Staff Of Popular Pizza Place Saves The Life Of Their Regular Customer

Published on 04/30/2020
For 10 Years This Man Ordered Pizza Everyday When Employees Suddenly Realize Something Is Nor Right

This Man Ordered Pizza Every Day For A Decade When Employees Suddenly Realized Something Wasn’t Right

First Choice

48-year old, Kirk Alexander lives in Salem, Oregon. Like many people his most adored food is pizza. Actually, he’s been eating Domino’s Pizza daily for nearly 10 years! But one, it just so happened that he didn’t order anything. As he is a regular customer, naturally the employees at Domino’s were amazed when they found out the real reason.

A Regular

As stated by Sarah Fuller – the general manager at the specific Dominos branch Kirk always orders from, she said, “His daily order pops up on the screen because he orders online. So we see it come across the screen and we’re like, ‘Oh, Kirk’s order.’”

A Regular

A Regular


While speaking to some of Kirk’s they said, “I knock on the door every once in a while but sometimes he answers,” Robert Lalonde, who lives across the street, said. “Very rarely does he ever actually answer the door.”



Good Guy

“He’s a pretty good guy – kind of keeps to himself mostly,” another neighbor Ben Theodorichs said. “He’s come over numerous times and helped us repair our computers and, you know, he’s just good at that.”

Good Guy

Good Guy

Very Familiar

When it comes to getting acquainted with the employees, Sarah said, “Our delivery drivers know him really well, because he distinctly has conversations with them at the door.” It makes total sense as Kirk ordered from them almost every single day.

Very Familiar

Very Familiar

11 Days With No Order

But out of the blue, Kirk’s order stopped showing up for several days, leaving the employees rather startled. In the beginning, the employees thought that Kirk might have gone on some kind of trip, perhaps visiting his friends and family. Maybe he was even on a business trip.

11 Days With No Order

11 Days With No Order

A Friend To The Employees

As times went by, Fuller was once stopped by a few of the delivery drivers, asking about Alexander. They also had begun to notice that he hadn’t placed an order in quite some time. Fuller proceeded to check out the system and saw it had been 11 days since the last time Kirk placed and order. What was really going on?

A Friend To The Employees

A Friend To The Employees

Enjoyed Each Item

She presumed something wasn’t right, because, for so many years, Kirk had been a very loyal customer. The staff were familiar with him well and knew he was a friendly, pleasant and quiet man. “He orders all the time, so we know him,” said Fuller.

Enjoyed Each Item

Enjoyed Each Item

A Drive-By

Many employees also considered him a family and not just a friend. He was so prominent amongst the staff members, they all knew exactly how long it took to get to his house, and it wasn’t a long trip. Perhaps he started ordering someplace. Was he bored of Domino’s?

Give Him A Ring

A Drive-By


“Kirk is a very noteworthy customer, but believe it not he actually doesn’t have regular order. He’s happy to order anything from pasta or pizza to sandwiches or wings. It’s by no means ever the same order.” It’s obvious that he enjoyed a variety of foods and it was customary for him to eat Domino’s.



Reaching Out To 911

Over time the employees continued to get more and more worried that there might be a terrible reason as to why he has not been ordering. Eventually, Fuller decided to send a driver to pay a quick visit to their devoted customer to see if everything was okay.

Reaching Out To 911

Reaching Out To 911

Calling For Help

Tracey Hamblen, one of the delivery drivers, given this important job. As she walked up to Kirk’s front door, she couldn’t help but see that all lights were on inside the house. As she got closer, she began to hear noises, presumably coming from the TV.

Calling For Help

Calling For Help

No Answer

“He wasn’t answering his door but the were lights on,” Fuller said. “and you could hear what sounded like the TV playing or the radio”. They had tried calling Kirk numerous times but there was no response. Ultimately they decided to call 911.

No Answer

No Answer

Making The Decision

“She came arrived back at the store and that’s when we went ahead and decided to call 911 call.” While they waited, all the workers couldn’t help but feel nervous. “Kind of scared, worried,” Fuller said. “What happened? What was going on?”

Making The Decision

Making The Decision

Lucky Charm

After she knocked on the door of the house, Tracey waited to see if there would be any response. She kept on knocking, but still, she had no luck. She then chose to call Alexander, and that too went straight to voicemail. Immediately she thought something was seriously wrong, she rushed back to the restaurant to tell her coworkers about the situation.

Lucky Charm

Lucky Charm

Sigh Of Relief

She really hoped that someone would come up with a plan of what they should do. As the staff all discussed the situation, Hamblen called 911. She said, “Well, I need some help on what to do, I think it could be an emergency.”

SIgh Of Re;ief

Sigh Of Relief

A Humbling Experience

“This is Domino’s Pizza and we have a customer that typically orders like every night from us. And he hasn’t ordered in 11 days.” The 911 operator got all the details they needed and contacted the Marion County sheriff’s department.

A Humbling Experience

A Humbling Experience

Explaining The Situation

Hamblen explained to the 911 operator that it had been days since Kirk last ordered anything from their branch, which has never happened in the last 10 years because he would always order from the Domino’s branch.

Explaining The Situation

Explaining The Situation

Legendary Story

The sheriff swiftly sent his deputies to Alexander’s home. They weren’t exactly sure what they find when they got there. Once they arrived at the house, they knocked at the door while calling his name repeatedly.

Legendary Story

Legendary Story


Sarah said: “I presume they could hear him inside, as he was crying for help. So they broke down the door and the paramedics immediately rushed in and managed to get him to the hospital.” According to reports, Alexander had suffered from minor strokes previously.



Super Supportive

The policemen heard a response from inside the house and were alarmed straight away. They recognized the sound – it was someone yelling out for help. Without delay, they smashed the door and ran in to find Kirk laying on the floor. Not long after did the ambulance arrive to take to a nearby hospital.

Super Supportive

Super Supportive

Found At Last

And so, the officers found Kirk on the floor and as one said, “in need of immediate medical attention.” They realized if they had not arrived when they did, they would have been too late.

Found At Last

Found At Last

Astounding Reward

It appeared that Kirk had suffered a stroke but fortunately, the paramedics were able to stabilize him in time.  Regardless, there was a lot of doubt, and no one who may have witnessed the event could say just how long he had been down for.

Astounding Reward

Astounding Reward


Thankfully, Alexander was found just in time, and doctors were able to save his life. He would be making a full recovery. The staff at the Domino’s branch were overjoyed by the fantastic news. “We’re like a family here, and we were so happy we were able to do something to help. We only hope he’s able to fully recover from this,” said Fuller.



Help Recover

Seiber said, “We want to give him flowers, cards, hopefully, that’ll help him make a quicker recovery knowing that people do care about him.” It’s very encouraging to see just how much people are willing to go the extra mile just to help others in times of need.

Help Recover

Help Recover

First Day

“The first day we saw him he was a little sluggish and could only answer yes and no questions But when I went back on Monday, he was doing a lot better,” Seiber continued. “Yesterday when we visited he had been moved to the rehabilitation center at the hospital and he was a bit more chatty.”

First Day

First Day

Very Tired

She went on to say, “He’s still really tired but he seems to be doing a lot better and making a recovery.” Jenny Fouracre is the director of public relations at Domino’s headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She exclaimed that the store’s efforts were uniform with the company’s customer service protocol.

Very Tired

Very Tired

Proud Of The Team

She continued to speak about the situation by saying: “We are proud of our team members who took the initiative to reach out and help a loyal customer who was in trouble. There are thousands of Domino’s stores across the country, but every store is truly a part of their neighborhood,. When delivering to people in their homes, we often get to know our customers well.”

Proud Of The Team

Proud Of The Team

Many Stories

She also said, “We have many stories of how our stores have assisted regular customers in ways that are both big and small over the many years”. They consider it a  level of customer service and commitment to their communities that they hope everyone will replicate in some way or another.”

Many Stories

Many Stories

Doing Their Job

With regard to the employees at Domino’s, they, of course, don’t see themselves as real heroes. Bases on what Fuller said, she thinks they were just doing their job checking in on someone we order on a regular basis. She said, “We felt like we needed to do something.”

Doing Their Job

Doing Their Job


The compassion and devotion that was shown throughout the entire town even made nationwide news. But that was not all, something else was coming too. What exactly could it be?




Fuller appeared on Good Morning America along with her assistant manager, Jenny Seiber. The pair were interviewed and asked to speak about the events that took place. The hosts thanked and commended them for following their intuition and doing the rightful thing.




They of course also gave an update with regards to Alexander’s condition since they had been visiting him in the hospital. Seiber spoke about it with the host, Robin Roberts. She said, “we visited Kirk three times since he had gone to the hospital”.



Out Of It

She also added that on the first day, he was “out of it” and was only able to give with a simple yes or no. But, amazingly by the next day, he looked a lot better. On the third day, he was relocated to the rehabilitation wing in the hospital.

Out Of It

Out Of It

Big Surprise

And then out of nowhere, the two Domino staff members on the show were given a massive surprise. Robin announced: “Since you guys are superheroes, we’re gonna send you to Captain America: Civil War.” The whole restaurant was gifted with tickets. But no that was nit the end.

Big Surprise

Big Surprise

Las Vegas

Domino’s corporate office was sending the managers along with Tracey Hamblen to an all-expenses paid trip to the Domino’s Worldwide Rally. This convention takes place once a year and is hosted in Las Vegas for Domino’s members. This is the least of what these life-savers are entitled to.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Apparently, these employees were later on getting so much attention in all directions for what they had done. The Marion County Sheriff’s Office stated: “Thanks to the speedy actions of Ms. Hamblen, Mr. Alexander is in stable condition at the Salem Hospital.”



Personal Thanks

“The Sheriff’s Office would like to personally thank Ms. Hamblen for her prompt actions and goodwill to take time out of her  day to care for others.” It’s amazing that these heroes were being rewarded for the remarkable things they did.

Personal Thanks

Personal Thanks

Visiting Often

As the weeks went by, the employees kept going to the hospital to visit Kirk and make sure he was recuperating. They made sure that he had everything he needed and really wanted to show him they are truly concerned.

Visiting Often

Visiting Often

On The Mend

From here on out, we know Kirk is slowly recovering in the hospital. We surely hope he will be able to go back home and get back to his normal day to day life, without forgetting about ordering delicious food from his favorite Domino’s!

On The Mend

On The Mend