TLC’s Little People, Big World celebrity Zach Roloff and his wife, Tori Roloff recently welcomed a baby boy into the world. With the birth of a child comes responsibilities and difficulties…this couple had no idea what they were in for.
First Time Mom
Tori was extremely excited to be pregnant with her first child, but her butterflies were also mixed with nerves. She did not take the job of bringing a little baby into the world lightly. What happened next stunned the young mom, she was left dumbfounded.

First Time Mom
Experience With Kids
Tori was lucky enough to have a job that allowed her time off to be a new mother. Life as a Kindergarten teacher also prepared her to take care of her own son…working with little ones day in and day out definitely left her feeling ready. Although excited about having a baby of her own, she was sad to leave her class but later wrote on social media, “Can’t wait to take baby Roloff back to school to introduce him to the kids he’s listened to the last 9 months”.

Experience With Kids
Into The Spotlight
Tori was launched into the spotlight because of her boyfriend Zach and his involvement on the reality TV show Little People, Big World. Zach starred in the show with his family; both of his parents also had forms of dwarfism. The show shed light on a family with members who had dwarfism, and others who didn’t. Zach has a twin brother named Jeremy, Jeremy has no dwarfism, while Zach does.

Into The Spotlight
A Big Hit
The show Little People, Big World was a hit with viewers, the TV network TLC receiving a lot of praise. The Roloffs were granted a second season because of the positive portrayal of dwarfism, a rather controversial topic, and unspoken topic.

A Big Hit
Different Effects
Zach and his parents, Amy and Matthew, all live with dwarfism, dealing with the daily obstacles their condition presents. While some people with dwarfism have extremely hard lives, others face less obstacles. Zach had to undergo many high-risk surgeries at a young age, and Matt had it even tougher because of his diastrophic dysplasia. On the other hand, Amy didn’t face many obstacles, at least in comparison to her son and husband.

Different Effects
The Roloffs claim they took the TLC show on to educate the public and bring awareness to the condition. Amy states, “The Learning Channel (TLC) came to us about five or six years ago, and so we suddenly realized we were given a great opportunity to educate people about dwarfism. Nothing [else] had depicted dwarfism in an everyday way”.

The show did so well, that the network decided to try its’ luck with spinoffs of the hit. So, in 2012 Little People, Big World: Wedding Farm premiered, starring Amy and Matt and their shared dream of becoming wedding planners. Although the show did have a different focus, it still gave the family a lot of attention. Not surprisingly, the show tanked after one season; it just proved to be lacking in comparison to the original hit.

With Fame Comes Tension
With fame often comes tension. This proved to be true for the Roloff family, their youngest son Jacob later quitting the show. He claimed “The family that is filmed is not my family, they are the Roloff characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself.”

With Fame Comes Tension
Four Months Later
The couple’s only child with dwarfism, Zach, was a big hit on the show…fans adored him! His humble character won them over, making him loved across America. A young girl named Tori began working at the Roloff’s farm, quiet and shy…just like Zach! After 4 months of working at the farm, Zach asked Tori out…

Four Months Later
Four Years Later
Four years of dating later…and Zach proposed! Zach later admitted he never though he was ready to get married, but he was excited for all that was to come. Tori said, “We’re such a unique pairing, and we have a really cool story to share, but it was terrifying. But the show has helped me realize I shouldn’t worry about what other people think.” Zach said, “Tori brought me out of my shell and made me more social, she gave me confidence.”

Four Years Later
“I Do”
On July 27th 2015, Zach and Tori got married! 100 of their friends and family were in attendance…including the TLC cameras! This wedding marked the second on the series, and happened during the 9th season of filming. Zach’s wedding and his twin brother, Jeremy’s wedding both took place on the Roloff’s family farm…how perfect!

“I Do”
Shocking Split
When there are highs, there are also lows. The same year as the wedding, Amy and Matt shocked the world by getting divorced after 30 years of marriage. The couple made a public statement saying, “Our kids and our ever-growing family, and the love and support we have for them, will be our priority. We will continue to work together side-by-side in the daily responsibilities for our many current ventures.”

Shocking Split
Exciting News
In 2016, just a few months after the big split, Zach and Tori had some very exciting news…they were expecting! The couple knew that their first born could be born with dwarfism, publicly discussing the possibility. Tori stated, “No parent wants to hear that their child is different, no matter what that is.” But Zach fired back saying, “But to me, that’s not different, he’s just like me.”

Exciting News
Big News
Doctors alerted the couple that the risk their baby could have dwarfism is quite high. In May of 2017, their baby was diagnosed with achondroplasia, the same condition Zach has. The couple had extremely mixed emotions following the news.

Big News
Zach and Tori celebrated 7 years together right before the birth of their child. Tori took to Instagram and wrote, “Zachary, you make me smile every day, and I love our conversations about life and our dreams together. You are definitely my better half, and I pray every day that I can be a better wife to you”.

A Special Day
On May 12, 2017 Zach and Tori welcomed their baby boy into the world. They named the little bundle of joy Jackson. Zach later said, “You have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two, but I knew, dwarf or not, I was going to parent my child with the mentality that not everyone gets a trophy. You have to earn it.”

A Special Day
The couple promised each other, and their son that they would never allow Jackson’s disability to affect their everlasting love for him. Tori loved to post on her Instagram about their son, posting, “Jackson is one month old today! He is eating and growing like a champ. Loves watching soccer with daddy. Starting to find his voice. Sleeps 5-6 hour stretches at night.”

The Truth
From Tori’s Instagram posts, it seemed that all was well for the couple and Jackson. But, Tori later dished to her followers what was really going on. She said, “Hands down the hardest thing about being a mom has been breastfeeding. It was something I did not expect. I just figured it would come naturally because it’s what nature intended – I was so wrong.” Her followers commended the new mom for her bravery and being so open regarding the taboo topic.

The Truth
Tori continued to post about her difficulties with breastfeeding, “I get asked at all my appointments how BFing is going, and I couldn’t imagine how that would make the women who physically can’t feel. I also HATE the stigma of breastfeeding.” Tori gave her followers and new mothers hope.

Breastfeeding has become very taboo and stigmatized over the years. Many mothers feel uncomfortable and awkward breastfeeding in public. But if they can’t feed their babies, then how will the babies survive? This puts mothers at a crossroads.

Here She Comes
Believe it or not, public breastfeeding is legal in 49 states, Idaho being the only state that bans it. But, women are ridiculed when doing it in public and verbally abused, steering them to resort elsewhere to feed their children. Tori Roloff set out to change this.

Here She Comes
Hear My Voice
Tori said “I still feel awkward in public when I feed my baby. Why should I?” She decided to raise awareness of the issue, her role in the public eye helping get her voice heard.

Hear My Voice
Long Journey
Tori revealed that breastfeeding wasn’t very easy at first, it was actually quite hard for the new mom. But her drive proved to pay off in the end, “I’m providing for my child, Jackson and I have come a long way, and we work well together now, and I’m proud of that.” Instead of turning to formula, she decided natural was the way to go.

Long Journey
Reaching Out
Tori’s voice for the cause helped her gain popularity on social media. Her followers were smitten with her outspoken views, one user wrote, “Great post!! No one should feel ashamed or guilty or degraded for not being able to breastfeed or for not wanting to breastfeed. It’s personal. You will bond with your baby either way.” Positive messages flooded Tori’s phone. Interestingly enough, mothers weren’t the only ones reaching out…

Reaching Out
Professionals Speak Out
Experts also reached out to Tori, enthralled by the work she was doing. One professional reached out to her and said, “I work as a nurse in women’s services. Over the past 10 years that has been a huge push within hospitals to get everyone breastfeeding. The concept is great, but it is not reality. I have said this for awhile that we are setting up moms to have a lot more postpartum depression issues.”

Professionals Speak Out
Not Alone
Tori wasn’t the only one to deal with problems surrounding being a mother, Audrey Roloff also faced challenges. Audrey had trouble getting pregnant, also turning to social media for support. Audrey was so excited to welcome her daughter into the world, but was also dealing with all of the emotions that go with it. Aubrey also had the stress of running a business on top of giving birth.

Not Alone
Audrey posted on her Instagram saying “Attention momapreneurs… how do you do it?! I think the thing I am most nervous for post labor/delivery is learning to balance being a mom while running my businesses. I know that my priorities will need to take a shift, and I know that I won’t be able to give as much as I once could. I feel a little lost…” Audrey had no idea the response her post would receive.

Baby> Business
Audrey received an outpour of responses, most telling her everything she was feeling was normal. Users told the expecting mom it would be hard to balance it all, but with practice, she would get it. Many also declared that the baby should take priority over her business because the baby will need her mother.

Baby> Business
Social media proves to be the easiest and most accessible way for celebrities to express their opinions. Celeb moms such as Chrissy Teigen, Gisele Bündchen, and Alanis Morissette posted photos breastfeeding their newborns on their profiles, all speaking out and supporting women and breastfeeding.

Quite Weird
Being in the spotlight has brought a lot of criticism against Tori and Zach. Social media has broadcasted that their relationship seems to be a bit off and quite weird…

Quite Weird
Hands Off
We have to admit, it’s quite weird to begin a relationship with your boss at work. Tori said, “A coworker told me, ‘Zachary really thinks you’re cute, but doesn’t think you’ll ever go out with him,’” Tori recounted to People. “Our first date lasted five hours, and we’ve been together ever since”. We still think it’s a bit off that she was crushing on her boss’ son!

Hands Off
Zach and Tori met in the year 2010 at Roloff Farms during pumpkin picking season. Many are surprised to hear that Zach hadn’t dated at all before asking Tori out. Even stranger that he didn’t want to date around before settling down…we guess he knew she was the one!

In The Spotlight
Zach told People magazine, “Neither of us are spotlight kind of people”. Interesting he said that since the two broadcast their lives via social media for all to see. If you don’t like the attention, why don’t you use the privacy setting!

In The Spotlight
When you’re in the spotlight, you have to be extra careful about the things you do on the Internet. We are still unsure why Tori and Zach let this happen. Tori responded to the haters saying, “GUYS. THE MOWER WASN’T ON”.

Let’s Be Frugal
Since the couple mainly rely on the show for income, they need to be very frugal with their money. Zach has this down, but Tori has some learning to do! Zach confided in his dad that he was very worried about Tori’s spending, and even more worried it would drive a wedge in their marriage.

Let’s Be Frugal
Compromise is a crucial part of any relationship. “I’ve always said that when Zach and I get married, I’m going to get two signs, and it’s going to say ‘Mrs. Right’ and ‘Mr. Always Right,’” Tori joked. Matt told his son, “The worst words a man can ever, ever hear in his entire life, ‘I told you so'” Zach seemed to ease up after that talk with dad.

50% Chance
When the couple tried for a child, they were aware that their baby had a 50% chance of having achondroplasia, a type of short-limbed dwarfism, like Zach. On an episode of Little People Big World the couple talked about the possibility. “It’s a big deal, It is scary. No parent wants to hear that their child is different, no matter what that is” Tori said. Zach had a different view saying, “But to me, that’s not different. He’s just like me!” This whole conversation was aired on TV!

50% Chance
One Knee
We can all agree that proposals should be memorable right? Tori’s was memorable, but for all the wrong reasons! “It happened after a long day of work. It was my turn to drive out to the farm, but of course I was being difficult and wanted to stay home to just chill but Zach was insistent that I come. So I got dressed and headed out the door.” Zach made Tori follow him throughout the grounds of the farm, until they happened upon a wooden platform and Zach got down on one knee. Can you believe that Zach’s brothers and watched the whole thing?!

One Knee
Height, Height, Height
We can only assume that the height difference between Zach and Tori can get in the way often. We feel that Tori speaks a bit too much about Zach’s height…she seems to obsess over it! “So I was wandering Target…as I do…when I heard a man say to his wife, ‘Well at least I’m taller than you.’ And the wife responded with, ‘Well I would hope so.’ Some of us just have the idea of beauty and love so backwards. It doesn’t come from outward appearances but rather from inner beauty. I don’t love Zach because of how he looks (although he is quite handsome if I do say so myself) but rather what things weigh on his heart. It doesn’t matter to me that I’m taller than my husband.” What if Zach doesn’t want the extra attention?

Height, Height, Height
Bad Timing
Many fans still can’t believe Zach proposed to Tori just months after his parents’ tumultuous break-up. Matt and Amy broke up in March 2014, and Zach proposed in May 2014…talk about bad timing! Either way, we’re happy Zach and Tori’s wedding was wonderful and that they have a beautiful and healthy son, and best of all a happy life!

Bad Timing