Having a baby is the most beautiful and wonderful thing that can ever happen to a couple—imagining your new life together with a half version of you and your partner walking and running around the two of you. But of course, raising a kid is not always a burst of sunshine to a cloudy day. There will be days when you’ll get tired of running after them, looking after them, and all any other duties and responsibilities of parents that there are. It only goes to show that it is not an easy task; may it be for first-time parents or not. So what if you’re given seven kids all at once? Can you imagine giving birth to seven babies in one day? What a Wonderwoman, right? What if I tell you there’s a woman who lived to tell the tale?

Here Is What The McCaughey Septuplets Have Been Up To Twenty Years Later
In the year 1997, the married couple Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey became pregnant with their seven babies or whom people called the “McCaughey Septuplets.” They made headlines in the news and immediately became the talk of the town. The story of the uniqueness of pregnancy and the situation of the McCaughey spread out across the world like wildfire. Who wouldn’t be amazed? The seven babies were named Kenneth, Alexis, Joel, Brandon, Natalie, and Nathan. It must have been exciting to know the full story of how it went for the couple and the kids! Read on to know more.
Where Are They?
Are you wondering how the McCaughey couple and the septuplets are doing now? Anyone who might have heard about their story wonders what happened to them after they took over the headlines of the news two decades ago. It was indeed a surprise for everyone! It is nice to think that they maybe have grown into such beautiful adults and consider each other as best friends despite their differences in personalities, likes, and hobbies developed.

Where Are They?
What’s The Update?
Are you interested to know more about the famous McCaughey septuplets? Don’t worry. You’re not alone! We have gathered information and updates about the life of the lovely McCaughey family, and we would love to share it with you! We know you have a lot of questions right now as curiosity keeps creeping in your head. How old are they now? Where do they live? Did they all grow up healthy? What do they look like? Were there no complications during the pregnancy of their mother and birth? Those are just some of the questions that we might have the answer to!

What’s The Update
Welcoming Seven Children All At Once
In Deis Moines, Iowa, on November 19, 1997, Bobbi McCaughey gave birth to seven beautiful babies. The septuplets were a mix of 4 boys and three girls. They were born nine weeks earlier than the expected delivery date of Bobbi. She went through a cesarean section, and all of her little ones were out of her belly in just six minutes! It must have been a big relief for Bobbi knowing her children were all safe and sound, even knowing the risks of the pregnancy and giving birth. Just imagine what she went through all those nine months—eating for seven? Just a piece of cake for Bobbi!

Welcoming Seven Children All At Once
Welcome To The World
Handling the world’s first case of septuplets must have been an exciting and challenging journey for Dr. Paula Mahone of Iowa Methodist Medical Center. Despite the risks and consequences of pregnancy and giving birth, it was still a successful one! Each one of the septuplets weighed about 2.5 pounds to 3.4 pounds. However, not all kids were born healthy. Two of the McCaughey septuplets had developmental problems which affected their ability to walk. The rest of the kids just had minor health problems as they grew up, but nothing as severe as the other two.

Welcome To The World
Some Of Them Had Health Problems
It is indeed a miracle that all of the seven kids were born safely even though the risks both for them and their mother were there. However, not everyone was born healthy. Alexis McCaughey, who was born weighing about 2 pounds and is second in the babies’ order, was diagnosed with Hypotonic Quadriplegia. It is a disorder that causes all four limbs’ weaknesses. Alexis’ couldn’t or have trouble holding positions because of the low muscle tones in her arms, legs, and torso.

Some Of Them Had Health Problems
More Health Issues
The McCaughey septuplets were widely known across the world as they are the first-ever surviving septuplets. Eyes of the people were on them from the moment pregnancy with the seven kids broke out until they were welcomed into the world. People were still updated on how the seven kids were doing and their health status. Not only did Alexis have health problems, but so did Nathan, who weighed about 3 pounds and the fifth in babies’ order. Nathan was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia. This condition causes uncontrolled muscle tightening in his legs.

More Health Issues
Four Out Of Seven
It might have been a big curiosity for everyone back then about how the McCaughey septuplets, as well as the married couple, were coping up with that situation. Being able to give birth with all those seven kids is truly amazing; however, what’s going to come after is yet another trial the couple had to face. Natalie, who weighed about two pounds and is third in the babies’ order, and Alexis, who weighed about two pounds and is second in the babies’ order, have had severe reflux and had to be fed through a pump.

Four Out Of Seven
What The Public Had To Say
What would be your reaction if you were one of the people who saw the news about the McCaughey septuplets by the time it broke out? Would you be happy for the family, or you’d probably have a lot of concerns about their situation? The public reactions back then were a mix of positive feedback and negative feedback. Some people congratulate them and wish them well in their journey, deciding to keep and have all seven kids. However, some were not very happy with the situation and scolded them through letters sent. “In the beginning, for every ten letters we would get that were happy for us, we’d get one letter accusing us of exploiting the kids and being selfish to waste the world’s resources on a family this big,” Bobbi said in an interview in the year 2007.

What The Public Had To Say
Well-Known Around Town
After gaining massive media attention, the McCaughey received and experienced different kinds of care. They may have been overwhelmed by the public’s reaction, but it was something that they had to live with, given the shocking news they brought all over the world. In 2007, Bobbi mentioned and informed the Baptist Bulletin regarding the people who came to their house for their septuplets. “We had strangers come around to the back door, knock, and ask if they could hold a baby,” Bobbi said. If you have the chance, who wouldn’t want to, right? Even the President of the United States of America felt the same way!

Well Known Around Town
A Call From The President
To receive a phone call from the President of the United States of America might be the last thing in your mind when you’re living your daily life. However, this was not the case for the McCaughey family. By the year the McCaughey septuplets were born, President Bill Clinton just has sworn into another term of service at the Oval Office. He was astonished by the story of the McCaughey family that he even called them to offer his warm congratulations to them personally. “Everybody up here at the White House has been sitting here wide-mouthed.”

A Call From The President
An Invitation
Being recognized by the President of the United States of America would be a shocking and honorable thing to experience. McCaughey’s family not only was just recognized by the President but was also called by him! The family was offered a personal offering of congratulations on the success of the pregnancy and delivery of Bobbi McCaughey. “All of us who raised one or two kids, and three, are just amazed. But I admire you, and I think it’s great, and I hope it will be a great adventure for you the whole way through”, President Bill Clinton said to Bobbi. Delivering a kid was indeed a scary moment for all the moms out there. Imagine if you’re about to give birth to seven, you’re about to be one of the bravest moms in the entire world.

An Invitation
Visit To The White House
Have you ever imagined yourself being able to walk inside the White House and meet the President of the United States of America, having him congratulate you for something you have done? It might have been the scenario for the McCaughey family as they were invited to come to the White House for a short visit by the President himself too. What an honor, right? Well, after taking over the news all over the world, who wouldn’t want to meet the beautiful family?

Visit To The White House
Scholarships From The Get-Go
Having to raise seven kids all at once is not a piece of cake, especially in terms of financial capacity. The selective reduction was the given option to Bobbi McCaughey to lower the risk of her pregnancy and delivery complications. It might have also been a chance for them to be able to fully support their kids with their means to give them a comfortable life. However, Bobbi refused to do so and went ahead with having all seven kids. She said they would “put it in God’s hands.” After giving birth, they have received a tremendous amount of support both from the private and public sectors. Some institutions offered scholarships for the young little ones that they can avail when they grew older.

Scholarships From The Get-Go
Gifts From Birth
It must have been a blessing for the married couple, Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey, to be pregnant with seven kids. Although they do not know where the situation will take them, they still pushed and decided to have the seven kids. A lot of people were there to help them out with almost everything they needed. They were offered full scholarships for all the seven kids by the state of Iowa in all universities in the said state. Not only that, but Hannibal-LaGrange University also offered them full scholarships. The generosity of people kept pouring down for the McCaughey family as they have received a lot of help when it comes to essential supplies. They were also offered a lifetime supply of something fundamental, especially in raising babies!

Gifts From Birth
The Generosity Of Strangers
A lot of people were ready to help the family of McCaughey. Especially by the people who are very much close to them, literally. They lived in the town of Carlisle, with approximately 3,200 residents. Some of those people organized fundraisings for the family to help them out with their financial needs. Raising seven kids at once is also a significant expenditure too, aside from the other expenses the family had that time. Being recognized all over the world must have been a great help as well for the family as it allowed them to gain attention and receive support from people across the country. Also, a private company, namely Proctor & Gamble Co., offered them a lifetime supply of Pampers diapers. It was something that they needed and allowed them to save more money! Imagine buying nappies all for the seven kids and changing it multiple times a day. How much do you think it would cost?

The Generosity Of Strangers
The Donations Piled In
The McCaughey family received blessings after blessings as a lot of people and companies kept on giving donations for them. Some corporate officials even offered bank donations, a van, and groceries. What a big help for the family! Not only that, but they were also provided a furnace by a heating company and baby food every year offered by Gerber Products Co., as the Los Angeles Times said. A lot of things are coming on the way of the family! Having the spotlight for the years went by, many may not have known that the McCaughey couple did have another child even before the septuplets were born.

The Donations Piled In
Do Not Forget The Eldest Child
Having the spotlight focused on the septuplets, many of the people who have known them via news and interviews may not know that Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey have an eldest child. This information was not paid attention to that much as the world was in shock by the seven little ones. Mikayla Marie, who was born twenty-one months ahead, January 3, 1996, was the eldest among the siblings. After her seven siblings were born, she always lent her mother a helping hand.

Do Not Forget The Eldest Child
Mikayla Marie
Mikayla Marie, the eldest among the siblings, was there to help her mother, Bobbi McCaughey, throughout the playtime and bottle feeding session of her seven siblings. It might have been an exciting twist of life for her as she now has seven little ones that soon to be her best friends. It must have been fun playing with all seven of them. She did not even need to go out of the house to play with friends because she has seven siblings already! Mikayla is now happily married to a pastor and is currently living in Kansas City. In 2017, she gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Beckham.

Mikayla Marie
The McCaughey Septuplets’ Sweet Dreams
Even after two years after the McCaughey couple shocked the world, their septuplets are still not forgotten! Wes Yoder, their media and spiritual advisor, and the President of the Nashville-based Ambassador Artist Agency back then, produced a lullaby album for the McCaughey septuplets in celebration of their second year birthday. The album was named “The McCaughey Septuplets Sweet Dreams”. Various artists from across London to Nashville gave their efforts and time to create the collection for the seven kids.

The McCaughey Septuplets’ Sweet Dreams
Artists Who Wanted To Help
A lot of Christian musicians from different places have contributed and helped to work on the album. The Christian musicians were Kathie Lee Gifford, Cindy Morgan, Steeve Green, Michael Smith, Ginny Owens, Geoff Moore, Chris Rice, Sandi Patty, and Kim Hill. The album featured a total of sixteen songs. The McCaughey couple had to turn into music to be able to provide for their family. However, they also did some performances in church, and half of the profit will be given to the foundation they started to help out. This foundation helps out families with multiple kids as well. They used different kinds of methods to be able to raise funds and share light and knowledge about their situation.

Artists Who Wanted To Help
A Book Deal As Well
It was no secret that the courage of the McCaughey couple was indeed unbelievable. The decision they made about two decades ago was courageous and scary at the same time, for they did not know what’s going to happen nor the consequences that were waiting for them once they were already in that situation. However, with all the faith they put in and trust with God, as Bobbi said, when she was offered the selective reduction, everything turned out pretty well for the whole family. After the release of the album he produced for the septuplets, Wes Yoder, was also able to land the family of McCaughey a book deal! The book would generally be about their story, from the pregnancy and up to that time, and will also focus on emphasizing the faith and courage the family had.

A Book Deal As Well
Amazon Synopsis
The Amazon synopsis of the book Seven from Heaven reads, “This story of simple faith recounts the events leading up to, during, and following the births of the only living septuplets in the world.” The book not only tells the history of how the seven babies were born or the struggles that the McCaughey family went through but also about the support they received from all the people who admired them and, most importantly, the firm faith that the couple had back then. However, when the seven little ones turned into adults, the McCaughey made a significant and life-changing decision.

Amazon Synopsis
They Ended Up Selling The House
Time flows by so fast that sometimes we don’t even notice that people around us are growing up, getting old, and maturing. When the seven kids of Bobbi and Kenny grew up and left home, and they became empty-nesters, they sold their 5,500 sq. Ft. Home. The house has seven bedrooms and five bathrooms. It was a gift the married couple received back from the Clark Company way back in 1998. The house was then inherited by a non-profit organization based in Des Moines called Ruth Harbor. The organization helps young mothers and gives them housing and support.

They Ended Up Selling The House
After the septuplets left home and finally were able to manage their own lives, their parents, Bobbi and Kenny, sold their home, which was a gift from Clark Company, to the organization that gives young mothers housing and support. The McCaughey couple now lives in a three-bedroom house. “We have been blessed to receive such a wonderful gift, and nothing would please us more than the idea of our home being used as a place of refuge to others in need.”, Bobbi said. Now that the septuplets left home, do you have any idea where their lives have taken them, and how are they doing now?

Kenny “Class Clown” McCaughey, Jr.
Being the eldest in the septuplets, it might have felt like he’s the leader of a pack. However, Kenny McCaughey was described by his siblings as the “Class Clown.” It must have been having so many siblings to play with and talk to any time of the day. It’s like living in a house together with your best friends. Kenny pursued vocational studies in Des Moines Area Community College to take up Construction Trade. He lived in the family house while studying there.

Kenny “Class Clown” McCaughey, Jr.
A Big Family
After being guests on TODAY in 1997, they came to the show, finally, after 18 years. Just a few days before their 18th birthday, the McCaughey family was once again called up to be the guests on said show. They were interviewed and were questioned about how they managed their lives up to that day. Kenny said, “Just having a big family with a lot of brothers and sisters to hang out with. You’re never alone, and there’s always someone to talk to”. He also added, “That’s what I think is best.”

A Big Family
Kelsey “The Singer” McCaughey
Kelsey McCaughey was just about 2.4 pounds when she was born. She was the lightest among all the other six kids and was born fourth in order. Kelsey was into music, just like her parents. It was her dream. However, not everything always really goes your way. She postponed her dreams and planned to pursue music and majored in public relations at Hannibal LaGrange University. In the interview on TODAY, she mentioned, “It was a culture shock, for sure,” when asked about her decision with regards to attending university, which was far away from their home.

Kelsey “The Singer” McCaughey
Difficult Transition
Kelsey McCaughey also added in their interview on TODAY, “It was a difficult transition to be away from our parents and be outside of Iowa, but I think that we all did welcome it, and just really created new friendships and met new people in a new environment.” It might have been a great adjustment for everyone. Not just for Kelsey, but her siblings as well. Leaving home after spending your whole lives with your siblings and parents, being there always 24/7, is not something you can easily just leave behind.

Difficult Transition
Natalie “Smarty Pants” McCaughey
It is no secret for us that the McCaughey septuplets did not all have a good start and healthy lives when they were young. One of them is Natalie. She and her sister Alexis suffered from severe reflux when they were little ones and had to be fed using a pump. However, this did not stop the two from having a good life. Now, Natalie is considered the “Smarty Pants” in the septuplets. Her drive to be successful in her studies was the reason why her other siblings named her smarty pants. “I’m the one who takes school very seriously and spends a lot of time with homework and studying,” she said.

Natalie “Smarty Pants” McCaughey
A Married Lady
Natalie McCaughey, the “Smarty Pants” among the siblings, attended Hannibal LaGrange University just like Kelsey. Even when she did not mention what her GPA was when or even if we did not receive any updates with regards to her studies being the smarty pants, we know for sure that she had no trouble in finding the right man to marry. Natalie tied the knot with her college sweetheart, Shawn Geralds, in May of 2019.

A Married Lady
Nathan Is A Computer Geek
Nathan McCaughey, who was born with a weight of about 3 pounds and is the fifth in babies’ order, was just like Alexis and Natalie. He also had a rough start growing up as he suffered in disorder as well called Spastic Diplegia. Of course, this did not stop him as well in creating his dreams and living to make it come true. Nathan was into computers ever since he was a child. “I want to go into something with computers, probably into computer sciences,” he mentioned in an interview in the year 2015. It’s no surprise for his parents and siblings when he pursued a career in that field.

Nathan Is A Computer Geek
All About Computers
Nathan started to express his love for the computer at a young age. As the years went by, his interest in computers grew even bigger. He then took up Computer Information Systems at Hannibal Lagrange University, together with Joey, Kelsey, and Natalie. “I’ve just always liked to do computer stuff,” he said. At the age of 22, he even plans to make a career in line with it. It must have been nice to know what you want to do when you grow up at a young age. He had only focused on one thing he desired the most, and now he’s slowly making his way to his dreams.

All About Computers
Joel “The Bookworm” McCaughey
Joel McCaughey, who was named “The Bookworm” by his siblings because of his love for reading, was born weighing about 2 pounds and the last to be taken out of the womb of her mother, Bobbi. Joel also has a love for computers, just like Nathan did. Books were just an added hobby for him, aside from exploring computer-related activities. He also took up Computer Information Systems at Hannibal LaGrange University, just like his other three siblings. It’s a good thing that he has someone whom he can share his passion with, and that is, of course, Nathan, the Computer Geek.

Joel “The Bookworm” McCaughey
Alexis Made It To The Cheerleading Squad
Alexis McCaughey was one of the McCaughey children who suffered disorders when they were young. She had a Hypotonic Quadriplegia. However, during his high school days, it may have seemed like she did not have it at all! After going through multiple surgeries to strengthen her muscles in her legs, she finally proved that she’s all well already. It was a huge accomplishment for her when she became part of the cheering squad in her highschool. For her, it was a dream come true.

Alexis Made It To The Cheerleading Squad
Pretty Impressive
Alexis McCaughey just not proved that she can do anything she wanted when she paid attention to it by overcoming Hypotonic Quadriplegia but also when she pursued early child education in Hannibal LaGrange University, where her other four siblings also took up their preferred courses. It is amazing for Alexis to pursue such a career path as it is one of the most admirable ones out there. It indeed requires the love for children of young ages, which we are pretty sure she has!

Pretty Impressive
Brandon Joined The Army
Choosing a career path is not as easy as it sounds. This is where your life will take you and will revolve. It may not be the case for everyone, though. However, one of the McCaughey septuplets pursued a different kind of career, much different from the others. Brandon decided to join and serve in the military. After years of training and serving, he became a sharpshooting United States, Army Ranger. He was also deployed out of the U.S. during his serving years and became part of U.S. Army Infantry. When he got back home, he tied the knot with Alana Hale in August 2019.

Brandon Joined The Army
Wedding Registry
Weddings are really exciting! From the dances, the guests, gifts, and the programs that are prepared for the newlywed are something to be delighted about. It must have been nice seeing the items in Brandon and Alana’s wedding registry; cookware, dinnerware, storage, and gadgets. Seeing the items on the list may give you a hint that the couple wanted to stay longer for dinner quite often! The whole family must be invited then!

Wedding Registry
What Bobbi Had To Say About The Kids
Being a mother of eight kids in total and raising seven kids all at once is one of the superpowers that Bobbi had to unlock. It was indeed a great challenge for her and her husband, Kenny. Things may not always go their way, but thankfully, they have their family’s and friend’s support by the time the septuplets were born. They received a tremendous amount of love from different people and companies altogether. Her strong faith was tested multiple times, but it was the only thing he held upon so dearly when things went crazy for her and her family. “That has been the rock that we have had to stand on,” she mentioned in an interview on TODAY.

What Bobbi Had To Say About The Kids
Empty Nest
It must have been hard both for Kenny and Bobbi when all of their children went on with their lives and were left in their homes. It was a big adjustment, from having so many kids in the house to just being the two of them. They may now be empty nesters, as what they call it, but they still have their grandson, Beckham, that they look after. They’re just now focusing their attention on the little kid and their relationship.

Empty Nest
Missing Everyone
Being left in the house by our children is maybe one of the saddest parts of being a parent. Of course, you can’t hinder them from going out and exploring the world by themselves because sooner or later, they will create their own family too. It must be sad, but it is fulfilling knowing that you have done your part as a parent. The McCaughey couple, for sure, is feeling the same way. As Bobbi said, “It’s been very different in some respects it’s been fun because Kenny and I have managed to do a lot more things, just the two of us, but I kind of miss the business of having everyone at home. When they are home, it’s really enjoyable and something we look forward to a lot.”

Missing Everyone
Now A Grandmother
Bobbi McCaughey, being a grandmother to Becham, was asked how it feels to be one in an interview today on the 21st birthday of her septuplets. “The love for them is the same, but the responsibility is so different,” she answered. When all her children left home, she was just able to spend time with her grandson, Beckham. Of course, raising Becham is not her responsibility, but as a loving grandmother that she is, she sometimes looks after him together with his husband. “It’s just been fun to be able to visit and see the milestones and get to do all the fun things with (Beckham), but I don’t have to raise him.”, she added.

Now A Grandmother
What Kenny Is Doing Now
We have always talked about the septuplets and Bobbi. Let us now talk about the father of the seven kids, Kevin McCaughey. He was once an employee of Chevrolet with a position in the Finance Department as a billing clerk. He decided to leave his job and pursue a different path from dealing with a lot of numbers. Kevin, after his resignation, decided to pursue a career in public speaking. He did hold a press conference in a church where he and Bobbi got married and talked about the “Miracle of Birth.” He also talks to pro-life groups in different places of the country.

What Kenny Is Doing Now
During his interview with today and on the 18th birthday of the septuplets, he mentioned and explained how it felt and what it was like to see his children born. “For me, it was seeing them each come out of the womb,” he said. “It was quite a sight to see that.” Right now, he holds a position in a church, a deacon, whose task is to visit different older members of the church and manages a fund for them.

Helping Families With Multiples
It is touching that Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey are also helping other families who were blessed with multiple kids too. They must have known the feeling of raising several kids all at once as they have lived to tell the tale and were part of history. There are no other persons in the world who know better in having how many kids at the same time than the McCaughey couple. They have been blessed with so many things even from the beginning, and they have ought to share those blessings with other families that have the same situation they had two decades ago.

Helping Families With Multiples
Learning From The Professionals
As we have known, the McCaughey couple, Kenny and Bobbi, have been helping out different families in different areas with multiples. Based on their own experience, Bobbi and Kenny knew how hard it was to raise multiple kids all at once; the struggles and hardships that they have encountered with only just the two of them taking care of their seven kids. The couple then extended their arms to the family of Jeanette and Mark Zimlich of Mobile, Alabama. They had quintuplets! Kenny and Bobbi offered their help and shared their words of wisdom to the young couple.

Learning From The Professionals
Ensuring They Were Set
Not only did the McCaughey offered help and shared their words of wisdom, but they also managed to get donations for the young couple who have quintuplets! Brings us back to when the McCaughey couple received so many donations for their septuplets, indeed. They managed to provide them baby food, toys, diapers, and other essentials. It’s very heartwarming to know that the couple was able to give back the blessings they received when the septuplets were still young. Because of the love and blessing they received from others, they became a blessing to other people too.

Ensuring They Were Set
Turning 21!
In November 2018, the septuplets turned 21! Finally, they are of legal age. They can do whatever they want, may it be drinking or just travel around the world. It’s a huge accomplishment, especially for the McCaughey couple. Their septuplets have grown into such fine adults and are now ready to toast that champagne with them! The seven kids celebrated their birthdays in different places as they are far away from each other, given that they have pursued different career paths after they left their home. But, they also had a big celebration in their family home, complete and happy!

Turning 21!
Worldwide Phenomenon
It was indeed a worldwide phenomenon when the McCaughey septuplets were born in 1997. They have gained a massive amount of attention from the press. That’s what the septuplets thought, too, when they grew older and realized that they are not just ordinary kids like the others, but amazingly, of course. They thought it was a huge accomplishment, but now that they are grown adults, it is much more amazing to see how they have grown as a person and taken different paths on their own. They became brave and independent in their ways as they try and manage their own lives.

Worldwide Phenomenon
Own Interests & Hobbies
Even sharing a womb and growing up together, the McCaughey septuplets have their different personalities that developed and even hobbies. At such a young age, they managed to have their interests in things. I guess even how much you spend time with someone; you will always have your own unique identity that will arise. Being born with so many siblings might be fun, fulfilling and gets you thinking you do not need friends anymore as you have them in your house daily and 24/7! Well, that is not the case for the McCaughey septuplets. Even with being their siblings around all time, they still managed to spend time with their friends.

Own Interests & Hobbies
Not So Highly Publicized Any Longer
Back in 1997, the pregnancy of Bobbi McCaughey must have been the content of each newspaper across the United States. Especially when the septuplets were born! Every corner of their country might have been updated as the septuplets have taken over the news in that year. They became so popular and received so much love and support from different people across the country. However, as the years went by, news about the septuplets became lesser and lesser. It is probably because the McCaughey couple wanted their kids to have normal lives as possible and also because we do not recognize the famous kids as the adults that they are today.

Not So Highly Publicized Any Longer
Unbreakable Bond
In an interview with TODAY, Natalie said, “We’re not just siblings, but we’re all best friends, I know that we’re all just thankful for the relationships and the bonds that we have together.” Having siblings and living with them for how many years create such a special bond. They might have grown with different personalities and interests, yet they are still all the same little kids once that played together happily and shared the same womb. They might be separated in the distance given that they have their own lives to deal with, but definitely, they would not be a part of the hearts of each other.

Unbreakable Bond