Older Guy Mocked His Female Seatmate, What This Guy Did Will Restore Our Faith In Humanity

Published on 11/24/2020

The woman tried to stop her tears from falling, but she could no longer take it. It was just too much. She tried to keep her cool and looked the other way round. Until she heard another person suddenly intervene, she didn’t expect a stranger to take part in what was happening. At first, she felt a little apprehensive. Hasn’t she been through enough already? She was more stunned when the truth began to dawn on her!

Older Guy Mocked His Female Seatmate, What This Guy Did Will Restore Our Faith In Humanity

Older Guy Mocked His Female Seatmate, What This Guy Did Will Restore Our Faith In Humanity

A Woman Called Savannah Phillips

Savanna Phillips will tell you if you ask her that she’s a passionate person. When it came to motherhood and her career, she made sure to do her best. Despite this and all the hard work she put into her life, there was always a voice in the back of her mind telling her she wasn’t good enough.

A Woman Called Savannah Phillips

A Woman Called Savannah Phillips

How Was She To Predict?

She tried to pick a seat in an empty row whenever the opportunity came, and she needed to fly. Sadly, the plane in question was already full on this particular day! She was beginning to feel nervous about that trip. There was no way to predict what will happen, even though she had her reservations.

How Was She To Predict?

How Was She To Predict?

Her Low Self-Esteem

For the majority of her life, Savannah struggled with her weight. It was not easy to receive so many hateful comments. Although some of them meant that their self-esteem wasn’t improving. The sad truth is that the United States of America has been dealing with obesity for some time now. This does not mean that body-shaming is the way to go. In fact, it usually only aggravates the situation. Savanna knew how true this was.

Her Low Self Esteem

Her Low Self-Esteem

Her Fear Of Flying

Savannah flew not out of pleasure but out of necessity. She had a lot of business trips and had no choice. She could not do much but endure it while she disliked the feeling of cramped cabins. She was able to overcome this problem most of the time by reserving empty rows. It made her feel comfortable and less claustrophobic on flights. It isn’t always possible, sadly.

Her Fear Of Flying

Her Fear Of Flying

It Was Packed

She found out that the plane was already full when she booked the ticket. On the flight date, Savannah decided to try her luck again. At the check-in, she went to the gate and asked if someone had canceled it. The person shook her head at the counter and didn’t have a spare seat. She knew that this wouldn’t be a pleasant flight.

It Was Packed

It Was Packed

Not A Good Experience

Savannah’s experience with packed planes has not always been that good. She always tried to negotiate with the assistants at the check-i,n and she could usually go. But today, because of the number of passengers on the flight, the woman at the check-in counter who helped her said it couldn’t be done. She had just been told that it was impossible, after trying to reason with the airline staff. As the airplane was at full capacity, it wasn’t possible.

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Boarding The Plane

As she walked to the gate, she monitored all the other passengers at the airport. She could feel that everyone looked at her. She didn’t appreciate the stars and could feel the anxiety of her body. She said to herself, staring at her feet, “It’ll all be over soon.” Sadly, she had difficulty shaking her stomach with that horrible feeling. Her gut told her that something bad was going to happen.

Boarding The Plane

Boarding The Plane

It Was Not Easy

It was time to board the plane soon enough. She saw a jam-packed cabin and could only feel a pang of fear. As she went to her seat, she tried to calm herself. A window seat was assigned to her, and she could see that the aisle seat was already occupied. The man got up to take her seat after seeing her in the aisle. He sighed loudly after that as if to show her that he was not happy.

It Was Not Easy

It Was Not Easy

Eyes On Her

He was an older man wearing bright sunglasses. It was clear that he was not a fan of overweight people. In fact, that could only be the understatement of the year! He was determined to let Savannah know exactly how he felt. He started typing a message on his phone, which usually isn’t a problem.

Eyes On Her

Eyes On Her

He Wanted Her To Know

The problem is, he decided to set the font size as much as possible and make the display as bright as possible! He wanted Savannah to know how he felt about Savannah and her current situation. He insisted that the message be made very clear. But soon, he discovered that she was not the only witness to his cruel act.

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The Rude Man

She asked him as a helpful person when she saw that he had his phone angling in her direction. He just told her that he needed to see the screen better. While he kept placing the final touches on the message, this was a lie. When she saw what he was typing on her phone, she was shocked.

The Rude Man

The Rude Man

Trying Not To  Cry

It was bad enough for him to speak badly about her, but he also had the guts to show her that! She looked away from him and stared at the window. Although she was distraught, she tried not to cry. She didn’t know much that the man behind her saw the entire saga quite clearly…

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He Was A Bully

When she saw his screen, she figured out why he switched his settings on his phone. He wanted her to see the message he wrote. It was clear that he wanted to express his views and let them know. Savannah felt like she was again dealing with her high school bullies. The phone screen read, “Sitting next to a smelly fatty.” It was too much for her, but that wasn’t the end of it yet.

He Was A Bully

He Was A Bully

Coming To Her Rescue

The older man suddenly felt a strong tap on the shoulder. Someone told him when he turned around, “I need to speak to you. NOW.” Surprised, he got up, and the other man followed down the aisle. Chase Irwin is the man in question. “We’re switching seats NOW,” he told the old man. Surprised by the confrontation, the man agreed. After the change, Chase began talking to Savannah.

Coming To Her Rescue

Coming To Her Rescue

Her Very Own Hero

Chase and Savannah made small talk. Words were not enough to express her gratitude towards him. The only thing she found out about him, however, was his name and profession. She learned he was a parent, too. She wanted to share the story with the rest of the world upon their arrival. Sadly, on social media, she could not find him. Instead, in the hope of finding him, she wrote a Facebook post!

Her Very Own Hero

Her Very Own Hero

Her Facebook Post

The post started with Savannah saying, “I am only sharing this story of what happened to me today in hopes that the person who stuck up for me will somehow be recognized…” she explained. “We sat on the runway waiting for the OK to take off for about 10 minutes – I sat there unable to stop silently crying.” She had a hard time writing the post; it was as if she was reliving it all again.

Her Facebook Post

Her Facebook Post

This Has To End!

But that wasn’t the end, she continued, “I was scrunching myself up against the wall as far as I could,” she went on, “…The guy next to me takes out his headphones. Someone behind us says, “We are switching seats. Now.” The guy next to me said, “OK- why?” And I hear someone say (removing curse words), “You are texting about her, and I’m not putting up with that.”

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This Has To End!

It Went Viral

She was shocked to see how many comments the post received, shares, and likes. Many users left encouraging comments and told her she was fine with the way she was. They hoped that she was not going to let the rude man’s actions impact her! For what he did, people did not forget to praise Chase. A good deed should always be acknowledged and applauded if you ask us!

It Went Viral

It Went Viral

They Found Him

It didn’t take long with the power of Facebook before netizens figured out the man’s identity. On the website of Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey bar and restaurant in Nashville, they found Chase Irwin. He was the restaurant’s manager! People began flooding the page with praise and good wishes for the hero once the story came out. The media, in addition to the general public, also got wind of this story!

They Found Him

They Found Him

He Was Infuriated

When NewsChannel 5 interviewed him, Chase said he did not intervene for clout. When he saw what the old man was doing to her, something just snapped inside of him. “I was going to wait until the end of the flight to say something but I could not have this guy sit next to her this whole flight and her thinking he’s making fun of her,” he shared. He continued, “It really gets to me deep down when I see someone crying, and when I saw her crying it really hit me hard and I actually got sick to my stomach.”

He Was Infuriated

He Was Infuriated

A World Of Difference

Chase keeping an eye out on the situation from the get-go was a good thing. He could feel, right away, that something was going to go down. He noticed that the old man had been very rude to Savannah since the beginning. There was no way after seeing the text that Chase was going to let it go. He had no idea at the time that his act of kindness would make a world of difference.

A World Of Difference

A World Of Difference

He Could Not Believe It

“Hey babe, sitting next to a smelly fatty. She’s overflowing over my armrest. I think I’m going to be sick!” wrote the rude man on his device. It shocked Chase to see the message. “I began noticing her wiping tears and my heart sank,” he shared with Inside Edition. Was he going to let this go on? Of course not!

He Could Not Believe It

He Could Not Believe It

What Happened Back There

On Snapchat, he took a video of that old man. “This guy, probably mid-50s just texted his wife that he is sitting next to a smelly fatty and was about to vomit. I watched her read his text and is now looking sad,” he said. He wondered if he could confront him right away and asked, “Should I… just say something when landing?” He knew, however, that letting her go through it for the rest of the flight was not a good idea.

What Happened Back There

What Happened Back There

Not A Fan Of Discrimination

Chase explained when he spoke to local news outlets that he really disliked discrimination. After seeing what Savannah’s elderly man was doing, he decided to intervene. Eventually, he decided he couldn’t wait until the end of the flight. He informed a flight attendant of his plan before he did anything else. He finally approached the rude passenger after this.

Not A Fan Of Discrimination

Not A Fan Of Discrimination

Dealing With Him

As per Chase, he said he went up to the fat-shamer and insisted that he switch seats there and then. At first the old man was confused. He asked why, under the impression that Chase was giving him a better seat. That Chase was quick to set the record straight was a good thing. He wanted to make sure that his behavior would embarrass the old man, which is why he said this…

Dealing With Him

Dealing With Him

Trying To Negotiate

“Because you’re a heartless person,” he told him. “I read your text, and the girl next to you crying also read your text. And you should really take into consideration other people’s feelings.” That shut the old man up immediately! The older, rude man stood open in shock, and Chase sat next to Savannah before he could even answer.

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Trying To Negotiate

Talking To Him

“He encouraged me not to let that guy get to me and that everything was going to be fine,” Savannah stated. “He said he just happened to see that guy’s text messages and he started shaking. He was so mad and he knew he had to do something. He stopped the flight attendant and told her what he was about to do.”

Talking To Him

Talking To Him

He Was A Hero

More than 1,300 shares and 7,000 comments were added to Facebook’s post. After the netizens found Chase, they sent him thankyou messages. Dierks Whiskey Row shared on Facebook that he felt “so proud” of the employee and what he did.“Thank you to everyone who has messaged us regarding this story,” the restaurant said, “It has warmed the heart of our entire team.” How did Savannah feel about the entire ordeal? Has something changed for her?

He Was A Hero

He Was A Hero

She Forgave The Man

She shared during an interview, “I would like to add that I do forgive him.” She went on, “I have said lots of things in my life that I shouldn’t have, just like everyone else. If I hated him, I would not be any different and it is vital to respond with love. Only love brings a change in the world.”

She Forgave The Man

She Forgave The Man

Complete Stranger

Savannah said, aside from that, that she and Chase didn’t talk to the man after that. The truth was that she had no idea who he was. She explained, “And I really don’t want to know. I don’t want this story to be about him – my goal was for it to be about Chase and how we should all be brave like he was and stand up for others.”

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Complete Stranger

Raising Awareness

The credit goes to Chase, who acted out of the goodness of his heart. For individuals who go through body-shaming, Savannah was also able to raise awareness. We are delighted that individuals have become more aware of this problem. There is no excuse for such rude conduct, after all. It was a good thing that, even though she was a stranger, Chase stood up for her. We hope you will always stand up against injustice, too! Wait till you see what happened to this woman who wanted justice as well…

Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness

The Unpleasant Surprise

Air travel is usually mentally draining, as we said before if we’re totally frank. Regardless of how often you do it, it can still make everyone nervous. This woman had flown so many times before, and it was the first and only time she had been treated this way on a flight. She was ready to go home when she reached her gate. However, she never saw a turn of events. She was denied her flight and forcibly taken off the plane. Because of her clothing, she was taken off the flight.

The Unpleasant Surprise

The Unpleasant Surprise

Taking A Holiday

Harriet Osborne had a much-deserved vacation in Southern Spain at the age of 31. She and her friends had been looking forward to the trips in advance for months. They could not wait in the fresh air to be able to get some sun and relax outside. Harriet made sure that she could take some time out of her busy life so that she could have time to unwind and concentrate on herself. After all, sometimes we all need a break.

Taking A Holiday

Taking A Holiday

Break From Reality

Harriet had been in England, living and working. She was a makeup artist and a mother, as well. This vacation was planned so that she could have a little break at the same time from the stress of balancing work and raising her kids. It was such a perfect chance, as well as an opportunity to clear her mind from her daily stress, to get some sunshine and rejuvenate. For so long, she had dreamed of lying on the beach, and it was amazing that it was finally happening.

Break From Reality

Break From Reality

Vacation Attire

Harriet had said she never wore clothes that were too revealing back home. Especially when she was around her children. However while on holiday, she felt okay to dress freely and liberally. She couldn’t help but feel spontaneous. It’s only natural to feel like you can let your guard down a little if you are new. More so when you’re on vacation.

Vacation Attire

Vacation Attire

Letting Loose

She felt so free all the time she spent on holiday. When she walked the beautiful beaches, she wore nothing but a bikini. She didn’t worry at all that she was judged. For her, it was a brand new feeling. She knew little that things would take a turn by the end of the journey. She didn’t know she’d end up in tears. She didn’t have a single care in the world while she was there.

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Letting Loose


Her vacation was pretty awesome and even better than she could imagine. However when the time came for her to go home, she felt ready for it. She was away from her family for a long time and missed them dearly. She could not wait to see her children as soon as possible now that she felt refreshed. Harriet wanted to return home to England. It was time for her to join the real world.



A Breather

Harriet enjoyed the moment she had on vacation. She could get a little sense of freedom away from home. She took all of Spain’s lovely sights and beaches. Above all, she gotta work a little bit on her tan and drink some sun. It was the perfect getaway that she needed so desperately. Harriet couldn’t have asked for anything better from a hectic daily routine at home, to a relaxing beach holiday in Spain.

A Breather

A Breather

Sea And Sun

Many British tourists enjoy visiting the Costa del Sol. This means the ‘coat of the sun’ and includes a few cities as well as the city of Málaga. The beach is located in Southern Spain, and what people are attracted to is easy to see. The tropical-like paradise really lives up to its pretty name. Not to mention, the location is not all too far to get to the British mother making it her perfect holiday destination.

Sea And Sun

Sea And Sun

Something Missing

It’s been a very long time since Harriet got the chance to relax with her best friends at the beach. But the whole time she was there, she felt like something was missing. What could it potentially have been? With all her friends, she had the time of her life on vacation. They were hanging out on the beach, spending time in the sun, and from morning to night they were relaxing.

Something Missing

Something Missing

Far From Home

As it was almost the opposite of England, the vacation spot chosen by the group was perfect. As the seasons are opposite at both locations, Harriet could get away from the harsh British winter and instead spent time on the beach in the hot sun. She loved to lie under the bright blue sky on the white sand. She would certainly not have been able to do the same if she had been back home in the UK.

Far From Home

Far From Home

Their Last Day

Harriet knew her epic holiday would be over and she would have to go to the UK soon. She packed her bags and was so excited about finally meeting her sweet children. However, she decided she was going to go shopping one last time before she left. Perhaps she would only find something nice that she would have missed when she went away other times. It was after all, her last chance before she went home.

Their Last Day

Their Last Day

Pampering Herself

Harriet went out and caught a cab with her friends. They were going to Av. De Andalucia – this is where the best fashion stores were. They were all so blown away by the wide selection of incredible shops that they weren’t sure where to start. Harriet had no idea that she would end up being her day one of the worst days in her whole life. At that moment, she couldn’t be happier if she tried.

Pamering Herself

Pampering Herself

Her First Mistake

The happy group of friends went into El Corte Ingles. This is where Harriet saw a beautiful shirt on display. While the top was sheer and lazy, when she saw its price, she could not believe her eyes. Could that be the cost of the black blouse? Harriet paused and stood by the magnificent blouse. For a moment, she was thinking things through. Would she buy the shirt?

Her First Mistake

Her First Mistake