Incredible Encounter That Divers Had With Seals

Published on 11/25/2021

Underwater exploration can be unpredictable, but it can also be exhilarating! With so many things to see, you never know what will happen. Divers in this situation were shocked when they put on their diving gear.

Unexpected Appearance

Grayson and his diving companion noticed something as they swam beneath the waves on that fateful day. However, there were no relics of the past or money to be found.

Unexpected Appearance

Unexpected Appearance

They Were Distracted

They were halted in their tracks by something else, despite the fact that there were numerous interesting animals and plants to go see. What could it be?

They Were Distracted

They Were Distracted

Hidden Gems Of The Atlantic

The divers were taken aback when two Atlantic gray seals appeared out of nowhere. Seals aren’t always as friendly as they appear to be, which may come as a shock to some.

Hidden Gems Of The Atlantic

Hidden Gems Of The Atlantic

Not Very Friendly

Wild seals are really not friendly towards humans, but because they are frequently fed by humans, they have become accustomed to human presence and have thus developed a neutral attitude toward us.

Not Very Friendly

Not Very Friendly

They Don’t Usually Look The Part

The fact is, despite their friendly appearance, seals are potentially dangerous to humans, and as a result, they should be handled with the same caution as any other wild animal.

They Don't Usually Look The Part

They Don’t Usually Look The Part


It was apparent that the divers had a strong sense of intuition and were knowledgeable about the sea and its inhabitants. The situation had been taken over by these irrational impulses. It was at this point that the divers realized they had no choice but to abandon the area.




As a general rule, divers are taught to avoid animals in their natural habitat. In particular, when the diver’s consequences could be significantly worse than the animal’s.



They Were Seen

Even after the approach of the seals, the divers tried to fight to maintain their composure. After all, they had been discovered by the seal before. They don’t know what to do next.

They Were Seen

They Were Seen


Even though most divers regard seals to be inquisitive and mischievous, some have been documented to become aggressive when confronted with humans who appear to be a threat.



What Will Happen?

Grayson wished to project a calm demeanor through his physical appearance. After all, the divers had infringed on their territorial rights. It was them who went to its habitat.

What Will Happen?

What Will Happen?

Still And Calm

All through the ordeal, Grayson and his scuba partner maintained their composure. Slowly, the two seals approached. This was a great photo op for the divers, so they decided to take a picture regardless of their best efforts to remain perfectly still.

Still And Calm

Still And Calm

Quickly Approaching

It is common for seals to appear out of nowhere, either lurking in the shadows or lurking in the middle of dense kelp forests. As it turned out, the divers were about to enter a forest. In order to keep track of what happened next, they kept recording.

Quickly Approaching

Quickly Approaching

Into The Unknown

Because the oceans are the planet’s largest natural habitat, nature is notorious for its unpredictability. Divers don’t know what to expect when they enter the water because so much is unknown about the seas.

Into The Unknown

Into The Unknown

Terrifying Moment

It was an opportunity that these eager scuba divers would never get another chance to experience. A close encounter with something like this is definitely something you don’t get in every day life. It must have been terrifying and esciting at the same time for the divers.

Terrifying Moment

Terrifying Moment

Once In A Lifetime

As a well-known underwater photographer, Gary Grayson had an opportunity to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime event. Remaining calm even when you’re terrified is a good idea. When the seals acted the way they did, he had no idea what to expect.

Once In A Lifetime

Once In A Lifetime

What Will The Seal Do?

Even though they have done this a lot of times before, it still not exempt them from feeling nervous and terrified when they are in the actual encounter with these kind of animals. They do not know what will happen next and what woud the seal do.

What Will The Seal Do?

What Will The Seal Do?

Seen By Millions

With a friend by his side, Grayson dove into the water and filmed the whole thing. To their surprise, however, their footage would go viral and enrage millions of people because they had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

Seen By Millions

Seen By Millions

Are They In Danger?

Ofcourse, mixed reactions from the general public should be expected. Aside from the fact that they have disturbed the creature from its home, they were geeting themselves into danger. No one knows what could happen next. Nobody knew what will the seal do with them.

Are They In Danger?

Are They In Danger?

Up Close And Personal

During the time the divers were taking pictures, the seals were getting closer and closer, which was amazing to see. In fact, the critically acclaimed film begins with a seal in front of the camera.

Up Close And Personal

Up Close And Personal

Just Babies

When the small seals got closer to the divers, Grayson and his colleague realized they were pups. When they saw this, they realized how critical it was to remain completely calm. They’re absolutely adorable. Who wants to scare them by pulling a prank on them?

Just Babies

Just Babies

Not Old Seals

It was a relief when they found out that these seals were just pups. They probably felt safe now that they are npt encountering with matured or old seals that can act very aggressively.

Not Old Seals

Not Old Seals


They were confident that the seals would be content for the time being. In their infancy, the seals were more fearful, increasing the likelihood that they would swim away from danger.



Be More Careful

During their dives, the divers made an effort not to cause any disruption to their surroundings. It should be the priroty of every divers so that animals in their habitat won’t be distrubed or cause any harm to the divers out of fear.

Be More Careful

Be More Careful

Incredible Opportunity

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to photograph these incredible creatures up close and personal was not going to be missed by the two divers. Seals greeted Grayson and his companions with open arms.

Incredible Opportunity

Incredible Opportunity

Forming A Circle

As if they were performing, the seals formed a circle around the divers and circled around them again. The divers were surprised to sea that seals were doung that time. Although it was confusing for them, it was also amazing to watch.

Forming A Circle

Forming A Circle

Charismatic Creatues

Aside from their intelligence and activity level, seals are known for having their own distinct personalities. Seals were quick to react, and one of them didn’t waste any time. You can see for yourself just how amazing this interaction is by looking at this picture!

Charismatic Creatures

Charismatic Creatures

Having Fun

The seals were all about checking the the two divers in their teritorry. They were probably curious about the unfamiliar visitors in their home and wan’t to explore.

Having Fun

Having Fun

Like No Other Dive

Seals are awe-inspiring and friendly for the most part. Those who are more aloof and distrustful may not be as welcoming. It was imperative that Grayson and his companion exercise extreme caution in order to protect themselves.

Like No Other Dive

Like No Other Dive

Experienced And Skilled

However, the divers were nervous about the outcome of their encounter with seals below. Wild seals were their first encounter with one this close. After that, things took a turn for the better…

Experienced And Skilled

Experienced And Skilled


As soon as they arrived, the seals made it clear to them that they were a curious species. The divers became more friendly as they approached and closed in on them.



They’re Not As Dangerous As They Thought

The divers were relieved and delighted by the turn of events that they had not expected. When the divers witnessed a successful demonstration of the seals’ non-aggressive nature, they felt comfortable.

They're Not As Dangerous As They Thought

They’re Not As Dangerous As They Thought

Playful Babies

After all, they were going to have a blast. In various ways, the seals resembled water dogs. Because they were so cute, they had puppy-like eyes that begged to be squealed. Instead of anticipating what was about to happen, the divers had no idea what was going to happen.

Playful Babies

Playful Babies

Close Encounter

Grayson and his companion were dumbfounded by what they were witnessing. Close proximity to the seals caused them to doubt their eyesight. The seals had all of the divers’ undivided attention.

Close Encounter

Close Encounter

Others Were There Too

Seals’ natural apprehension causes them to be reluctant to open their mouths immediately. Seals of various species were also discovered in the area.

Others Were There Too

Others Were There Too

The Friendliest

The divers were delighted when these seals approached them as if they were looking for a buddy. The video footage allowed everyone to see a once-in-a-lifetime event. The divers were still concerned, however, because strange things were happening.

The Friendliest

The Friendliest

A New Friend

Astonishingly, the seals approached the divers and began to interact with them. Grayson was tapped on the shoulder by one of the seals. It appeared as if it was attempting to grab his hands.

A New Friend

A New Friend


Grayson appeared to be invited to join in on the fun by the seal, who appeared to be waving his flippers at him. Grayson, on the other hand, reached out and shook the seal’s flippers when they first came face to face.



The Seal Takes The Lead

Astonishingly, the seals approached the divers and began to interact with them. Grayson was tapped on the shoulder by one of the seals. It appeared as if it was attempting to grab his hands. It appeared as though the seal was inviting Grayson to join in on the fun with his own flippers. On the other hand, Grayson reached out and shook the seal’s flippers when they met.

The Seal Takes The Lead

The Seal Takes The Lead

Odd Behavior

In order to gain the trust of a pod of seals, wildlife-viewing divers spend days in the water swimming alongside them. This amount of time is necessary for the seals to determine whether or not the humans pursuing them are safe to approach

Odd Behavior

Odd Behavior

Rather Strange Instincts

Measures were taken by Grayson and his diving companion when they came across the seals Strange how quickly they were approaching. As if that wasn’t enough, one of the seals decided to get right up close to the divers.

Rather Strange Instincts

Rather Strange Instincts

Sign Of Aggression

It’s common for people to misinterpret an unexpectedly close encounter with a seal as an act of aggression. Grayson and his friend, on the other hand, handled the situation admirably. Because things were going so well, the seals were eager to play.

Sign Of Aggression

Sign Of Aggression


Playfighting ensued after Grayson was nuzzled by the seal’s arm. The second seal, on the other hand, was confident enough to swim around the divers and carry on with its day. There are some differences between him and his brother, but the two remain close.



A Whole New World

As these seals glided effortlessly through the water, the impression that they were having a great time with us was heightened. They have to waddle around on their flippers and jump onto rocks or boats when they’re on land. However, they feel the most at peace when submerged.

A Whole New World

A Whole New World

Exploration Time

Seal pups spend the first four months of their lives with their mothers before they are ready to fend for themselves. Finally, the seals may be adapting to life outside of the nest. Hopefully, the seals’ mom was not keeping a close eye on them.

Exploration Time

Exploration Time

No Hesitation

Grayson was shocked when the baby seal swam right up to him. It began analyzing the diver right away. As soon as it discovered the diver was pleasant, it decided to see where things could lead. There were no limits to what this seal could achieve!

No Hesitation

No Hesitation

Nibbling Away

Grayson’s diving gear was gnawed on by the seal for a few more moments before it made an unexpected move. Concerned and apprehensive, the divers feared the worst. A few minutes passed before the divers realized what was happening.

Nibbling Away

Nibbling Away

Petting Like A Dog

There is no doubt in Grayson’s mind that the seal was delighted to be stroked right away. He began massaging the seal’s neck and head as if it were a small dog at this point. Grayson was able to continue this for a long time because of the seal.

Petting Like A Dog

Petting Like A Dog

The Luckiest Dive Of Their Life

Incredibly, Grayson and his diving companion were ecstatic. They will never forget the diving experience they had. They’d stumbled into the middle of a time warp. After that, the rest of the story was unforgettable.

The Luckiest Dive Of Their Life

The Luckiest Dive Of Their Life

Reading The Signs

The divers were unsure how long the seals would stay after the hand-flipper shake and the little nuzzle session. It’s amazing that they were able to film everything in such a short amount of time.

Reading The Signs

Reading The Signs

Just The Beginning

They could have left at any time, but the fun had just begun. When Grayson started moving around, the seal seemed to assume that Grayson was listening. The seal was becoming increasingly agitated until this occurred…

Just The Beginning

Just The Beginning

Couldn’t Figure It Out

Grayson rubbed its neck as if it was trying to communicate as the seal approached the bottom. For the second time, it bit into Grayson’s glove and begged him for mercy. Grayson had to first figure out what it was and then go after it. After a few minutes, the seal finally broke, revealing all of the information.

Couldn’t Figure It Out

Couldn’t Figure It Out

Finally Figured Out

Eventually, the seal rolled over on its back. Grayson’s mission was clear at the time. Grayson’s petting skills were so impressive that this seal insisted on having his stomach scratched. This seal provided an incredible amount of clarity. Seals aren’t the only animals to enjoy belly rubs, as evidenced by the fact that dogs and cats do, too.

Finally Figured Out

Finally Figured Out

Loving It

Incredibly, Grayson’s belly-rubbing prowess caused the seal’s flipper to flap in delight. The seal’s flabby coat swayed in time with the waves, creating a stunning sight. At one point, the seal lay on its back for an extended period of time, clearly in good spirits. Even more mischievously, the seal rose to his feet and made his next move.

Loving It

Loving It

Nudging, Nibbling And Loving

As for the seal’s new companions, it became more animated and eager to play. Grayson’s glove was being devoured by the creature, and his hand was caught in its fangs! This was the first time they’d ever seen or heard anything like this.

Nudging, Nibbling And Loving

Nudging, Nibbling And Loving

Play More

Grayson’s belly massage had worn the seal out, so he swam up to face him. The diver slid his hand under the seal’s chin and scratched it. In the video, the seal can be seen beaming with happiness.

Play More

Play More

The Second Seal

It appears that Grayson is worried about his diving partner in the video. As the seal bit his palm, he became extremely agitated. Fortunately, the bites don’t appear to be life-threatening. The diver seemed to be having a good time watching the seal play around on the surface of the water.

The Second Seal

The Second Seal

Let Them Be

Grayson then issued a command to the seal. It was Grayson’s turn to be noticed by the second seal, so he scurried over and began sniffing his toes. He may have become more trusting or sought attention after seeing the other seal being treated with care.

Let Them Be

Let Them Be

Playtime’s Over

The first seal was worn out after all the games. Once a diver began to massage and scratch the seal’s skin on its belly, the animal swam away. Its companion realized it was time to leave.

Playtime's Over

Playtime’s Over

Snooze You Lose

In spite of the fact that they didn’t move, the divers were overjoyed to see the seals swim away. They were in awe of what they had just witnessed. How unfortunate for the second seal, whose trust in the first was not nearly as high as it should have been. All of them had no idea that their meeting would be streamed live online.

Snooze You Lose

Snooze You Lose

He Was Loving It

After his video went viral, Grayson was contacted and asked about it. Asked about his well-being, he said, “I’m absolutely loving it.” “I had seen other seals in the water but they just buzzed past us. None was as inquisitive as [this seal] was, and none as friendly,” Grayson told the Manchester Evening News.

He Was Loving It

He Was Loving It

In Their World

Grayson and his companion handled this situation admirably, despite the fact that most people would be stumped. “We were advised to simply sit on the bottom of the kelp,” Grayson explained, “but the more still we were, the more curious this seal became since we were in their world.”

In Their World

In Their World

New To It All

Despite their best efforts to appear non-threatening, the seals must have found their stillness fascinating. As a new pup, these pups were more trusting of the open water than the divers, despite their impression that they could trust them.

New To It All

New To It All

“I’ve Never Known Anything Like That”

Grayson, despite his extensive diving experience, admits that he has never encountered a situation like this before, especially when dealing with wild seals in the ocean. Every diver’s fantasy, and what he described was spot on. Find out what happened in the following paragraphs…

“I've Never Known Anything Like That”

“I’ve Never Known Anything Like That”

Nowhere In The World Has This Occurred

He said, “The grey seal came across and had five minutes with me, kind of thing. Then another was climbing up my leg. I’m an experienced diver but I have never known anything like that. I’ve been all over the world, to Mexico and Cuba, to dive with great big mantras and sharks.”

Nowhere In The World Has This Occurred

Nowhere In The World Has This Occurred

Once In A Lifetime Experience

First, Grayson as well as his diving companion were taken aback by the seals’ ability to communicate with them. “I’m not one to frighten easy,” Grayson remarked, “If the truth be told, I’m a bit of an [adrenaline junkie]. Before that, I was into sky-diving, I had done aerobatics. I tend to live life on the edge. But this was certainly up there with anything I have ever done.”

Once In A Lifetime Experience

Once In A Lifetime Experience