.

Donations To Goodwill

Donations To Goodwill

An Actual Miracle

There is no wonder that this revelation is a mystery and this story as a whole. The fact that after all these years the mitt has made it in such a decent shape is another unbelievable part, it had been 40 years and the quality was still good. Julie was filled with emotion, watering her eyes, and she was completely amazed that she had found the mitt so far from Ohio. Perhaps this was the greatest thing that had happened to Julie in her life and the press will quickly pick up on the tale as well.

An Actual Miracle

An Actual Miracle

No Records And No Tracking

When citizens were in shock of the finding, a local news broadcaster, WPTV, got word and wanted to roll with it. The tale began to gather traction. As it was totally unheard of and such a remarkable story, they did a segment on the tale of the missing mitt. Julie told them specifically that she would love to meet the person who gave the glove which eventually guided her to locate it. She was involved in thanking them. Nevertheless, Goodwill holds no logs, information, or other details about the citizens who contribute. Continues the intrigue…

No Records And No Tracking

No Records And No Tracking

A Lisi Family Heirloom

She was ecstatic with the finding nevertheless, despite being unable to locate the initial donor to grow due to it. They symbolized her family, her history, and helped her to recall and focus forever on the memories she had created. Julie liked nostalgic things and everything that had any kind of feeling about it. Julie certainly realized Christopher would love the finding much more than she did, and in expectation of his response, she was pleased.

A Lisi Family Heirloom

A Lisi Family Heirloom

Any Price For The Mitt

With intense enthusiasm, Julie called Christopher to clarify to him clearly what had just happened. She understood the glove’s value and how much it meant to him at the moment. About the same moment, he was completely overjoyed but shocked. The glove was just $1.59, but the benefit is provided for the family was invaluable. For the family, the tale that now surrounded the mitt rendered it much more precious.

Any Price For The Mitt

Any Price For The Mitt

Eternal Gratefulness

There was no guarantee that Julie should have learned how to organize the activities of the day. There was no way of believing that the mitt was still going to be there, and the prospects of her stepping into that particular section were absolutely slender. The chances of her detection of this 40-year-old possession were not on anyone’s cards. At the same moment, she was shocked and overwhelmed-her luck was literally incredible.

Eternal Gratefulness

Eternal Gratefulness

An Ending Of Dreams

The Lisi family had a happier conclusion to the tale of the lost mitt. It may be tragic to lose objects that have a nostalgic value since certain pieces are somewhat irreplaceable. There is an incredibly poor probability of discovering these items, and so Julie and her son Christopher were happy and optimistic about the conclusion of their story. She will note the grin on her son’s face forever.

An Ending Of Dreams

An Ending Of Dreams

Giving To Goodwill

The family always urges people to offer goodwill and help them and the cause. Such an immense organization brought them to an unbelievable discovery and left them with more than an heirloom, but a tale to carry down for decades to come.

Giving To Goodwill

Giving To Goodwill

Finding The Donator

The family always hopes they could thank the person who gave this mitt and hope somebody would come out for all the publicity and advertisement. It would be the only other item to top off the one-of-a-kind story.

Finding The Donater

Finding The Donator